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Posts posted by jdinasia

  1. ummm no ... they were "not covered well" is an accurate statement

    there was almost 0 live coverage .... and none that I saw of of "lines of businessmen getting out of" expensive cars ...

  2. huh? It's a fair comment ... if the Business men that represent them dive the same types of cars .... then they aren't very representative are they? .... either that or people's cars aren't the issues ... but nice picking that out of the post ... and leaving all the rest for a week :o

    But even a better question .... since the PAD rallies were not covered well by the broadcast media ... (no coverage of the arriving "businessmen" ... and the print media that did cover it didn't show people climbing out of cars .... exactly how would the PAD folks be seen to be climbing out of cars in Isaan? Maybe they all have Satellite TV? nooooo

  3. I'm still a yank ... and lived in BKK at the time of the Linkin Park concert ... but I am still without a wife and I still didn't go to the concert ! ... but ... the more I think about it I must be the OP's lost friend .... but I didn't taste the shit!

  4. It seems like it is a Pattaya lovefest.

    I love Pattaya too but having said that i think you need to be careful in Pattaya as there are a fair number of opportunists and low class villians about the place.

    I hate Pattaya the place just brings out the worst in people, thai and falang. Not surprising that some are getting embarassed at the high crime and suicide rates and want to keep up a pretence of it being a family resort. It's just a big tacky open air brothel visited by some of the dregs of western society, many criminals end up there from europe and russia to add to the thai ones. Prostitiutes are pretty ugly and increasingly overpriced, the traffic has become horrendous, the baht bus mafia still overcharge, the sea is a shitty soup of excrement, the place is full of katoeys and weirdos. Anyone who enjoys living there but claims they are there for reasons other than cheap prostitiutes is either a liar or getting ready to jump.

    Oh dear!.....I assume that you won`t be going there then!

    It is quite a pity that you have not taken the time to see the good things that Pattaya has to offer and to realise that many people enjoy Pattaya without the thoughts of having paid sex or indeed committing suicide.

    Obviously your pompous and ill informed comments would lead some to believe that you probably commit your sins where prostitution is cheaper and the prostitutes are of film star quality. :D

    There are good things OTHER than tall buildings and cheap ***? :o

  5. I have seen them and was aware of what they were doing, but I don't know what they stand for. The whole scene strikes me as madness.

    "excuse me Mr Ali can I steer you away from your god of oppression and hate and introduce you to my god of piety and sheep like conformity" Why bother?

    Think of all the things this world needs. Baby seals, clean energy and food for all, but NOT any more religion.

    In this day and age I find it hard to grasp that people come to belive in such fairy tales on their own. I think a fear of honour killings (islamic style) or castigation and disassociation from the community (christian,catholic etc style) are more likely the reason.

    In short you can't feed people with pages of some book of tales. If the Pope and muslim clerics spent less money on gold and car bombs we would all be better off.

    :o insults?

    But I would say pretty much all of the high-lighted section :D


  6. Well, I'm just PO'd that I can't be there to see the sexy lil ladies in the soaked through blouses. There only one thing that I love more than sexy lil ladies and that is revealing sexy lil ladies... :o I was supposed to be there for the event this year but had to return to work to soon.

    You missed a GREAT time!

  7. :o

    Looks like it'll be fun ..... Out of BKK tmw ... heading "upcountry" but since it isn't Isaan and you can get there in a couple of hours ... :D

    Temple in the morning of the 13th .... then throwing water all day! (Here's to seeing some uptight "git" in a suit!



    It's amazing ... there is a place for water throwing through Songkran ..... it is called Thailand.

    Had a few good days in Kanchanaburi already ... it may be time to go to Pattaya tmw!

    Don't let the old fart killjoys get you down :D ... have fun and be nice!



    Seems you get about a bit " jdinasia " how do you manage to cover such vast areas between the 11th and today and at the same time keep logging onto T.Visa and reading, composing/posting on the computer while wet from all the brilliant water fights ect you take part in.


    1) Bangkok to upcountry,

    2) Back to Kanchanaburi for 3 days, ( 2-3 hours on the road one way ) or 3 hours plus on the train.

    3) All the way to Pattaya on the 17th., all this during the Songkran celebrations and traffic chaos :D:D

    You are one of several things, unless you have the benefit of super powers.

    Just a simple/curious observation that,s puzzling me on your efforts and creditability.

    Now aint that Amazing :D

    marshbags :D

    :D Yes ... read that first section carefully Marsha dear :D Kanchanaburi is considered "upcountry" ... It is about 3 hours drive from BKK :-) Rough drive huh? up on the 13th ... home on the 16th ... WOW

    then ALL THE WAY to Pattaya from BKK? wow .... if I go in the morning (probably wiill wait until Tues though) it will take me 2 whole hours to drive there! Amazing Thailand :D

    Marsha ... have you been to BKK? did you go out on the 13th? Fastest drive I have ever made to Nakhon Pathom! Absolutely no one on the road until after Puttamonthon and even then the traffic was very light ... coming home was the same! left at 10am ... stopped at Fly Now outlet in Kan and STILL made it back before 1pm!

    No accidents on the road ... all weekend ... including in the main section of throwing water in Kan .... <no crybabies either!> What a GREAT weekend!

  8. no board games available in town.

    went to emporium, central chidlom, paragon - paragon didnt even have a chess board, go figure. but loads of shooting computer games.

    and this country wants to become the capital of books!?! another manic self-overestimation.

    the average person here reads half a book, sorry, half a comic per year.

    therefore no board games - seems to be too exhausting to play those.

    cant believe that there isnt a shop in bangkok with such games ... any other idea?

    try here


  9. OK ...

    my thoughts ....

    My first rule to friends here is and always has been ..... "Don't date someone here that you wouldn't have dated at home"

    If that means you'd date someone that is underemployed .... that you could likely never in the duration of your relationship have a meaningful intellectual relationship etc .... Then by all means do it!

    I know guys that do that and it works for them. The run a succession of STR's from 1 week to 6 months or so ... then realize that the cute guy across the bar offers the possibility of just the same or more ... AND is new meat :o After all there's always another guy that is underemployed and you can't talk with etc etc etc

    I'd not have much to do at all with someone that even THINKS Prada .... and I don't care if my partner is an Engineer or a Entrepreneur ... or even a laborer .... but hel_l ... if you want an intelligent conversation in English or Thai ... you are gonna end up with an intelligent guy. (( and for me that includes a well-read and educated man))

    No pretentious guys ... no guys that hang at bars all the time ... no guys that haven't lived in the real world ...

    It's kinda silly to associate a guy with a job and an education with being Hi-so and Vapid ... it's also funny to watch people WANT to be Hi-so and Vapid :D

  10. I hope I'm not going to ruffle any feathers here but I've noticed that a lot of you folks have a sort of "shopping list" of things to look for in a possible bf. This list seems to revolve around abilities, resources and competencies. e.g must have a university degree, must be able to speak English, must be financially independent etc. I may be wrong (I often am) but I don't recall ever having seen a list of equivalent emotional requirements - must be able to make me laugh when I'm down, must have the ability to laugh at himself, must be able to understand the differences between our ways of thinking, must be nam jai/jai dee. Is it because these emotional requirements are self evident or are they not as important? I have to admit that I'd take an illiterate, poor as a church mouse, bar boy who can make me laugh over a highly educated aloof hiso any day of the week.

    Can I pass on Both and go for a guy that has his own skills friends life mature outlook job etc etc etc AND makes me smile? Why settle?

  11. But law is only a paper tiger if there is no social pressure for enforcement. The public pressure is even more important in countries where politicians and political parties have already got used to augmenting their private revenue by extracting from the flow of public expenditure during the time they hold the office of government. These politicians will try to resist introducing and implementing anti-corruption measures, as well as tightening government control over economic activities and over government institutions for purposes of ensuring the flow of corruption revenue (Johnson, 1975).

    Scandals and public pressures.

    In recent years there has been a phenomenon of popular revolt against corruption in Thai society—an outburst of whistle blowers, and a flood of exposed corruption scandals concerning officials and politicians. Let us have a look at some of them before discussing further whether all these scandals and public pressures have made things better.

    lol ... ok and the PAD etc ......

    but still tremendously dated.

    Would be cool if the Author re-wrote it today though

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