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Everything posted by transam

  1. But, you are looking at things from your farangy hi-so perspective.........😉 As for your Phuket, you 'avin a larf...............
  2. They won't be, a lot of Churches would have to close their doors...........🤭
  3. Is that from your Russian or farangy perspective...?....🤗
  4. "BLAME", Putin's bloody invasion, what on earth is the matter with you.............GOOD GRIEF.......😤
  5. Noooo, western blokes who support a murdering dictator have that accolade...............😉
  6. I believe many are in jail over puff, is that right.........? 🤔
  7. It would seem a very big problem, zillions of numpties ruining their lives when they have been told time and time again the risks. But, you carry on............
  8. I never said it wasn't, I like coffee too, both are LEGAL..............🙄
  9. Isn't being hooked on a drug mechanical brainwashing.........? 🤔
  10. Lock more people like you up, or grant you your wish to help Putin out, supply you with a canoe...............
  11. Not now, they're not.......................
  12. Doubt it, Brits would not be taken in by Trump's lying BS..........🐂
  13. Think he's learning Russian at the mo, a bit confused...🤕
  14. Indeed, gets tiresome at times.........🤔
  15. "Mental illness, toddler tantrums"..........Go back and read your post................😉
  16. 😂........Pointless, utterly pointless...................😂
  17. You didn't read the next sentence then..............
  18. So we all must do daft stuff like you, take drugs, just to test them...........😂 You can't make this sh_t up.............🤣
  19. You posted the vids........... You can't get out of that, carry on watching, if it's your thing, enjoy...................
  20. ..................or voters................🤕

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