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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. 'Pattaya police reportedly' why the last word? Is there a suggestion that Pattaya Plod sometimes misspeak?
  2. For the 1st time? How does he deliver such lines with a straight face?
  3. 1st question, 'What is your address?'
  4. I'd like to say 'Another triumph for Pattaya Plod' but I can't think of any others.
  5. Why are they starting it now six months in? Has somebody died?
  6. Please get someone to read this for you slowly. My stepdaughters took the usual four year teacher training course and came out knowing as much as the average 13 year old English student. I divorced my Thai wife because of her greed. 'Generalizations like you said, "This are slow learners" are simply wrong.' as is your expression. 'My Thai is better than their English' should have suggested I am a competent Thai speaker far more than my Thai acquaintances are in English.
  7. I've been here 20 years; had a wife; put two stepdaughters through teacher training; have a farang son in Bangkok who runs a successful business. I do not have any close Thai friends because of the language problems. (my Thai is better than their English.) I am not a Yank but English. Coming here was the best single decision of my life. I love the weather; the girls; the food; cost of living. In this time I have learned Thais are infinitely more racist and xenophobic than I.
  8. What a good idea! Maybe soon a police shift system will be introduced whereby the force works day & night to 'serve & protect.'
  9. Like RTP looking for spies, this is Thailand's attempt to justify spending millions on its aircraft (balloons included.)
  10. That goes without saying.
  11. Slow learners may have something to do with slow teachers. Of course I am racist; Thais are slow learners one has only to look at the cream of the crop running the country. You'll be saying next that Thais are good drivers. How many have to die before they realise helmets are a good thing?
  12. How can you tell when Pattaya Plod is lying?
  13. Aren't there several cases pending about a VIP's son also committed in London before he continued in Thailand?
  14. Does this apply to land 'owned' 100% by farangs? (I hear the sound of laughter from Malaysia!)
  15. Meanwhile five on a motorbike is OK.
  16. I wouldn't & I'm a Utd fan (65 years served.)
  17. All a big misunderstanding as is often the way when RTP try to justify their very existence.
  18. I can't take the words of this 'self-raising' ex-minister seriously. Pot/kettle/black.
  19. Stay away. Don't go there. Hit 'em in the wallet till they see sense. (This may take years - Thais are slow learners.)
  20. Don't forget to include the dedicated officers taking statements and issuing insurance forms to all the Indian tourists who have been robbed of their gold.
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