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Posts posted by chrisspursbkk1

  1. Maybe I'll start up a Heavy Plant Hire firm hiring out Bulldozers to disgruntled Farangs. :o

    Going by another reply to a post you wrote saying you always advise the thai ladys to get something in there name in case of the worst, maybe like them cheating, you may have just cracked a new market. The best of luck. NOT!!!

  2. If it's just a story or the truth what a great outcome, so many times you hear of the guy lossing 49% of his home only for the girl to get 100% of it. Theres a great saying, If you play with fire you get burnt!!! I'm just glad she lost her 51%, silly two timing bitch! Nice to see the courage of someone, if i can't have it the two timing **** Won't as i payed for it.

    Can anyone see her side??? exactly!


  3. has anyone got the phone no. and address for this place??????

    Well Keeni,

    don't spose you can guess who this is??? you should know the address! but i'll refresh your memory. By the way admin this is no advert.

    Romance mansion 1

    99/9 sukumvit 97

    Banjark, Prakhanong



  4. Chargeback. Or if you used Paypal... open a non-received item dispute. If that doesn't work (it usually does)... THEN do the chargeback.


    Thanks.........the sellers responce is aggressive.....so I wasnt sure if its asking for more trouble......I did pay with paypal...I will try to go that way then. It really sucks....


    I wish you luck but paypal only offers a 45 day period in which you can make a claim, as for chargeback i've got no idear.

    Heng, terrible advice, rember shes not the postman and has supplied tracking info.

  5. Anyone interested enough in wanting to view these supposedly banned sites can easily get to them through a proxy server. This government is pretty foolish in censoring the Internet like it is doing. It only succeeds in giving huge amounts of free publicity to banned content, and heaping negative publicity / scorn on itself.

    Still, what more can you expect from a military junta? Stupid.... :o

    For the target audience the cartoons are as arousing as Playboy for its readers. Its not jokes, its porn.

    I don't want the kids to be exposed, does anyone?

    It's part of the bigger problem and I tend to be on the side of .xxx for all smut, including cartoons.

    There should be an award for hypocracy. The Thai government needs to worry about all of the BLATANT sex advertising on the streets of Thailand (not just in the touristy areas) before attacking the internet.

    When will someone step up and accept that Thailand is a sex-selling country? I have been here for 15 years and have NEVER seen any real crackdown on prostitution or nasty gatoys dancing half naked on poles (within view of any passing tourist, including children). It's always someone else; no one in Thailand ever accepts any responsibility... narrow-minded hypocrits :D:D

  6. I agree there is racialism in Thailand regarding foreigners,

    but that is largely to protect Thailand, and I feel other nations may have to

    enact similar policies soon as foreigners are taking over in many places.

    Look at the recent race riots in France.

    I'm sorry but i don't understand how being racsit is protecting any country in the world as a nation?

    If you go back in history by 62 (not even a life time) years, millions of people had die for feedom, there really wasn't too many coutry's bowing down to it, surly thats the way? or have i missed it?


  7. He he, like you don't get beaten senseless by gangs in USA or UK if you start talking s.it or you do something stupid. Just take a look at the tons of videos on the net, it's all there for you to see.

    But hey, another occasion to bash the Thais, hard to resist uh?

    I don't think its a case of Thai bashing, your right it dose happen in the USA and UK but there its called a racsit attack. Could you imagine the reputaion of one of those countrys repetally bashing outsiders?

  8. Well done Thai Mob, least they beat him senseless, so he couldnt get behind the wheel. :D

    Yes i'm sure they knew he was on the way to his car? and where in the post did it sat that he would be driving?

    Another cowardly beating, if they really wanted justic served they would have heald him to the police had arrive to punish him.


    Well if someone pissed all over my business - I'm quite sure a thumping would be in order. :o

    I would agree but the OP stated that it was next to the food stall, i didn't read the part where it said over it.

    What i don't understand is why the moterbike gang had to get involed, surly the lady who own's the business who have prefered to get some compansation for it as oppose to more body fluids getting spilt near here stall (blood).

    Sorry one more thing, surly all the moterbike (sad bully wanna be ganster gang) gang havn't got shares in the food stall thus making it not there buisiness to get involed.

  9. Well done Thai Mob, least they beat him senseless, so he couldnt get behind the wheel. :D

    Yes i'm sure they knew he was on the way to his car? and where in the post did it sat that he would be driving?

    Another cowardly beating, if they really wanted justic served they would have heald him to the police had arrive to punish him.


    Well if someone pissed all over my business - I'm quite sure a thumping would be in order. :o

    I would agree but the OP stated that it was next to the food stall, i didn't read the part where it said over it.

    What i don't understand is why the moterbike gang had to get involed, surly the lady who own's the business who have prefered to get some compansation for it as oppose to more body fluids getting spilt near here stall (blood).

  10. Thailand is the escape for the poor of developed countries.

    Yes the poor of the developed countries who can come here and live through there days on what tiny ammount they made as a poor person.

    So all you poor people, please stop coming here spending all your money when your not taking anything out of the country and just putting in. Really makes sence. Yeah i'm sure.

    kuhn, would you be so kind as to show me the reason of this?

  11. so what???

    so we are not number 1 in asia but we are still doing great

    so what if the GDP is lower then last year its till 4.5 %. who ever said you need to be number 1 in GDP.

    But is per-capita-GDP the right measure? It depends on what question you are asking. If you ask which country will have the biggest weight in global economics, certainly headline growth is much more important than per capita growth. However, if you are looking whether an economy is able to provide growing prosperity for its citizens, per-capita-GDP is the much better indicator. And on this account, the thais are doing much better then others.

    European economic growth is likely to slow going into 2007, as weaker exports to the United States and a softening of consumer demand and business investment take affect amid higher interest rates, international ratings agency Standard & Poor's (S&P) says in its latest economic forecast for the region.

    The article, titled, European Economic Forecast: A Strong Year So Far, But

    A Slowdown On The Way, is part of a special S&P report in CreditWeek, due for

    release on August 30.

    "In the Eurozone, the way that higher interest rates affect demand in each country will partly depend on consumers' room for manoeuvre in terms of savings," said Jean-Michel Six, S&P's chief economist for Europe.

    "Whereas savings rates are likely to go up in Germany and The Netherlands, thereby amplifying the slowdown, they could edge down in France, Italy, and Spain, mitigating the negative effects of higher interest rates," he added.

    Externally, foreign demand for European products is likely to slow in 2007, and the euro exchange rate could well strengthen against the US dollar and the related Asian currencies, as markets focus again on the US current account deficits once the Federal Reserve reaches an end to its monetary tightening cycle.

    In this context, Eurozone export growth should decline to 4,5% in 2007 from 6,5% in 2006, thereby slowing GDP growth, the report stated.

    Wow what a decline maybe we need to stop investing in European companies. or should we listen tyo all those Western advisors that know how to make thailand a better place but cant do it back where they came from.

    and how baout the good old USA.....

    GDP growth is forecast to decelerate in 2007 as the housing and manufacturing sectors continue to struggle. This will eventually curb private consumption growth. Businesses are better placed, but they are also likely to restrain their spending in the medium term. Real GDP growth is forecast to average 2.7% per year in 2007-11. wow what a drop from 3.4 lat year.

    now i understand why all the forigners are so uptight about thailand. it just better then the western countries and they dont want to go back home....here they can live great and enjoy life on a sum of money that back in the west they can barely survive.

    while europe and the usa are very rich they are decaying. there is a negetive birth rate an older population and an ever increasing inflow of immigrants from poor countries that are changing the culture and the economy and not for the better. go anf fix up your own countries before lecturing us about education ignorence and so forth..

    Is this a comedy?

  12. If she hasn't got a passport and dosen't have means to stay in the UK then coming back to Thailand would be the fairest thing, she'd be back at home with her family and he'd get his dowry back, maybe it would cover the cost of sorting out any of expeinces with the Registy office. By the way can she stay in the UK after getting a divorce and not having a UK passport?

    As far as i know, she can not stay in the UK if she is divoced, she has to go back to Thailand.

    If he refuses the divorce then maybe his money (spent on family & wedding) would be spent on her flight home to the Kingdom so the best advice would surley be to let her go and get on with your life. IMHO.


  13. Well done Thai Mob, least they beat him senseless, so he couldnt get behind the wheel. :o

    Yes i'm sure they knew he was on the way to his car? and where in the post did it sat that he would be driving?

    Another cowardly beating, if they really wanted justic served they would have heald him to the police had arrive to punish him.


  14. If she hasn't got a passport and dosen't have means to stay in the UK then coming back to Thailand would be the fairest thing, she'd be back at home with her family and he'd get his dowry back, maybe it would cover the cost of sorting out any of expeinces with the Registy office. By the way can she stay in the UK after getting a divorce and not having a UK passport?

  15. undercover's first paragraph could equally highlight the behaviour of some of the "wealthier nouveau rich" Thai's from the capital who go to country towns to misbehave (cos they can't do so in their own hometown...) etc etc... and the world keeps spinning round... we are all under this blue sky.

    I didn't bother reading the second paragraph.

    Can't say i blame you, i read the second paragraph and got totally lost! I'm not sure if i'm missing something or if i'm 100% dumb.



  16. if you have a set of lights flashing behind you you can bet your bottom dolla its one of them <deleted> with the mindset, get out of my way Im a farang, just F off. the only thing that will get rid of those <deleted> is when they start getting shot.


    Getting shot, Nice idear, don't know why its always a fortuner ? it would seem the fortuner is driven by a certain type of farang, morons I think their called, or moronski if their Russian, only tonight on my way home from Lotus I was driving along sukhumvit at about 80k when I clearly saw a fortuner waiting at the U turn, I thought to myself, fortuner, that <deleted> going to try and drive out and cut us off, sure enougth the idiot pulled out right in front of us. there must be normal fortuner drivers out there but the poor guys are outnumberd.

    I'm totally lost. :o

  17. This point is thread'less, theres good in bad in everyone!

    Slaughtered again @ Chris ?

    Threadless points............ :D

    What i was saying was is that this thread is pointless, just didn't want to bring myself down to a trollish level.

    Your best freind on TV,


    ps, please answer questions before asking them! :o

  18. Not so sure about farangs in Thailand. But majority of farangs on this forum have certainly given me a certain impression, and I will let all my Thai friends know about it whenever I have an opportunity. :D:D

    I hope they receive a great responce! but to be honest i wouldn't blame you for giving a negative one due to all the bickering. Fair play for being open minded.

    Chris. :o

  19. Just to add a few stats from http://www.nationmaster.com.

    Murders (per capita) by country

    Thailand ------- 0.0800798 per 1,000 people # 14

    United States - 0.0428020 per 1,000 people # 24

    Malaysia -------- 0.0230034 per 1,000 people # 34

    United Kingdom 0.0140633 per 1,000 people # 46

    Hong Kong ----- 0.00550804 per 1,000 people #59




    I am tired of all you Brits bragging about the violence in the UK . Just look at the stats and you will see that we here in the US have you beat 2 to 1. I am really ticked off that Thailand has us beat but the US is the land of opportunity and we are still working hard on trying to capture the #1 position ! :o

    Please don't take offence from us Brit's, maybe your catching up with the number one position.


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