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Posts posted by Torrens54

  1. 11 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:



    The highest profile you can imagine….he has survived hundreds of M16 bullets and a few grenades lobbed at his car….now they got him.

    Isn't it amazing how so many people who have never in their life even met this guy, are so keen to Kick Him When He's Down?


    Okay, he's been convicted of a serious but not violent crime. As pointed out, he survived 100+ Bullets and he didn't "do a runner" as others have done when facing jail. I've watched him on TV numerous times and he has always behaved in a thoroughly decent manner. Sure, he's been convicted but WHY do small, mean-minded individuals like to "put the boot in"?  is it because they themselves are such Pure, Totally Honest Pillars of Society, or perhaps they are simply GLAD it was him who was caught.... and not them?

  2. 11 hours ago, smedly said:

    why are they blanking out his face, scum pervs like this should be exposed for all to see so we can keep an eye on this very troubled individual

    Not a great "part profile" shot of the"Bag Of Puke" anyway BUT.... to get a somewhat clearer view of his face through the Pixilations, just "Squint" a little and it will help. Not Perfect but you might get a better idea of what he looks like.


    Hope that after he does time in the cooler here, he gets Named and Shamed in the Media in his HOME TOWN so people there can turn-out to "welcome " him.

  3. On 9/3/2016 at 11:59 PM, Rc2702 said:

    Nice positive one. Very odd the lack of response thus far.


    1. Mrs thinks she's a doctor whenever I get bit by mosquitos. Applies ointments.

    2. Mrs insists on clipping my nails twice a month.

    3. Mrs will stand in freezing cold shower and wash me when I would rather get in and get out ASAP. Need to fix shower asap!

    4. Mrs will always check a food bill before we pay ( awkward sometimes)

    5. Mrs is overly prudent where monies concerned. 

    6. Mrs is just downright bloody good at most thing she turns her hand to and is continually solving everyday problems one at a time.






    So just WHEN will the Mrs. get around to fixing the shower?


    .....ONLY KIDDING! Yes, we are very, very lucky having wives like these !

  4. 13 hours ago, JayBeeee said:

    What of the many foreign residents who aren't rich; just getting by on their earnings, like Thais? Paying taxes, like Thais? putting what they earn back into the country's economy, like Thais? have family who are Thai citizens? have a home and a life here?

    Shouldn't all residents be entitled to equal opportunity and access to services?


    I know that anyone who is resident in the UK qualifies for free access to the National Health System services; and I think that comes only six weeks after entering the country.


    Any foreigner working in Thailand is likely to be paying more tax than the average Thai person; why should they not qualify for equal benefits?

    Same applies in Australia. Although we had Private Health Care, my wife and our adopted daughter were eligible for MEDICARE if required, as soon as they arrived.

  5. Err... and what about the Long Suffering Ferangs?

    We USED to have a similar scheme. It was excellent, then the Current Government DITCHED it... and we FERANGS with it.


    Considering all the money that Expats pump into the Thai Economy every WEEK, it would behoove the Government to re introduce it, even if only to keep us alive so we can keep on pumping money into the economy.

  6. 5 hours ago, golfer1111 said:

    I think you would find that the Butterballs available last year had dates that were pre import ban (hiding in a freezer here). I haven't seen any Butterballs since so I think the ban is still on, but I don't know it for a fact.

    I looked around at Rimping (near Airport) and at Hang Dong last week....NO TURKEY at either place.

  7. 13 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    As I've lived here a  long time sometimes it's like being a frog in water that's being very slowly brought to a boil. But, yes, I think you're probably on to something that is real. 

     I first came here 30+ years ago, am married to a Thai and we have a Teenage daughter.... and YES, "Thais are a Changing."

    But NOT just towards we Farang... the Rudeness mentioned extends to Thais as well.


    I have commented on this forum previously about the lack of a "thank you" at checkouts at Rimping, Big C and Makro, all fine establishments where courtesy was their Trademark but not any more. Pretty sad really !

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