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Posts posted by jayjayjayjay

  1. It's funny, cos the USA are holding over 20 miion tons of wheat right now, far more than the Thai rice stock pile. This is a good program that does help grass root people. It's corrupt just as every other deal in Thailand involving civil sevice. Funny how it is just a political football and a program that will be lost because of the games all are playing. And not for a minute do I think Abhisit/Suthep would clean it up any better than it is run now... That's why I love Thailand. Keep everyone poor so we can enjoy keeping them down. Other than that, I still wonder what the 24% of the workforce who are government workers would do if they did not have corruption to play with every day!!!!

  2. Another staged event, this one to revive a 90's pop career. This nation's politics are truly farcical.

    Update: It has just been reported that a pitched battle broke out on stage at the Asoke intersection protest site between pro-and anti government demonstrators. Eye witnesses said some of the involved appear to be Rick Astley, David Cassidy, Dean Friedman, the Teletubbies and Freddie Starr. Police are still looking for one assailant who escaped into the crown after bumping into everything on the stage and then frequently falling over. The authorities have released a photograph of a person they wish to interview who in CCTV footage was seen attacking a protest guard, Noel " Ham Yai" Edmondsthaipoo.,a tuk tuk driver from Nakhorn Si Thammarat.


    Did they manage to capture My Blobby? Or was he able to flee the scene on a motorbike taxi like all the others?

    Has the Partridge Family Por Tek Tung bus been called to cater for injuries. Mrs Partridge has a plentiful supply of egg slices for scrapping up flesh of the road.

    PS. David Cassidy could well break into harmony at any time, please have additional munitions available at request.

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  3. SNIP~~~~~~~~~

    Unblemished? You'll be lucky, find me some one on the planet who is still alive that is!

    Exactly that Chiang Mai, he waffles on about corruption and he's as bent as Thaksin in his own way! and as you say, most people have drunk at that trough to some extent..But something I've been thinking of, help me out here.. This unelected "people's council", who decides who it's made up of, or do they vote for the people...... lol I always thought a people's council was the ones elected by the people, you know, the government!

    Chiangmai, I don't need you to tell me that my 25 years here does not entitle me to a comment. Sutep is only second to Taksin in corrupt power. His bitch is that the Dems have not truely been elected in in 18 years. Failed policies and failure to govern when it was handed to them by the Army. So Sutep gets poorer and poorer sitting on the position bench. So you think this is all about honor, loyalty, want of an uncorrupted government, he has had his day. Hahahah, I laugh in your face!

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  4. Suthep claimed that he is bringing the power back to people. Let the people vote then. It's like my way or highway deal, not true democracy.

    No need to vote. They are on the street now, and you just just count them.

    Yes, all disgruntled Democrat voters are on the street. You could have 10 million of them there, but THAT AIN'T ENOUGH to win the general election. You see people on the street are just there to try to get people killed so another coup detet can generate a new election. Unsatisfied you as it all came to easy you want a very undemocratic council. When will the Democrats learn that they need decent policies! Simple but the stupid people at the top of the Dems, aka Sutep and Abihisit just don't get it!

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  5. whistling.gif Nice try Pheu Thai Party, but it isn't going to work.

    The problem with Thai "Democracy" is that it is .... and has been for to long .... a "pay for results" democracy with corrupt politicians ... of BOTH parties.... using money and "favors" to get votes to win elections.

    That is not real democracy .... it is corrupt at it's very heart ... and therefore all elections do is to perpetuate the same corrupt and self-severing clique of paid politicians back into government again .... whatever political party wins.

    The only way to break that cycle is to dissolve ALL political parties for a term of 5 years (just picking a number) and having no elections in which any politician belongs to a "party".

    It's that Party Politics .... a clique of crooks .... that makes Thailand have a flawed "democracy" with politicians whose interest is firstly self-interest and the Thai people's interest a distant second.

    The only way to "clean up" Thai politics is to remove ALL the current sitting politicians OF BOTH PARTIES and to have a group of politicians who can be elected once and only once .... who rule for 5 years without th possibility of re-election after that one singlr term.

    The only way to solve present problems is to return to being a Monarchy as head of state from the existing Constitutional Monarchy!

  6. Where are they going to fit two more runways? Are they planning on 1 being the Motorway and 2 being the Bangna-Trad Chonburi overhead.... will be a bloody long walk the collect your bags. More work for the buses too. So they don't have enough air-bridges now? With the way Global Raining is going they might have to start a boat service. This will be no problem, the taxi boat drivers are pretty good, I can see them now banging up against an Airbus 380 and having to jump three stories into the back of a "longtail". Will certainly keep the WFT factor going in the tourist trade! hheheheh

  7. Where are they going to fit two more runways? Are they planning on 1 being the Motorway and 2 being the Bangna-Trad Chonburi overhead.... will be a bloody long walk the collect your bags. More work for the buses too. So they don't have enough air-bridges now? With the way Global Raining is going they might have to start a boat service. This will be no problem, the taxi boat drivers are pretty good, I can see them now banging up agains an Airbus 380 and having to jump three stories into the back of a "longtail". Will certainly keep the WFT factor going in the tourist trade! hheheheh

  8. So he is sustained by his religious fantasies..... understandable for someone in his condition.

    I went to listen to him speak. I have heard many speakers cut from different cloths; the religious, the has-been's and the corporate evangelists. some good some bad. But Nick was really something special. He gave a two hour message, entertaining, creative and not at all Christian in essence. If it had been, I would have been one of the first to be critical.

    I can truly so that this is a special man, with a special message, that can and will leave thousands feeling lucky for the lot you have, and make you better people by naturally being humbled by what Nick himself has achieved through his own drive and desire. He ask for no sympathy, he did not push Christianity, in actual fact he credited Thailand for it's religious freedom and inter-religious tolerance. Far from what you have very unkindly insinuated. I would say take a look at yourself for being such an asshol_e. Hope you feel proud of your above statement. Take a little time to youtube his name and you will find out Nick through his own spirit will be a winner time and time again, you, reading into your comment, will always be a .....T.

    Wow, such insults...pretty amusing but that is TVF for you.... as a matter of fact I have heard him speak, he is very skilled at what he does and I enjoyed his talk, I envy his attitude in the face of adversity. The article mentioned did lean heavily on his afterlife fantasy, just my observation, I do enjoy the entertaining, scornful reactions ...... carry on.giggle.gif

    Nice try, your still a <deleted> no matter what reaction you would try to illicit. I call it as I see. I spend a minute month on TV as it is full of <deleted>'s like you. If I have promoted someone somewhere to admire Nick by my reply to your pathentic post then it has been worth my rare visit back to this waste-of-space location. I chose my friends, and in a world of openness you would not be one. Lucky me.

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