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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. I'd be embarrassed to be Thai but not embarrassed to be on that list. Monopolies is the game here; CP has the lion's share of the convenience store industry (with 83.05% from 7-11 and Lotus's Go Fresh). And as for Red Bull, don't even go there.
  2. Damn and I've booked my taxi for 26th.
  3. Strange how they only catch it outside of Thailand. If any die is their pension stopped?
  4. 'Seree advised residents in Phang-nga, Ranong, Krabi, Phuket and Satun to follow the situation closely, because a series of small earthquakes could unleash a big, powerful one and in turn possibly lead to a tsunami.' Well that's crossed off a few places where I won't be going on holiday.
  5. 'the Thai currency since the beginning of this year, has gained ground against both the pound sterling and euro.' I'm British & not enjoying this.
  6. Even for a Thai, with no regard for safety, this sounds a trifle risky.
  7. Yes I am here - I retired & came to live near my son who has a restaurant in Bangkok. I stayed & put down roots. I agree with your points above that there will still be folks who will come anyway but often the best publicity is Word of Mouth. In 20 years I have had visits from lots of friends/relatives/workmates. If I had presented a jaundiced view of Thailand they would have returned to UK & spread the news: Thailand is dirty; has packs of wild dogs; is racist; no police only highway robbers. With mass media at everyone's fingertips every stain on Thailand's reputation will be spread round the world.
  8. Drop it off a high rise condo building.
  9. I wonder when litter bins will be invented?
  10. Thailand could not organise a Booze-up in a brewery. They would overlay every level with so much bureaucracy each phase would be unworkable. Couldn't see Ronaldo waiting in line at Immigration. (If he's still playing in 2026.)
  11. So all these hordes should be cluttering up Immigration offices up & down the country? I went to Pattaya for a re-entry permit on Tuesday. No queues; I was done in under 10 minutes AND I managed my 1st on-line 90 day report.
  12. Getting shot up the Yaris is no laughing matter.
  13. A rare success for RTP who are adept at picking up miscreants at their mothers' houses shortly after appearing on CCTV with their motor bikes in plain view.
  14. When they put the tunnel in, it closed all businesses on the dark side for what seemed like five years because of access problems.
  15. Who would want to hug the diseased Anutin? He gets Covid every other week.
  16. Nine agencies - none of them Immigration?
  17. No sympathy. How much did these companies make by forcing worthless policies on tourists?
  18. Been here nearly 20 years; at nearly 80 it's probably come too late for me even if the bureaucracy could be circumvented. I agree with the above poster Richard Coleman; retirees should be the bedrock on the Thai economic rebuild. I have spent millions over the years on housing; educating step-daughters; cars; entertainment; restaurants etc. Yet I am not allowed to own my own house or start up a business without yielding 51% to Thais. Talk about cake and eat it! Thailand does not deserve people like me.
  19. 'Pichai said the government should put on hold new weapon purchases, such as the four billion baht budget to buy seven drones from an Israel company and the air force plan to buy F-35 fighter jets which cost around 2.7 billion baht each, in order to help fund the measures to help people cope with rising living costs.' Every little helps.
  20. You'll get a TAT medal for five visits.
  21. 80 in a couple of months & reckon I could beat 80% of table tennis players locally.
  22. When I return from a UK family visit in August (after getting a re-entry permit) will I be counted as a tourist?
  23. All the above rankings are taken from the TAT book entitled 'Rose Coloured Glasses.'
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