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Posts posted by rott

  1. 10 hours ago, JB300 said:

    Beer is typically cheaper in Philippines (ex Manila / AC), bottle of SML would usually cost 100-110php (70-75 THB ) in a decent bar with live music or a restaurant, cheaper than that elsewhere, but despite it's many charms (beautiful beaches) I just don't fancy moving there.

    Blorg above sums up a lot of what I was originally thinking since deciding I wanted to retire to Thailand in 2008, TSFsums up my more recent thinking.

    Nb I love Thailand, always have a massive smile on my face when flying into Bangkok, but can't help feeling it's quickly becoming much less Farang Immigrant friendly (malarkey with TM30s being the latest), maybe it will swing back but if you were retiring soon would you choose Thailand again?

    Oh, can I add Malaysia (Langkawi, Penang, Mallacca not KL) to my list :)

    Er :crazy: you said Davos not Davao, I was thinking why does this git with a lady with a big house in Switzerland want to come here. :shock1:


    And no I would be looking at other places, it definitely is not as welcoming and easy-going as it used to be. A 90 day tourist visa followed by two 30 day extensions, and no limit on the times you could do this, that was the way when I first came.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, JB300 said:

    It was a question... Not a statement

    But FWIW, I'm rapidly coming around to...

    - Vietnam

    - Southern Europe

    - South America

    - Hybrid (3-6 months per place)

    Or just give up & live in my (gf's) very nice house in Davos, kick back, lots of very cheap SMLs (that's San Miguel Lights in case you're wondering)

    No the first line is untrue. "Why retire to Thailand" was a question "other places are cheaper and have hotter women" was a statement. But if you are in a relationship and considering an Elite Visa why would those points concern you at all. 


    I broadly agree with blorg, having experience of neighbouring states and Southern Europe. I was thinking of giving South America a try at one time but reports of the high crime rate brought me here instead. Beer here is not the best but I doubt that it is the worst and it is certainly not the most expensive. Presumably these SML's are cheap from a retailer not a bar, so how much for a bottle of 250ml or 330ml? And how much from an "average" bar. Compared with say 70 baht in a Pattaya bar and 100/120 in downtown Bangkok.


    Like others on TVF I have been here on and off for pushing 20 years and have always kept an eye out for somewhere better/cheaper but not found a place suitable. Vietnam does come very close though.


  3. 7 minutes ago, Thaidream said:
    10 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    I have never used ganja or anything like in my life. My 'idealism' is based upon a lifetime of experiences and an innate sense of what is moral and not moral. The current system has nothing to do with the New testament and your reference is absurd. The medical system as it currently exists is built on greed and the theory that 'greed is good'.  You may want to  reevaluate your understanding of morality and how it is defined not only by logical deduction but also by the World's religions.


    TD you were suggesting that it should be the responsibility of the UN to see that healthcare is provided for everybody in every country. TD people in many places do not even have adequate food or shelter, should this be down to the UN too? How about the UN providing free Kevlar vests for people in potentially dodgy places.?

  4. The heading for this thread is totally misleading. Whether he was sick or uninsured is irrelevant, he died as a result of a road traffic accident. Neither is there any relevance to the assumption that he was probably on the way to a hospital.


    And how did it "play out on Facebook". This sloppy headline writing gives the impression that there was a blow by blow description of the incident on FB when this was not the case.


    Possibly The Sun  will be sniffing about to offer someone a job.


    Tragic for the gent and his family.

  5. 2 hours ago, Lovethailandelite said:

    As much as people hate to believe it, the vast majority hold visas and work permits obtained by companies bringing them here to legitimately work in the entertainment industry. Dancers, singers etc. The Russian girls in the go go's will all be mostly legal and employed as dancers and entertainers.The fact they choose to offer other services is another subject. 

    I find that very difficult to believe, work permits for foreign go-go dancers? Why not work permits for foreign cleaners or barmen?


    LTE can you back your post up?

  6. 3 hours ago, carmine said:


    In fairness both he and i were referring to a particular post we suggested it was a foreign issue as opposed to what it really is, which is an issue endemic in football nowadays.


    On a side issue, what i find so sad is that Ranieri's been chopped but the likes of Mahrez are still there, banking their great big salaries and are not being held accountable for the clubs woes.  Selling the midfield engine and not replacing combined with being totally let down by key players has seen to the managers fate and its all very sad.

    I agree with everything you have said. Not a lot of people say that to you do they?  :)  But you are correct nothing to do with foreign. Could be a player revolt, an owner issue or just a football today thing.


    H worries about me if I don't yank his chain every now and then.

  7. 22 hours ago, StevieH said:


    indeed. it's got nothing to do with where the owners are from or if they are "foreign" or not.


    feel sorry for ranieri but on their form it was always coming.

    Ha ha ha he should know better than to criticise anything "foreign" when Stevie is about.


    H Rule No. 1:-


    Criticism of all and any things British is OK, anything else is verboten.

  8. 2 hours ago, redwinecheese said:

    Business wise  when you buy goods and sell them for reasonable profit which is known in economic world minimum 15% in order to keep assets running whereas selling at 100%+ is called greed. Thus, foolish profits from crazy.

    Who told you that chum, somebody else who has never been in business??


    Most of the Soi/Shophouse bars in Pattaya sell a small bottle for between 65 to 85 baht which represents a minimum 100% mark up. I don't see many of them getting rich off it.


    i thought profitability was determined in part by how often you turn your capital over. Does not matter what the mark up is if you are only selling a few dozen a day and you need to earn 50,000 a month to cover the overheads.

  9. One large Chang is almost 3.5 units, so .three is over 10 units. Anyone who drinks in a bar regularly will know at least one person who does this at least five days a week, I know several. That is a lot of alcohol but it does not seem to cause any problems and I know they have been drinking like this for many years. Even when the Chang was 6.4 abv. My body could not cope with that level of drinking, but to them it is "normal".

  10. 2 minutes ago, Gonefortea said:

    I apologise if I read and interpreted the post in  a different way to your writing it . I agree with some of the above post. Through experience I have also learned not to bother telling or should I say advising a person (s) who are obviously being ripped off due to the fact there pissed and unknowingly buying drinks for lots of girls. Usually if this is pointed out to said person you get the normal reply. So I don't bother now.

    OK no probs mate. It is like playing cricket - you play each ball on it's merits. There is a time to speak up and a time to shut up.

    But I think it has happened to me a handful of time in 20 years (on and off). Having said that it is a handful of times more than anywhere else i have been.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Gonefortea said:

    You presume  why I don't know, that 99.9% of people comming to Thailand for a holiday, using beer or go go bars, are somehow fresh meat and nobody has the sense to look after them self's. 

    Read properly before posting. I said that being a new face in a bar can lead to them trying it on with you.. I speak from experience. It does not mean they assume they are going to get away with it. Perhaps I have been lucky, when I have pointed out an overcharge it has quickly been cancelled. It does not happen often and nowadays I only seem to go to places where I am known so not really a problem for me.


    On 2/9/2017 at 1:37 PM, Grouse said:

    Celibacy; damned silly idea.


    Same as teaching abstinence; it doesn't work in practice.


    Ironically, why do creationists think God created randiness? Sorry I don't have a punch line.

    God did not create a celibate priesthood, the papacy did. Scripture gives no such instruction or justification. It is a man made rule.

  13. 6 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


    Except it is not a sectarian issue but a separatist one, so not actually at all fair.  You are attempting comparing those who come to live in a new country with those who have been conquered by their neighbor, if you can't see how that comparison is ludicrous then I can't help you.

    So you think the random murders of innocent people are acceptable because they are done in the name of separatism. It is obviously pure coincidence that they are also sectarian.


    Bet you loved the IRA.

  14. Not been to Walking Street or 6, 7 or 8 for years. Mainly been a Soi Post Office / Soi Yamato punter. These are mainly regulars places, anyone coming for the first time would be unlikely to go there unless taken by someone. Throws me a bit now when I hear people referring to them as 13/2 and 13/1.


    I too have moved away, to a place that isn't sure whether it's in the Central Plain or the North. Prices (in a bar this is) for a 620 ml beer are roughly what I would pay in Pattaya for a 330 ml. But Pattaya it aint.

  15. On 2/19/2017 at 9:15 PM, Khon Kaen Dave said:


    I know what you speak of mate.those prices you quoted are Walking st prices.I am talking about the normal soi bars.The bars in Patts are dearer than those of the street bars across the other side of the Sukhumvit.If you choose to booze in the tourist joints, you will get Royally ripped off.Its your choice.

    In my experience the majority of people in Pattaya bars are either here permanently/semi-permanently/regular long-stayers or regular visitors who do not strictly match the description of "tourist", so I would not describe many bars as tourist bars. The Soi bars that I drink in have an average price of between 65 and 75 a bottle (I do not often go to the New Plaza) not sure how this compares with the dark side.


    The lady from the bar, have there been any reports of the court appearance yet.??

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