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Everything posted by transam

  1. Sold my 4x4 Vigo auto in LOS when it was 11.5 years old, not a spot of rust when I sold it, underside no problems either. I always had a look when up on the hoist for oil change at B-Quik, though l do not live near the sea, it only saw fresh water....????
  2. I don't believe for one minute you contacted your Thai friends to ask if this bike rider was their hero. Mrs.T doesn't follow motor sports, but the Thai lady Olympic weight lifting medal winner was her hero.....???? PS. You are looking at a word through farangy eyes, take off the farangy blinkers.........????
  3. Was there any mention of money in the bank, or is it the same as before, just original marriage certs and copies etc...?
  4. So what, has that got anything to do with this thread.......? ????
  5. But I am looking at it with my perceived thoughts of Thai folk and their hero, not my farangy hero stuff.....????
  6. .....and there are always people knocking a Thai's achievements, shame really, but expected... ????
  7. In a country that doesn't win much in the sporting world, I would have thought his country folk would look at him as a hero....???? Have you earned any accolade in the sporting world....????
  8. It should be.. "Do you worry about running out of charge in an EV when you don't have to in a petrol car as you can top up in a zillion places"... Though I must confess, 1995, driving a Cady through the Florida Everglades looking at the fuel gauge nudging empty, not a gas station to be seen.....????
  9. You can't row a boat without oar's.....????
  10. On my FB page today it had mini video clips to look at, one was an MG with flames coming out of a front inside door panel, plastic dropping off, looked like where a speaker would be. I tried to download it but failed. ????
  11. Just fill up with Shell V-Power, it has all the additives you will ever need....????
  12. More chance of vomit near your bar stool chap....????
  13. Well, the LOS leader did take the country by force, at least they are on the same wavelength.....????
  14. Yes, and Putin is trashing Ukraine to oust Nazi's, if it wasn't so sad it would be funny.
  15. A very interesting read, I wonder if the Russian supporters here will reply to it....... https://www.yahoo.com/news/evidence-shows-russian-soldiers-executed-141908975.html
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