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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. The victim (a nurse) bought the car; realised it was a useless purchase in Bangkok & handed it over to her Pattaya based brother to rent out. He rented it to a woman who stole 3 cars from rental companies & sold them on. The vic's insurance didn't cover rentals.
  2. It is said it costs 1 million for a Pattaya post recoverable within a year. I was in a room in Dongtan station where a car thief had been 'arrested' by family members. The fat officer wanted 10K to proceed with prosecuting. The victim did not have the money & continued paying the bank for FOUR years for a car she did not have!
  3. It's only kept going to provide freebies for VIPs to enjoy paid for by the masses. Thailand in a nutshell.
  4. So bars can't serve alcohol in the afternoon? Why would they open?
  5. Best thing I've seen this year is 'Tehran' S 1 & 2. I love it because it has lots of English subtitles - an aid to my failing hearing! Do not touch 'Last Seen Alive'! I like Gerard Butler but he is wasted in this trite storiless missing wife movie. How he was persuaded to act in it; how anyone thought this was worth spending millions on; are mysteries beyond our ken.
  6. Series 1 was OK but then the makers discovered how to film exploding heads & it sickened me.
  7. The whole country is based on seven families who control pricing of everything. 'Monopoly' is not a game in Thailand, it is a business practice.
  8. The whole country is run on these lines. The best candidate for a job is not appointed unless related to the boss. We should start a new movement named 'Do you know who my father is?'
  9. They've got lots of 800K deposits from farangs; this way they dodge paying them any interest.
  10. I thought crimes committed abroad are not crimes? Certainly in London & Australia.
  11. The only invisible police force in the world?
  12. So what diseases do dogs spread as they urinate & defecate on every soi in Thailand?
  13. Meanwhile I spotted ONE policeman whilst driving round all weekend.
  14. Sums them up perfectly.
  15. 'Changes to Police Commission Bill' - there's a police force in Thailand?
  16. I thought Boonsampan was Khao Noi? Took me eighty minutes at the height of rush hour to do my usual one kilometre journey from Suk. Guess what! Not a single COP on duty; AND my internet has been a lot slower!
  17. Agreed. Had one in Bang Saray; two nights of noise & disturbance EVERY week.
  18. Never thought I'd see the day when 'Pattaya police' and 'conscientious' would be paired in the same sentence.
  19. If they had any shame they would use a ceremonial sword like the Japanese.
  20. It is one without farangs. Until Thailand updates its mediaeval house owning laws the housing market will continue to languish. Retiree expats should be cherished; they have family & friends who would love to visit yet there's so many hoops Malaysia reaps the benefits.
  21. Now if they could just temper TAT's wild imagination we might just see some realism about Thailand's plight.
  22. They've been snipping miles of cable on Kao Noi & piling it in heaps ready to make new reefs in Pattaya bay.
  23. There's a charity actively seeking money from the public. These good people sterilise a hundred dogs at a time then put them back on the street to continue their miserable lives! The dogs continue spreading disease; continue causing accidents/savaging passers-by. Thailand is sixty years behind most civilised nations in this respect.
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