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Everything posted by ignis

  1. Diabetic many years + now 71 Accu chek is what I used, had to replace it after about 20 + years, but have the same but newer model for past 6 or so years When I 1st found out I was Diabetic was advised by a good teacher, test before a meal + test 1 hr after + at 2 hrs after.... in not to many months you will understand what food you eat spikes the BS level and can cut that out [or reduce] Everyone is not the same so there is not one diet that fits all.. Warning take care of drinking DIET drinks, they are very bad As for going to see Dr 400 baht !!!! think you need to change to a Government Hospital. it used to be 50 baht, over the years it has gone up now is 100 baht... + if you need any medication it is far far cheaper than even a Thai Pharmacy Good luck
  2. Only once done certificate of residency from Immigration was a great pain, have never bothered since that was 2003.. I just go to the local 'Head' man's house. he signs the forms and I take it to the Local Town Hall. I have been on there Computer since 2004, they just look it up and print out, longest time is seeing the big boss for him/here to date it and put there big red department seal on Document... + is Free.. Never been a problem anyplace where I needed a certificate of residency.
  3. Also prescribed 'Gabapentin' 100mg 2x a day about 3 or so years ago, helped, but for the past few weeks getting the Pins and Needles back again and not just in my feet but hands as well + often Guess on my next Hospital Visit next month [also blood work] will see what the Dr has to say. Diabetic for years + for years every morning BS test is between 90 - 120 [94 yesterday and 119 this morning] only have the blood work done 1 x a years for past 5 or 6 years as Dr says I keep it under control so no need for more testing Yearly test HbA1c between 6.1 and 6.4 since a problem in 2001
  4. The people I know [live way out of a Town] who use agents are old or disabled ...... what is involved ? go to copy shop. go to Bank. go to Immigration office. in a wheelchair with no transport is not easy. much easier for a Agent to come to house and pick up passport and do everything + every 90 days get sent the new report....
  5. I built mine like I wanted so mine are all 1 metre high yes @ 6'3 [189cm] I'm tall.. I built a platform for the cooker to that it is flush @ 1 metre high... also non of the rubbish 60 cm wide, all mine I built @ 80 cm wide.... have lots of room kitchen self built 7 m X 3.5 m, that was 18 years ago and still very happy with the build.
  6. people will just think you are the granddad taking the grandchild to school
  7. Bernie thinks he will live for ever, child born last year, say's he may well have more and hopes to see them grow up..
  8. Bernie Ecclestone springs to mind, he was 90 when he had his last Son, with his present wife Brazilian Fabiana age 44
  9. Same truck with a different badge... Same as the last model Ford [Mazda] was same truck
  10. I made a Folder in Bookmarks = all the sites where I normally buy things + anything I maybe buy or want to look at again.... easy as a Wish list on Lazada/Shopee which may just vanish + simple to delete if no longer wanted
  11. When will the GWM's Pickup go on sale here ? seen a few of the made in Thailand SUV's HAVAL look OK spec and price are good
  12. The only real problem is when you order 2 or more items from the same seller = 1 pk it states on there invoice. but they all arrive at different times = when I order my next step is put the correct money in the folder. but 2 or 3 different packages = the correct money is not correct.. I do not live near any shops to get change... I have NOT ordered anything, but have already been and got 400 baht worth of 20 baht notes + 2,000 baht in 100's just encase
  13. only been once, came here on Garuda Airline it was very good, 6 weeks later returning to UK my booking had been changed to BA, [something about Garuda banned from Europe] my economy seat was upgraded to 1st class,, staff were fine in 1st class
  14. Silly thing came to mind... you hear all the time of people being picked up on overstay. Immigration website states You will then be held in the IDC ( Immigration Detention Center ) until you can arrange for a ticket on a direct flight back to your own country. So some maybe will be held for many months in IDC ?
  15. yesterday was 21:45 [9;45 pm] as I go to bed @ 10 pm just shut down. Today doing search on Google 15:30, suddenly on clicking page 2 the search only searched USA...... Speed Test + PC IP Address was FL USA ? it went again @ 17:45, this time show on Speed Test + PC IP Address as NY USA Switch off and unplug Router = on boat up is back to AIS Nonthaburi.... so far everything is working I am sure if it has gone walkabout the temperature is still 29 C and that changes to F if it gone off to USA In my search on my PC found something called ASTAR no idea what that is so uninstalled and re booted. cannot find any VPN's, as said before have not downloaded anything for weeks. M$ updated today as it always does most weeks
  16. I did 50 years ago, London - Toronto flight So for past 50 years have worn compression socks, in ALL over 2 hr travel = Plane. Train. Bus, Car. even going into the City on MRT/Metro, still have to be tested every 2 years ultrasound, Feet/Leg doctors use to diagnose DVT, last one was last year, found the spot/vain is still OK no clot forming.. so 50 years of take the pill for that appear to have worked
  17. Mine are Thigh high prescribed by doctor at Chula [Red Cross Hospital] they were expensive 1.750 baht.... when you think my Diabetic leather shoes were handmade and cost 3,000 baht. I have had a few cheap one from Lazada, there just OK if your only going to wear them a couple of times then fine
  18. What happens when you try the same thing on your phone or tablet when connected to wifi? Everything about this from what I can see points to it being something on your laptop. 1, Don't have a Laptop 2, Don't have a Tablet 3 Don't use phone on wifi I do have a Android 9, Set Top box + is connected on 5G wifi and yes when the PC wonder's off to USA, [or My ISP shows USA only] the wifi signal is lost in the living room = why I go to PC to check you quote (i.e. not an ISP) issue. Please then what is it ?? + how to fix ?
  19. Many thanks Yes agreed, will try and explain to a Thai friend when they come at the weekend so they can explain on the phone to AIS ISP team in Thai..... also as it only happens after 5 pm [5:45 yesterday] may not be easy
  20. Just found, one of many https://www.windowsphoneinfo.com/threads/windows-10-laptop-regional-settings-local-is-thailand-but-suddenly-changed-to-usa-without.565129/ So looks like there is a problem ?? not just me and strange going ons
  21. Many thanks all Will go through all my hard drives + Programmes and try to find any other VPN's, quick look found one not used for many many years 'Hot Spot Shield' now uninstalled No idea, the only VPN sometimes use is only on Chrome, I use Chrome + AVG + Opera + Edge Browsers everyday When the Internet goes walkabout [or not = no idea] the only thing is the clocks times changes + the weather changes eg: is 20 C 'Bang Bua Thong' now - last night was 46 F 'Chicago' + my IP Address changes from Thailand to USA.... This happens on ALL the different Browsers + only having these problem for past 10 days, have not installed anything in this time .......... if the IP address states USA and I try to log into my Gmail account it goes to security check and have to have my phone to hand for code..... on this site also have to re sign in Appears to be beyond AIS Engineer, he has no suggestion has been 3 time is 8 days + tried 4 different Routers
  22. so update, TV stopped working @ 17:40, would not reconnect Speed test = Kansas Research - Wichita KS,,,,,,,,,,,, Ping 354 ms, 3.4 Mbps down + 2.6 up !!!! then went to that site ipleak.net then it shows My IP Address as USA + DNS 5 Thailand + 2 USA 18:30 TV went again .. checked again this time Maxihost = Los Angeles Ping 585 !! + IP Address as USA + DNS 2 USA Why is it something with my PC ? I was not doing anything just watching TV sat back in my chair. the only way I can get it to get back to normal is switch off PC and Router = then back on AIS Thailand + TV works again or at moment...
  23. 'manually select the AIS Nonthaburi server.' -- never tried, OK will do that next time [maybe later today] I power down PC and unplug Router for 2 - 3 mins, when all is back up running try again = back to AIS + TV working again
  24. I know very little about these things that is why I asked Just odd to me I get 800 Mbps + from AIS Fiber then if i have a problem on viewing will do a Speed test and it shows between 2 - 16 Mbps and from USA........... so thought this was the problem OK I built this PC 11 years ago, so expect things to be a bit slower Also odd ?? AIS Engineer has a laptop, when connected to AIS Nonthaburi he gets 960 Mbps, but if it connect to USA get less than 20 Mbps
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