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Posts posted by Torrens54

  1. Many Chinese are avoiding Thailand now, because most hotels have reduced the size of their buffets and are using smaller plates.

    Saw a bunch of the HUNGRY HOARD at the CNX Grand View last week. No manners, push and shove and pile so much on the plate, they almost needed a Block and Tackle to lift the plate to the table.

    If they are Offended at not being allowed to create further mayhem on our roads by preventing them going South, too bad and good riddance!

  2. SCB recently tried to hit us for DOUBLE the normal cost of producing a Letter for Immigration on how much money I have in my account.

    My wife complained about the Price Hike and the Charming young man backed-down and said He would pay the Extra for us.

    Wife has also heard there is an intention for Thai Banks to CHARGE for "looking after our money" instead of paying Interest which of course is very little at the moment.

  3. "Sent back to whatever Mongrel country spawned you"? Really? For driving through wing 41 without a sticker? Hahaha! I've driven through loads of times on an expired sticker, do you really think it makes a difference to the bases safety having a sticker or not? If the were serious about it being a "military installation" they would check each car. Couple of trainer jets and a cloud seeder. Big deal. The airport is fenced off from the road, I know plenty of airports where you drive along the fence line. What are the protecting? Some administration buildings. I'm sure when the top airforce people need to join Chiang mai traffic they get police clearing the way for them. Opening that road up will help traffic problems a lot. They should get over themselves

    Let me ask you, where do you think the toll money goes?

    Do the give it to a charity to help people?

    Does it go into the air forces coffers to pay for military items?

    Or does it go to the base commanders bank account as one of his perks?

    They should just widen the road and let all traffic pass. I'm sure there's plenty of fake stickers around, might look for one.

    Thanks for your highly intelligent response "Bung" Just one question:

    Were your Mother and Father, closely related?

  4. They will do a multiple entry non-o based upon marriage.

    If you have the 400k baht in the bank you could apply for a one year extension of stay at immigration instead of a visa. No need to leave the country every 90 days with it.

    Oh Wise Moderator ...got a question for you.

    Went to Immigration at CNX yesterday for the 12 Month Extension, based on Marriage,

    Fronted up with all the papers, photographs etc that we've had to produce every year for many years, only to be told we have to have the Marriage Certificate from Australia, signed by the EMBASSY in BKK. The one we have, along with Official Thai Translation was signed/authenticated by the Hon Consul but seems that is no longer sufficient and now we need to send the whole thing to BKK.

    Have you or anyone else heard of this NEW Regulation?

    There is certainly no new regulation. Just something the officer or Chiang Mai immigration has created.

    I assume you also presented a Kor Ror 22 with the marriage certificate.

    There is no requirement for the marriage certificate to legalized again. That is a one time requirement.

    I think all you will be able to do at the Australian embassy is a self certification by doing a statutory declaration that it is true and correct.

    Thanks for the info. First time my wife and I had heard of a "Kor Ror 22." We presented exactly the same documentation, complete with Officially Translated Marriage Certificate, all stamped by the Australian Hon. Consul here in CNX several years ago. As I said, there has been no problem in the past.

    HOWEVER... we then went to the A Muang Office to get the "Kor Ror 22, only to be told WE MUST have the Marriage Certificate and Official Translation signed and Stamped by the Australian EMBASSY in BKK as the previous Authorisation by the CONSUL in CNX is no longer sufficient. (I understand... there was some suggestion that we can "get someone to do all the paper-work on our behalf for about 6-Thousand Baht.)

    We are due to visit Immigration AGAIN before 05:00 on Monday in order to get a listing on the day's Queue to see the Immigration Officer.

    Guess we;'' have to wait and see what happens. She wanted the Translation of the Marriage Certificate "Laid Out" in a different Format. My wife has had that done, so "fingers crossed." Will let you know if we learn anything NEW from Officialdom.

  5. I actually drove on when asked to stop a few weeks ago. Stuff 'em!

    Well, next time, you may be getting some "Stuffing Yourself"... in a Jail Cell.

    The Law is the LAW and you'd be well advised to obey it unless you want a little Prison Time before being sent packing back to whatever

    Mongrel Country Spawned you.

  6. They will do a multiple entry non-o based upon marriage.

    If you have the 400k baht in the bank you could apply for a one year extension of stay at immigration instead of a visa. No need to leave the country every 90 days with it.

    Oh Wise Moderator ...got a question for you.

    Went to Immigration at CNX yesterday for the 12 Month Extension, based on Marriage,

    Fronted up with all the papers, photographs etc that we've had to produce every year for many years, only to be told we have to have the Marriage Certificate from Australia, signed by the EMBASSY in BKK. The one we have, along with Official Thai Translation was signed/authenticated by the Hon Consul but seems that is no longer sufficient and now we need to send the whole thing to BKK.

    Have you or anyone else heard of this NEW Regulation?

  7. As far as Expats are concerned, the Previous Thai Government had an excellent Health Scheme but it was ditched by the current Government.

    Would be a great idea to bring it back, even if the Premiums were substantially increased.

    As it stands, if you are over 70, no one wants to know you and you can presumably, die in the street for all they care. Maybe that is a major reason as to why so many Expats in Thailand "take flying lessons off high balconies."

  8. Never had a problem with my Australian MDL.

    First time, I had to do an eye test, and reaction test. I was then given a Car License for 12 months. We later moved to Australia and when we came back 3 years later, I took both my (by then Expired) Thai MDL and my Aussie one into the department here in Chiang Mai and they gave me a Thai MDL which was valid for 5 years. All I had to do was the Eye Test and sit through a 30 minute Video on Driving in LOS.

  9. Grew up in Adelaide but spent most of my working life in Perth.

    Your mention of the Barossa and Victor Harbour make me quite Homesick... used to love the Barossa, arranged a Train Trip there for the Vintage Festival one year when I was working for NWS 9. It was brilliant, complete with a Jazz Band on board.

    A "Good Sunday Drive" here... at least a Life Preserving one would be, Back your car onto the street, then drive back into your Carport.

    My wife and daughter used to love our Sunday drives in Oz but back here, it is a whole different story... pity!

  10. I have never bought a bottle under $300 USD, and I have bought thousands.

    Sometimes I fly to the vineyard.....

    Please, it is your body, only put in the best!!!!

    My taste buds peak at $3.99.

    Sorry BUT in Thailand, $3.99 won't even buy you a Chateau Le Cardboard, RED NED.

    • Like 1
  11. I wonder which schools these winners came from? I would bet that they came from International Schools, as the Thai Science Curriculum is a mess.

    BTW, I am a science teacher and trying to actually teach the students something while following the Thai Science Curriculum is a tricky balancing act at best.

    Must be as bad as trying to teach them English.

  12. Massively Inflated "value" of the Baht isn't helping!

    ....and the Banks are trying to rip-off the ferang as well.

    Yesterday we went to our Branch of a Bank I've been with for the past 10 years to get the letter for Immigration, as to having the required amount of money, to stay here with my Thai Wife and our daughter.

    Smart little fellow tried to hit us up for Baht 400 for the Letter. Now, this has, in the past ranged between 100 and 200 Baht.

    Both my wife and I started making noises of DISAPPROVAL. I threatened to close my account and guess what ?

    Smart little fellow told us he would PAY the extra 200 Baht!

    .... and they wonder why????

  13. "Alcohol sales are also prohibited during the official public holidays on Tuesday and Wednesday."

    Running to the 7/11 to fetch the master Pokemon...

    Btw Is the immigration open on Thursday and Friday?

    Yes, will be open again Thursday.

    Yep... and if you go, take your BED with you as the place is going to be very, very busy catching up with the back-log.

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