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Posts posted by jdinasia

  1. Erm is it not the case that the visa run companies 'smooth' the way for an easy and quick transaction both sides?

    They absolutely can ... usually at one border or the other and sometimes both...

    I used JackGolf once ... you pass through Thai Immigration both ways ... but never see any immigration people in Cambodia (at Bang Laem). Just walk tothe casino and have the lunch that is included in the tour. 30-40 minutes later you get your passport back with entry/exit stamps from Cambodia and back into Thailand

  2. If other 'organised' religious people truly believed in their religions, then why do they see the need to 'recruit'? A lack of faith, perhaps?

    I think it's best to ignore the religious zealots & worry about yourself & your life. These pathetic & insecure religious creatures are to be pitied...if one has the energy.

    Someone hit on it above ... but Buddhism is not like all other religions (though closer to it's roots in Hinduism).

    The Judeao/Christian/Muslim beliefs say there is only one life .. and one way to heaven. People that truly believe that would be bound by their faith to pass that on. (Though Jews don't usually do that)

    The missionaries that I actively approve of are actually not pushing their faiths on other people but instead are just trying to help people and living their lives. The converts they get are real. (Like people teaching for free in places without access to education/medicine etc that don't require attendance at church to get the schooling or medical care.)

    My partner went to a Christian school that has been in operation for more than 70 years .... and was in no way touched by the faith espoused at the school.

  3. Could always send him to the Penthouse in Pattaya

    You know?.........Did you try the bouncing rubber swings?

    No he tried the bouncing rubber boys.

    LOL .... sorry Noodles ... I have my romantic evenings at home (in Thailand!)

  4. People seem to miss that water tossing is inevitable ....

    I KNOW how bad the roads are on Koh Samet ... usually go hang there one weekend every 2 months ... Add water to it and dangerous .... add THROWN water and riding a motorcycle is just a Darwin award waiting to happen.

    (not to mention how many tourists don't even ride in their home country but think that doing it here is sane .... "it's only 125cc ... no clutch ... I can handle it")

    oi! :o

  5. huh?

    OK ... no tipping is fine with me ... jump the prices to reasonable would be fine. Then the keeniaw tightwads might just stay back in <insert whatever country is apporpriate here ... that actually PAYS people well enough not to live off of tips>

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