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Posts posted by jayjayjayjay

  1. So he is sustained by his religious fantasies..... understandable for someone in his condition.

    I went to listen to him speak. I have heard many speakers cut from different cloths; the religious, the has-been's and the corporate evangelists. some good some bad. But Nick was really something special. He gave a two hour message, entertaining, creative and not at all Christian in essence. If it had been, I would have been one of the first to be critical.

    I can truly so that this is a special man, with a special message, that can and will leave thousands feeling lucky for the lot you have, and make you better people by naturally being humbled by what Nick himself has achieved through his own drive and desire. He ask for no sympathy, he did not push Christianity, in actual fact he credited Thailand for it's religious freedom and inter-religious tolerance. Far from what you have very unkindly insinuated. I would say take a look at yourself for being such an asshol_e. Hope you feel proud of your above statement. Take a little time to youtube his name and you will find out Nick through his own spirit will be a winner time and time again, you, reading into your comment, will always be a .....T.


    How did the audience react being mostly Thai I guess. I am wondering with the cultural differences how inspiration and motivation was received/communicated. I am envious you got the chance to go and see him. Lucky you.

    HI GentlemanJim, they had one of the best translators I've heard in many years working alone-side Nick. Translations where done what I could describe as every half sentence. As I'm lucky to be pretty much fluent in Thai I gained the best of both worlds. There were a couple of errors, but the message came over 100% clear. Nick's message was simple. Take control of your life, don't let other put you down, it only matters what you think of yourself and the only person in this world that can change your lot in life is YOU. That said and done, little was left for cultural differences. One special man, father and husband. Remarkable. And thanks for asking. :-)

  2. There is a whole word to see... starting over is great fun at any age.. find a real girl and maybe even a new trade.. England has some great music and fun you wound find in thailanxy

    So true can't wait to get back to my hometown Manchester thumbsup.gif

    It's will be a shock now that Manchester City are outgrowing United. You might need to run back to Thailand after the first season with David Moyes...my prediction.... 4th... At least there will always be these deadbeat Thai's that cheer for MANUUUU for no reason!!!

  3. Funny stuff. Since Thailand does not have any of their own islands being claimed by China, this must all seem a bit amusing to Thailand. Here is a map of what China is claiming. I am surprised they did not claim the Philippines as well. Maybe in the future that red dotted line will reach around and grab a few Thai islands as well.......

    No wonder these countries are rushing to shore up relations with America as the naked power grab of China becomes more apparent....


    I travel a lot with work. What is interesting is that Apples iPhone has these exact(red) lines marked out in there Maps. When in any other country in Asia these same lines disappear. This is the most childish of country specific bullish behaviour, they even force there hand with Apple. I constantly argue with Chinese staff and customers about how ridiculous this attitude is. Every single Chinese is patriotic to a tee and believe the entire area is theirs, no questions asked. I see this as Asia's potential time bomb, and I truly believe one or more of the SE Asian countries will fire upon the Chinese navy sometime in the next 20 years over their arrogance. The 400 pound Gorilla will cause major SE Asia instability over this line.

  4. I have said it before, but should the DSI not be investigating customs officials?

    None of this could be happening without the collusion of customs officials.

    Who in customs signed off on any of these imports?

    Investigate their supervisors, all the way to the top.

    Follow the money. Which customs officials are unusually wealthy?

    But this is Thailand, so you cannot implicate anyone of any importance. A few low level scapegoats will be charged, then silence and all will be forgotten, and the good life will continue for the blessed few.

    You could not investigate customs officials, that would change Thailand as we know it today!!!!!!! whistling.gif

  5. Boo hoo hoo. That nasty Democrat beat me a a fair election.

    They must have cheated somehow.

    I know I will ask friendly Uncle Thaksin for some advice

    He was always good at winning cheating in elctions and this is the result.

    WAKE UP you dozy little boy. You lost the election, now live with it. The real world is not what the PTP told you.

    Boo hoo WHO... This guy Tankhum ran to the courts to force this election in the first place. I think you crowd have a memory half that of a gold fish!

  6. I'm suspicious.. why is it only high profile people the get caught hanging on bathroom doors from this. I Think its the CIA having a laugh. how many other people get this urge? get a woman to sit on my face to half suffocate me maybe; or strangled me during sex but hanging on a door mastabating would be very low on my list of erotic experiences.

    2nd point , why can the police not confirm 100% whether drugs were in his system and whether it was heart attack or overdose or asphyxiation, would have thought it would have been wise to keep their mouth shut until that was at least confirmed.. save embarrassment all round..

    God damn, you would find a conspiracy in a class room of 5 year olds. Can't some people just accept the dude was doing some weird shxt by himself and died! Mother nature has a way of telling us this is not normal. Why do you have to even waist a once of thought on CIA, FBI, KGB........ the god damn dude just strangled himself the death while high on crystal meth, plain and simple. Oh, but maybe he was set up.... yeah... because he owned a $50m shopping mall or something!

    • Like 2
  7. Pity they have to include so many details, The family would probably prefer to have keep this quiet.

    Well, you can't please everyone. With fewer details, all the usual guys would be out now claiming he was killed and how it's all a cover up.

    Can't win, reporting news.

    Very fair statement. Also the details provided show what a mixed up bunch of westerns live here! Funny these two American's, this guy and that actor where both into weird shxt. Gotta hand it to the great USA!

    • Like 1
  8. There is a solution. I am just waiting for the creative Thai engineers to show us what to do!!!!!


    -really thick paint on the one side to make it look straight.

    -dig a really deep hole on the other side and tell potential clients that if it moves it will tilt back straight.

    -change it into a police station, coz they never come to work anyway.

    -pay of the government inspection agency and announce that it really is straight!!!!

    -close up all the windows and introduce RangNok birds to nest in the structure.

  9. In all of this, why do we never hear what would mean a peaceful settlement direct from an insurgent leader. I would have hoped that at some stage a reporter from at least one reputable paper could get within the insurgent group and bring to light a core values and core principle of what the insurgents would call ultimate justice for there cause. I for one suspect all the insurgent leaders believe they would like to see a utopian business environment where they control all the Oil from Brunei to Burma and turn the southern three provinces into the richest Sultanate on earth, or am I just reading too much into the picture :-)

    • Like 1
  10. Dropping in to comment on how pathetic TV posters are now. The first three comments are ridiculous political motivated comments with no value or reference to the topic of Bangkok's plight with sinking. TV, what a waist of time with moderation aimed at nothing but spanking bad little boy for swearing at each other. What a waist of time.

    • Like 1
  11. Son of somebody important? As in assistant village head?

    just another "village idiot'.

    ..and had access to what education, what medical services etc. No excuses, but your village idiot comment is sa simple and pathetic as your own attitude... go home unless you really want to look inside Thai village life were 90% of all Thai life still goes on.... no, better than that, just go home, I've yet to see any decent input from you over a couple of years.

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