In so far as the average Thai does not have the ability to think beyond the next pay day, I would think, on balance, the answer might be a resounding NO!
My ruminations on this may well be flawed as I'm rubbish at Maths & would welcome input from more skilful people.
If you drive fast you use more fuel? A bigger engine uses more fuel? Fierce acceleration is wasteful? Braking = wasted fuel?
Given the above is it possible to arrive at a figure in baht for some of these driving methods? (small/medium/large car.)
If these figures were publicised in Thai mass media, would this deter the average Thai motorist from emptying their tank to get one place ahead of me at the next red light? Would it stop them using the car in front as a tool for braking? Will it be the death of speaker vans holding traffic up with announcements no one will hear?
Hope it's better than the bomb check at the Hard Rock Café in Pattaya. They push a mirror under the car, salute and off you go; ignorant of the huge thermo-nuclear device on the front seat.