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Everything posted by transam

  1. Eeeeeeeeeeeeer, nobody here believes that stuff, except BN................????
  2. Yes, it pays for ALL third party claims, injury and damage...
  3. Could be that big blackhead on the end of your nose....................
  4. I hope the bus driver doesn't get arrested for not seeing him ...........????
  5. But somebody on here said you and I are daft for not knowing....????
  6. You agree that folk shouldn't own expensive cars, is that because you could never afford one.......................???? In the UK, you cannot drive on the road without proper insurance, you cannot road tax your car without proper insurance. But, in LOS you can, all you need is the gov third party injury insurance, if you have a damage prang, you pay for it..........????
  7. As promised, when my UK state pension finally got into my account this morning, it worked out at 44.66 bht to the pound.....????
  8. Nothing to deal with in LOS, though you must do a border hop every 90 days, which for me is OK because the border is about an hour away...
  9. Yes, assembled, same as many other brands.....????
  10. She was stuck in a traffic queue....................????
  11. It reads like you envy those better off than you............????
  12. I think that is a daft comment.............????
  13. I think that is a daft comment..............????
  14. Sort of, the dog now thinks that it is its job.......????
  15. Buy one of those ultrasound thingies, humans cannot hear the sound waves. It is little money to try and save your sanity..... https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/ultrasonic-dog-deterrent/
  16. R.E.M. is not underrated...........Where did you get that idea from...?
  17. The Roller has incredible brakes compared to the pick-up. I hope he is not driving on only the Gov insurance.............???? But even if he has insurance, I doubt it will cover the Rollers repairs by RR.....
  18. I don't think any British guy wants to be like an Aussie...
  19. Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree, Hotel California............????
  20. No, not into B.S.A. bikes, more a Norton guy, as I worked there.............????
  21. I've got 10 cars and 17 bikes, so there, none are on credit though...............????
  22. Ooooooooooooooooh no we don't..........And many of us don't have finance to worry about............I hope your job is safe......???? Ralphy, be careful you don't fall off your high horse, especially if it's on credit......????
  23. Perhaps we don't have finance...........????
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