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Everything posted by transam

  1. Are you sure you're not Burt Ward.........
  2. Blimey, you can talk........................
  3. That is a 100% Trumpette excuse, do you think an honourable Federal Judge would tell lies, well yes you would, because that is what your leader has taught you, eh..........😂
  4. Desperate, if anyone is desperate, it has been in your posts.......🤕............🤭 Republican Federal Judge....I am still waiting............
  5. Deflecting, you can talk.... Still waiting for your thoughts on the Republican Federal Judges comments on Trump, you Trumpettes have dodged it..............🤣
  6. Perhaps for you, he has a squeaky voice, or couldn't find what he did on holiday with his wife 40 years back, that's the usual type of excuse you Trumpettes come up with when blinded by facts.......... Anyhooo, you can stand down now, get back to doing your search on the Net for a "Trump Followers Orange Powder Puff" gift set.............😁
  7. Gotcha, COWARD........... A Republican Federal Judge is toooo much for you.......... You are, buried................
  8. Common sense from the Economist.......... They most definitely didn't want the future stigma of supported a nutter..........
  9. You're 'avin a larf......................Trumps gaffs are homemade, but you can't see it...............🤣
  10. More likely, it was the geezer he was with......😉
  11. Here, I look forward to your comment on it, the rest of your chums have disappeared over it........................😂
  12. Comment please on this, you Trumpettes are avoiding it.................
  13. You forgot to tell me your opinion on the Republican Federal Judge's take on your hero, Trump, are you cornered by someone who matters understanding that Trump is nuts...?..🤔
  14. I will post this again for a response from you, as the Trumpettes here have said nothing in reply, I wonder why that is....🤔 The guy is a retired Republican Federal Judge, watch what he has to say and tell us what you think....?
  15. I just knew facts would be waaay over your head...............🤕...........🤭
  16. Not straws, facts, ol' boy.........😉
  17. Don't confuse him even more.............🤕...............🤭
  18. So, are you feeling OK................ It is now 2024........................😆
  19. So what is this Republican nominee going to do..............? 😂 Just watch the fruitcake in this..............😆
  20. If the Trumpettes here cannot now see Trump is a fruitcake, they should reevaluate themselves......
  21. Why don't you listen to a sensible chap who talks the facts from a very high position......I will be very interested in your response to it........😉
  22. A celery, hmmm, nobody wants you to drive a vegetable, even if you are a vegetable, chap............🤭

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