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Posts posted by Torrens54

  1. WHY ?

    Hon Consuls used to be able to sign/stamp and verify documents such as Australian Marriage Certificates..


    Now under the latest Regulations (3,000572, 222)...changeable every 5 minutes... It MUST be done by the Australian EMBASSY either in BKK, or on an "Outreach" Visit to wherever YOU may be. (Oh, and the cost is Baht770)

    This being the case, what is the point in having an Hon. Consul anywhere in this country?


  2. On 8/18/2016 at 1:16 AM, Redline said:

    It's possible they all went to the same place to ask an agreeable spirit for lottery numbers.  In turn, the spirit did not give them numbers, but planted this evil plan in their heads, and they went home and later went about their business, just as the spirit said?  It makes more sense, and is more believable...

    Ahh-huh.... thank you oh wise one, OF COURSE, how foolish of me to have not thought of that myself. Wife bought Lottery Tickets today.... hope she hasn't been consulting an "agreeable spirit" who has decided  on MY fate.


  3. Hmm... So, it was just a coincidence that all of these attacks happened as they did. Different Folks, were simply "struck" with the same idea, at the same time, to do much the same thing over the same period with similar devices???

    Wow, can only imagine what strange and mystical forces were at work for all of that to happen as it did.

    Must hasten to congratulate the investigative team on its fine and dedicated work, in having deduced theses startling facts.



  4. We once reported what appeared to be an "abandoned" Gym Bag near the food court there. It had been placed by a Pillar and was un attended for at least 20 minutes. NO ONE at the Food Court Front Counter, was in the least interested when my wife (who is Thai) reported the matter.

    She was simply given a stupid smile and a giggle for her trouble. Okay as it turned out, there was No Problem....that time but it is a pretty fair indication as to the slack attitude they have towards safety of their customers and other staff.

  5. 8 hours ago, peterb17 said:

    Are you diabetic by any chance? 


    Rule here is any infection - antibiotic creams or iodine ! 


    Never take a chance on any infection , how ever insignificant .


    Think I would rather take a chance on hospitals here than going back home- then of course I as an expat cannot access our health service. 

    I had the Thai Government "Ferang" Health Cover, but of course that has been WITHDRAWN by the Current Government so now if I get some thing Really Serious and can't afford to go home, I may have to follow the example of so many other Ferang who've run out of options here.

  6. WOW !
    What a Brilliant idea, I bet whoever thought up the idea, is about to be invited to become a member of MENSA.


    Foreigners will be so enthralled with the concept, I'm sure they'll be tripping over each other to come and take part in this fabulous experience and Marvell at the smooth, efficient way such well planned ideas are executed.


     Now for those,  "Nay Sayers" and yes, there are bound to be a few who will conjure up  reasons to object to this most reasonable of regulations, may I suggest the following alternatives.

    1: Have a special ID Code Tattooed upon your forehead.


    2: Have an Electronic Chip Implanted in your Ear.


    Now, there you go Boys and Girls...oh!!  and those In-between, we have plenty of options for you to embrace and give you cause to be Deliriously Happy !

  7. Filthy <deleted> animal. A bullet is too good for that vermin!

    Please don't degrade Animals... I am not aware of any Animals that do what this Bag of VOMIT and the thing that is the child's mother have done.

    The Death Penalty... YES.... but only after they've been in prison a couple of years and been Appropriately dealt with by the Inmates whom I bet will take a very, very dim view of what they have done to this poor baby.

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