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Everything posted by transam

  1. Wrong, It's 90 days and must have an IDP........ Plus, the OP hasn't got a licence...🤗
  2. Read up on Hitler, you may then forget the "madness", if not get down to McDonald's.......
  3. Go to the airline desk..."passport please, thank you, oh, you have dope in it".....😱
  4. The arrow was better on the right, when it comes back. But overall, after many years, the TT link has improved things tenfold........
  5. "Totally unbiased here", hmmmm, don't you recall any of your posts, or has Mossad been in touch.........😂
  6. Well, there's not many of those on here, including myself..........😝
  7. Do we have a Russian member, or one that doesn't realise that Putin has invaded a neighbouring country and killed thousands of its civilians. A member that thinks Europe should do nothing and let similar happen to when Hitler had big ideas. Chummy, in your case, Sausage is apt.........🥴
  8. The jabs do not stop you catching Covid, but may save your life if you have been jabbed............
  9. Once again, you are talking rollox out of your lower half...............🥴 Lazada GUARANTEE'S your money back if a problem, as long as the item is sent back in original condition. I also laugh at those here that say they pay with card and let them leave it on the door step. To you, my question is, you come home, and it isn't on the doorstep, what do you do.....? 🤭
  10. Although I agree with your first sentence, the rest is cr@p.........🤔
  11. I think that has nothing to do with the topic, tough you could start an English grammar thread.............
  12. Just say,, "Kup, kup, kup".........Which means you are home............🤭
  13. And why not, are you a Vicar........?
  14. So how about your assertion having problems getting refunds...Tell all....🤔
  15. Lazada has it........ https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/branston-pickle/?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.search.2.71f767d0739D5A&q=branston pickle&_keyori=ss&clickTrackInfo=abId--378451__textId--6106959530377478735__score--7.657841__pvid--8cac6a1d-a031-4ce4-a29e-b5715ec2cdaa__matchType--1__matchList--1-2__listno--0__inputQuery--branston__srcQuery--branston pickle__spellQuery--branston pickle__ctrScore--0.564406__cvrScore--0.071582854&from=suggest_normal&sugg=branston pickle_0_1&catalog_redirect_tag=true
  16. I think you are talking out of your lower half, I have never had a problem with refunds, except a seller hanging it out to his 3 day limit...🤔
  17. C.O.D. for me, done it for years, they phone when on route, if you are not in, you tell them to come back the next day..........Easy...🤗
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