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Everything posted by transam

  1. They come and collect your car to have it tested.....?
  2. This thread should be renamed... " For the Classy Farang Brigade only"...............????
  3. That's one less to annoy folk........ I hope he has a nice bill to fix the bike.......????
  4. Savannekhet, Laos, if you are married. Can go alone, no financials needed, printouts of wife's ID, house book, your passport main page. Application form with 2 photos. Most important, original marriage certificates and copies of, take an updated Kor Ror 2 to be safe, hand over 5000bht... It opens at 8.30 or 9am, closes sharp at 11am, you collect PP between 2pm-4pm the next day, to avoid looong queues, go Tuesday or Wednesday.
  5. Boy Scout camp.........
  6. Yet they allowed Puff shops to open...................???? Beer drinking is 100% part of Thai custom/culture, they are brought up with it, the only restriction to youngsters is cash flow..........
  7. He keeps chickens.....................
  8. He could move there, the English is pretty good, though benefits maybe scarce....
  9. It's called a pension................???? Sadly, the OP has no claim on the house he is living in, if things go.......???? Dunno what FTFY is..................????
  10. Oh, look whose turned up.................????
  11. I have reset BIOS many times on systems, as well as other stuff to fix probs. Pull out the battery, switch links to clear CMOS, loads of things to fix odd problems are there. Install a decent driver updater, IObit Driver Booster is excellent.... If the OP hasn't done that, do it now....????
  12. Update, the Gov insurance paper with the silver strip down it turned up today, which will be kept in the car for the ol' Bill... PS. Remember, we taxed the car on the email print off, so it seems my insurance broker has all the dots lined up....????
  13. Gov. compulsory is paid for separately, most brokers ask if you want it, because you may already have it. You will have paid for it on top of the insurance you purchased, as they must pay the Gov....????
  14. Have a read............. https://www.gov.uk/renew-driving-licence-at-70
  15. Or because he wears a ball cap and spends his lunchtime in McDonald's and has a fake tan, like themselves...........
  16. This makes it clearer for me........???? https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/travel/renew-driving-licence/
  17. Because us Brits don't care what Aussies or anyone else calls a flyover, life is too short, chap...................????
  18. Renew every 10 years, the photo thingy, yes, the licence ends on 70th birthday, I don't know the procedure from there. https://motorway.co.uk/sell-my-car/guides/how-to-update-your-driving-licence#:~:text=You should renew your licence,licence once every three years.
  19. Paragraph...
  20. A UK licence has to be renewed every 10 years, the paper one is long gone. Also, when 70 years old a doctor is involved, cannot renew from abroad, unless done dodgy.... But I will stand corrected if things have changed...
  21. You have a 5 year Thai licence, yet it is old and "tatty", what is the expiry date on it.....?
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