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Posts posted by jdinasia

  1. Right now, for the opposition parties, it is first things first. Try and avoid a parliament headed by the TRT. Only way to do this is fight any attempts to form a parliament with less than 500 seats.

    What you are saying is that the opposition parties have to disrupt the forming of Parliament and to fight attempts to convene the duly elected parliament. That smacks of an overthrow by a group with no elected representatives and would set a huge precedent. If the Democrats won the next election would it be just as fair for a group of anti-Democrats to protest their win and call for the disillusion of Parliament and the resignation of the Democrat PM. NO, it would be just as wrong as what is going on now.

    The TRT has won 460 seats at the moment, with a majority vote, the Opposition 1 and 1 the EC are still trying to figure out the vote count. You can argue the number of no votes was high but you cannot argue that they were all for the PAD/Opposition coalition, in reality probably only 4-5 million were for them, the others were because the people did not like TRT and had no alternate choice. There may have been 11 million no votes/spoiled votes but there still were 16 million Yes votes. That sends a large message from the people to the court system, the privy council and the monarchy regardless of how the Democrats feel about the situation, as they have not won any seats and that also sends a large message. To overturn an election is about as undemocratic as you can get.

    What the Democrats are really worried about is their cut of the EC's party money which will drastically shrink to only a couple million because they have failed to win any seats in Parliament.


    ummm There IS no Duly elected Parlaiment. (how many times can someone miss the same point?)

    Exactly how does someone arrive at the numerical count of how many votes were for a party or against TRT is another piece of delusional accounting ... but hey

    Rather doubt EC money is an issue for the Demos either ...

  2. I would bet on between 500 and 1000, mostly YOUNG LIVES gone, and that does not include all the badly maimed that will never walk again :o

    Then look at the loss to the famlily, Parents will loose Sons and Daughters, Children will loose parents.

    Which one of us unfortunate posters is gonna witness death at first hand? :D

    It should be illegal to throw water at motorcycle's and also illegal for motorists to spray water from cars or bikes.

    Songkran's concept at the begining was nothing like what happens these days, splashing a bit of water on someone s head is totally different from what seems to happen these days where drunken yobs take great pleasure in causing as much pain and discomfort as possible to other human beings.

    Supersoakers will be in the shops shortly now,,,, these should be regarded as lethal weapons and BANNED

    I am not a killjoy, I like to have a laugh as much as anyone else, but Sonkran is out of control IMO and drastic measures should be taken to reduce this inevitably high death toll

    Actually you ARE a killjoy ..... death by supersoaker? geeze ......

    If you want to make a point ... it is the drinking and driving that is the problem. A watergun is just that ... a squirtgun! A "super-soaker" is less dangerous than a pail of water thrown etc .... but really ... get the people drinking and driving off the road and you'll get down to a very few deaths ... and those will be just unfortunate accidents.

    Get a grip people .... it's a waterfight ... in most places in Thailand for a couple of days only (the last 2 years I have been in places where it was 1 day only ....) And it was fun! ...

    We saw 1 death last year ... drunken idiot on a bike .... had nothing to do with Songkran and 100% to do with booze and driving a bike ... I am just glad the guy was alone on his bike and didn't hit anyone else.

  3. OMG! Imagine it! Books in Thai! In Thailand?! I'll be gobsmacked!

    I went the first day and bought 7 books on Travel etc ... great deals ... yes they are all in Thai ... but then again I have taken the time and effort to actually bother to learn to read the native language!

    The second time I went back I bought a few books for friends and some paperbacks in English for me. The eng language books were just an extra ... can do better in KSR or JJ ... or even at my fave bookstore Dasa Books on Suk.

  4. Still an amazing number of whiners about Songkran .... really guys ... if it bothers you ... stay in ... don't go out into it.

    Now, this is valuable Songkran advice! :o

    Its not really valuable advice. Why should someone be forced to stay inside just to avoid being assaulted by some moron with a bucket of ice cold water or worse still a bucket of dirty ditch water.

    What about those people that dont get time off work, do they deserve to be soaked on their way to or from work?

    I have taken part in the festivities several times, and i have never thrown water over someone who didnt want it. You can spot someone who is up for the fun and who isnt, and i think ANYONE who throws water on someone who obviously doesnt want it, is just a ignorant prick, plain and simple. No means NO. :D and if you still throw the water then you are assaulting that person against their wishes, do you think this is ok?

    Actually ... Yes ... I think it is OK. Don't whine ... don't cry .... bring a plastic bag and work clothes to change into ....

  5. Still an amazing number of whiners about Songkran .... really guys ... if it bothers you ... stay in ... don't go out into it.

    If you live in a place where they throw multiple days ... run away ... enjoy your stay in Singapore etc ...

    Me? I'll be out there in it every day that it is going on wherever I happen to be. I'll be the chubby guy laughing his ass off (sober) and squirting everyone that walks by! If it's daytime during play hours and you walk past ... remember to smile ...

    Later in the evening when I go out to eat with friends ... after play time is over ... if I get someone shooting water at me ... I'll remember to smile too! Last year in Samui it happened twice ... both times it was Thais that probably had to work during the day. Oh well ... crying about it would have been silly ... and if I was that worried about it I would have had food delivered ;-)

  6. Well .... the Hubris displayed by Thaksin will bite him in the butt soon enough (yet again). The guys crying ... "is isn't democratic" will likely realize that in a situation where someone sets themselves up to run a country in the form of a "parlaimentary dictatorship" and is beyond censure isn't a democracy either.

    Gotta work on plurailsm and checks and balances ... otherwise you get large groups of people completely left out of the process. People can say that the rural North and Isaan have been left out in the past ... but that wouldn't be accurate

    Good governance requires fiscal responsability as well as being aware of all the groups of people that SHOULD be represented ...

    Let's hope it happens soon

  7. am truly not looking forward to going back to the USA for a visit this year (after 2.5 years) Will probably leave my laptop etc at home here in Thailand :-) And probably only bring gifts and a carryon for me when I go :-)

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