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Posts posted by jdinasia

  1. > A sex expert says the findings show cultures with relationships based on

    > equality offer more satisfaction for both genders.

    CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really? How does that show from a survey? I might as well argue that the findings show that they suck at performing cross-cultural, cross-language surveys!

    Or, I might conclude that Australian women feel more 'social' pressure to claim they get good sex even when they don't, whereas in many Asian cultures, the social pressure favours modesty, even when they string up a different hot guy upside down in the basment every night.


    Survey people and pseudo-statistical scientists: Shoot on sight!

    Ummmm unless you know what the questions were and how they were asked ..... :o

    after all it was not an ABAC poll :D


    So I guess the decision for those of us near the top of the list is, do we go learn from the Spanish and Austrians, or go teach the Japanese? :D


    What else IS there to do in Canada?

    Not much for you... :o

    B)Club seals...apparently :D

    I am in favor of seal clubbing .......

    I think Seals should be able to go wherever they want for a drink!


  3. I don't see how face suppresses creativity. When face is involved, being blunt or brutally honest is out of the question, forcing people to instead think of a face saving way to deal with the situation.

    I think if anything, rote learning in schools suppresses creativity, and the need to be creative sometimes in order to maintain face offsets that handicap somewhat.


    I would tend to agree that rote learning IS an issue ... one could make a point about rote learning having more to do with Face than the OP's article about writing though.

  4. sorry, the issue is not only how the head-line has been made but there is another side to the whole story and that is the illegal smuggling of endangered species and how these people are trying to get around the whole issue!

    Sure, I agree. That is what they should be reporting on. The problem is that the focus is on cruelty. This may be the case in the training, possibly, but again it is not what is the focus. The focus is on the supposed cruelty of making animals fight - this is strongly implied directly by the wording of the excerpt above. The focus should be thre real issues - as you point out - that the animals should not be there in the first place.

    By reporting on non or half truths, it gives leeway for the whole thing to get brushed under the carpet as it hijacks the less emotive smuggling in favour of cruelty, which can be proven incorrect. The story gets downgraded at best or discredited at worst.

    You are right, but that is how the news media are behaving to increase sales!

    Remember the headlines after the outbreak of botulism caused by bad prepared food?

    ………..Disease sparks chemical attack fear………..

    …………..A serious disease outbreak in the northern province of Nan yesterday had Army weapons specialists and US disease investigators on full alert…………..

    ………….Military biological-weapons experts have been flown into Nan………..


    The smuggling story was done to death earlier ... as is noted in the article with the DNA tests .... just had to be around for it .... if they covered it as the smuggling story ... there would have been no NEW news

  5. lol ...

    Now I have to worry about Myanmar too? If I were I'd be worried about the Gov't first and not trees :o

    It is entirely up to you what you worry about, but it would be only in your own interest if you start informing yourself about even the basics of the issues you comment on. The complete ignorance of your statements is more than bewildering.

    If you would have even the slightest clue about regional, and Thai, politics than i would not have to painstakingly try to explain you, unfortunately so far with no visible positive result, that the issue of "corruption" in Thailand, you so vehemently argue against, is not centered around Thaksin, but a result of decades of highly complex social and political developments, in which "the trees" do play a major role, as well as drugs, gems, insurgencies, cold war politics, worldwide strange and outright weird alliances and almost impossible partnerships.You might then understand that the removal of Thaksin by the PAD and other vested interests in the background are to be seen in a completely different light, and that it is not the solution to the inherent problems, such as corruption, of this region.

    But yes, i do somewhat understand that it is far easier to post on the internet asinine oneliners from a comfortable armchair than going through complex reports, studies and volumes of books, questioning them, reconfirming facts by physical travel into dangerous crises zones, and that way working oneself through a vast web of deceit.

    Why strain yourself with reality when sprouting simplistic blather is so much easier? :D

    it is always fun to watch ColPyat ... say

    I think that i have made in previous posts more than clear how disgusted i feel about the deaths during the drugwar.

    and then get the real thoughts .....

    Compared to some of them Thaksin is a moral being.

    It is always fun to watch how jdinasia personalises a discussion when he can't contribute anything even closely resembling the topic.

    Or is he just trying to get his post count up? :D

    I'll leave all tha jabs and digs and flames alone ........

    I'll leave the continuation of outrageous claims alone .....

    Very simply ... You overcomplicate everything .... The actions of the PAD that I agree with is that at some level you MUST say enough is enough. Thailand could no longer afford Thaksin to be sitting without the ability to be censured. This is NOT about Myanmar ... this is NOT about the past .... this is about here and now.

    You are the only person suggesting that it ALL needs to be fixed overnight ... it won't .. the rest of us GET that ...

    JaiDee ---- tried to keep that very nice and simple ... hope it is ok :D

  6. No one should be promoting tourism to Myanmar!

    And why exactly?

    Because USA does not like Myanmar or are there other reasons?

    Think it through .... I am sure you can come up with a reason :-) (that has nothing to do with the USA ... and everything to do with the military Junta running the country)

    Remember anything about a Nobel prize winner from there?

  7. I have a hard time encouraging people to come to Thailand. The country is getting so restrictive. Last night, (the night before the election), I went out to have a few beers. I was at a small cafe/pub, it was 5:00 p.m., I got my beer and was told that at 6:00, no more beer because tomorrow was the election!

    It seems that this sort of "restrictive" thinking is more and more common and really makes the place unattractive as a holiday destination.

    It was an election day ... common practice

  8. Thaksin returns to Thailand

    BANGKOK: -- Thai Rak Thai Party leader Thaksin Shinawatra returns to Bangkok early Thursday morning.

    Thaksin arrived at the Don Muang International Airport at 5:30 pm.

    He was received by several caretaker Cabinet members, including acting caretaker Prime Minister Chidchai Vanasatidaya.

    Asked whether he had met British Prime Minister Tony Blair and US President George Bush, Thaksin said yes, adding that he would meet them again.

    When asked where he would visit today, he replied that he was unemployed so he would go anywhere he wanted.

    --The Nation 2006-04-20

    At no time did he say WHEN he met them .... (thus not a lie) ... he has met them both in the past. He assumes he will meet them in the future :-) Next time the reporters need to ask "Did you meet President Bush of the USA and PM Blair of the UK THIS trip?"

  9. how about using the wai ?

    i still feel a bit unfamiliar with not shaking hands and just nodding and saying hello.

    Basic rule ....

    Wai those that are automatically of senior (socially) status to you. (monks ... bosses etc)

    Don't initiate wais at other times

    Accept the wais of others by putting your hands together in front of you at about shoulder level from peers etc

    Don't wai girls at the bars .... waitresses etc

    When in doubt ... smile and nod

    (really ... please don't be one of those gits that wais the mamasan of a bar when you walk in!

  10. TOP FIVE

    1. Austria: 71.4 percent satisfied with their sex lives.

    2. Spain: 69%.

    3. Canada: 66.1%.

    4. Belgium: 64.6%.

    5. United States: 64.2%.


    25. Thailand: 35.9%.

    26. China: 34.8%.

    27. Indonesia: 33.9%.

    28. Taiwan: 28.6%.

    29. Japan: 25.7%.

    So I guess the decision for those of us near the top of the list is, do we go learn from the Spanish and Austrians, or go teach the Japanese? :o


    What else IS there to do in Canada?

  11. So .... Heng sells/rents property ....

    I think in this situation I would assume there was a unterior motive in him reccomending someone that doesn't even know WHERE in Thailand they want to live should in fact buy here.

    If you don't know when/ehere you will be ... and are not going to be living here for extended period of times ... rent don't buy!

    (Oh and I have properties around Hua Hin if you want to rent!)

    :o just joking ... nothing for rent here! :D`

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