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Posts posted by rott

  1. 8 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    I don’t see sense, just prejudice and bigotry. 

    In South Africa "Coloureds" are an ethnic group, one of four :- white/black/coloured/asian. Try telling a coloured that he/she is not coloured but black and you will very soon wish you hadn't. Coloured is what they are and what they are proud of being. You are as prissy in your ignorance as the git in the pub.

  2. 6 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    No problem with arresting and deporting overstayers (all 6 of those out of the number arrested), however basing arrests on the basis of colour is bigotry. 

    No in these circumstances it is common sense.


    Black/coloured? I was once having a conversation in a London pub with a US gent, briefly mentioning South Africa I used the word coloureds. He was mightily offended until I was patient enough to educate him. Thick git.

  3. 20 hours ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:

    To the drinkers, and the bar-goers, I'm not trying to preach, and you can do whatever you like, it's none of my business, but I'm just curious what you actually get out of it.  I know having a drink or two can make you loosen up and have more fun, and that's great once a week when you're in good company, but there's a difference between that and sitting slouched over a bar every day, with a bunch of other 'like-minded' expats, all of whom are almost immune to the effects of alcohol.  All that is doing is slowly killing you.


    Why don't you try not drinking completely for a month.  Find something more beneficial to do.  Fruit juice, smoothies, lots of other flavoured drinks all taste as nice/nicer than alcohol, really they do.  I hear a lot of people say after a hard day there's nothing better than having a cold beer.  Well there are, alternatives are just as refreshing.  Society is overexposed to alcohol in general and thus ed and almost used as a substitute to water, when it should be seen as a occasional treat.  I think people associate beer with happy times from their past, and thus it remains their go-to drink.


    I bet after a month, you will wonder why you drank so much beer before.

    I am a drinker and a bar-goer, that is what I do not what I am. I also read books, go to church and exercise regularly. I do not tell other people how they should live their lives although I know plenty who do.


    I had a month off it about a year ago, this was my decision not on medical or spiritual advice. It was torture. I reduced the month to four weeks, enough was enough. What bothered me was not missing the big weekly session but not having a can or two with the pad pak ruam at the corner caff once or twice a week. took the edge off it a bit. Virtually never drink at home (rather have a cup of tea) and can't remember the last time there was a beer in the fridge. And going in a pub/bar but not having a beer? Well I have done it plenty of times but it ain't the same.

    • Like 2
  4. I remember that one too. Though I had forgotten about Bally scoring. Played at Goodison on a Saturday night with a relay to a big screen or screens at Anfield. Can't remember the name of the pub we went to after, in a side street off Granton Rd.

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  5. 3 hours ago, petermik said:

    Tommy Lawrence Liverpools keeper in the the 60,s affectionately know as "the flying pig" sadly passed away yesterday aged 77.


    The "Echo" used to say regularly and correctly that after extensive periods of inactivity he could leap into action and perform excellently.


    Where was he living when he passed?

  6. I think that is a bit inaccurate, you were perceived as singling ou Kasikorn for a practice that all banks operate. And being offensive to people who went along with it. People who have no say in the matter.

    I have never had a card in the 20 years I've been here. All the horror stories I heard when I first arrived put me off and I just never bothered. Very occasionally it is a pain but nothing drastic.

  7. 20 hours ago, JSixpack said:


    Well, no need to visit the Cultural Center when we have Brits raising and answering every possible question here already.


    You mean the ''Oi Oi Saveloy!'' crowd. Ever been past the ''Dogs <deleted> Pub' in Pattaya? You're quite right, of course. Useless pisshead Chavvy Brits are even worse that Africans - they'd beat you up just for fun.



    To quote from posts about the clientele of the DB on another forum (from Brits themselves).


    i go to thailand to get away from these <deleted> wits ,,,,


    Tell us more about the mix.


    Is it true the Dogs <deleted> used to have a prominent sign which read: "No Arabs or Japs allowed. Lager louts welcome."? Or is that just an urban myth?


    The Japanese angle came about after the "patrons" of the bar attacked a Japanese film-crew prior to the 2002 World Cup. The story was well-documented at the time.



    You diappoint me JS, your posts normally make a great deal of sense but now you are telling me that you know more about this bar than I do. A place that I am familiarr with, that you have  Never even beeninside.


    You add to that irrelevant quotes fom Boswell and Johnson and in general come up with a load of gutter level anti-English racism.

  8. 2 minutes ago, champers said:

    During the 1998 football World Cup they put a sign outside the bar banning; for the duration; all "frogs, krauts, eyeties, yanks, argies, etc, etc" and concluded the list with "Thais". All their staff promptly walked out and only agreed to return for increased pay and the removal of "Thais" from the list of those banned.

    Sounds plausible. I will enquire of the mother of his daughter next time I see her.

  9. 18 hours ago, JSixpack said:


    OP, for authoritative answers you really should ask your questions at the friendly, welcoming British Cultural Center Of Pattaya:



    I have been drinking there on and off for over 20 years, in general you get a surprising mix of people.


    Have you ever been inside JS??


    And no need for Grammar Nazis, the apostrophe is correct.

  10. 2 hours ago, ravip said:

    "Brits believe ourselves to be superior to everyone else."


    What a disgusting attitude/trait!

    Centuries back they thought so and did things that ruined other countries, with results that could be seen even to-day.


    Thank you for confirming it.




    In the country you are from do they/you not understand humour.??

  11. On 27/12/2560 at 8:08 PM, overherebc said:

    Should be meeting an old mate in Bus stop on the 2nd or 3rd, half the reason for the post was to find out what's gone and what remains.

    Is the old Jools open as anything else?

    7Eleven now.

  12. 7 hours ago, Credo said:

    They have a long history of taking immigrants.   Look at all the former Nazis who long and contented lives there.


    As noted in previous posts, the Vatican has taken refugees.   I suppose that the Pope  could tell all the Churches to become sanctuaries for refugees.   That would cause quite a stir.   

    Yes closer examination of the details of the "refugees" they have taken shows the shallow, artificial nature of their actions.


    And as for the Vatican State being a nation of immigrants, they are all hand-picked and pre-vetted and do not bring an endless line of dependents with them. Another example of the sham, mickey mouse, toytown state that it is.

  13. On 13/12/2017 at 7:41 AM, owl sees all said:


    Up here in the sticks everyone calls it low Khow. For a farang like me it sounds like How Cow (low Khow).


    I'm off to Laos to stock up soon, so I reckon 'Lao cow' would foot the bill OK.


    Thanks for the reply. Have you any recipies you could share with the TVForum wine appreciation crew?

    Mulberry wine, either side of 200 baht a bottle at Tesco or BigC. Just as good as any of the lower priced (up to about 500) reds. For a box I used to drink Berri Estates found it better than most.

    But as for recipes, no sorry.

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