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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. whereupon 653 all had their gold necklaces stolen. They've come to snigger at the property owning laws applied to farangs.
  2. which will be of no help to all the cripples dependent on this income. Nor can you choose your own numbers!
  3. Does this mean Mia Nois will be given the same rights as Wives? Will this conference mean Thai women can get into RTP college?
  4. The photo shows 3 Wise Monkeys: See no evil; Speak no evil; Don't swallow.
  5. Almost daily there is a public statement which highlights how dim the Government in General is. (General is a deliberate pun.)
  6. Utd lost 1-0; the beginning of the end for Moyes and a series of managers since.
  7. All the motor cycles make their way to the front of the queue. When the lights change to green no one wishes to be the 1st to move as there's always a couple of red light runners - it becomes a game of 'Chicken'.
  8. So what - TIT. Apparently there is a law requiring all dogs to be on leads?
  9. Thai Government eh? What a crooked self-serving lot holding the country to ransom and the electorate in disdain.
  10. If petrol is so expensive, why do Thai drivers empty their tanks to get one place ahead of you at the next red light?
  11. Well, one. I say this as a Utd fan for 64 years. I witnessed David Moyes' Utd 1st game here against a team of Asian midgets.
  12. The new mayor has just granted the sand renewal operation to his brother.
  13. She'll be off making merit at the nearest temple for this windfall.
  14. Any dog not on a lead with its owner should be treated thus. If you want action, cut/paste this story across FB et al. Bad publicity is the only way to get any action round here.
  15. Agreed - they go slow & there's no room to overtake. Throw in the speaker vans at election time & no wonder Thailand's fuel bill is 30% higher than it should be!
  16. Pattaya on stand-by; fleets of sand-carrying wagons fully loaded.
  17. 'police officers say new uniform is a waste of money' as is paying them a salary.
  18. Talk about statin' the bleedin' obvious! The same experts suggested buying more lottery tickets would increase your chance of winning.
  19. Like every salivating police force in the land.
  20. Tried to register but get Shopee. Same for proxy?
  21. Thankyou. I will check this out; not just for my deafness but I sometimes watch with my TGF & have to explain situations.
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