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Everything posted by transam

  1. Trump will not go with her...........😬
  2. No, you've been Tango'd............🤗
  3. Because she is not a crook, but, are you telling me she has no cash from the loooooong list of jobs, with no court appearances included.................😂
  4. And.............?
  5. I bet you printed that off, a secret crush, rascal..............😘
  6. You are also an insider, wow, a new bloke too, we are so lucky, eh....................
  7. Eeeeeeer, no loss to me, I am not American, but it seems the points I have put forward over the weeks has struck a nerve with a few of you. Thrashing, don't think so, not when Trumpettes say Trump doesn't lie, which the World knows is a fact that he did tell lies. Now perhaps it is you that should forget about being cornered at times and move on, eh.......
  8. Load of tosh...............
  9. Don't talk complete rubbish..............
  10. Oh dear, a <deleted> with no clue.....................🤔 https://www.politico.com/interactives/2023/trump-criminal-investigations-cases-tracker-list/
  11. If you think you haven't told porkies that Trump doesn't tell lies, but Harris has, is extremely funny, or, you are BS-ing, which I think you are, or perhaps you may have a problem...🤕 Now go read your posts, and do a simple Google on Trump telling lies............😋
  12. Sorry, I cannot make it any simpler than that just for you.......🥴
  13. No, I am commenting on an embarrassing lying felon ................🤗
  14. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.....Really, oh, and keep your pet's in sight....................😋
  15. 🤣.....Go read your posts...........🤣
  16. You say, "Harris is a complete moron", with her CV, what does that make you, a donkey.......?
  17. 🤣.........Even you can't tell the truth.................🤣
  18. Strange you never mention the problems Trump has, and folk like you voted the lying felon in, which is absolutely, amazing.............
  19. Strange, you don't know ANY facts that your leader has spouted...........

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