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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. With no pressing business other than an imminent invasion from Laos, Prayuth is bored out of his skull enough to welcome meaningful conversations from the stoner Anutin.
  2. People have stopped reaching out to local police as a waste of time/breath/money.
  3. Normally it's seven Thais ganging up on one foreigner. Are Thai men getting braver?
  4. There's a vacancy on the Anti-corruption board.
  5. Money is used to grease the wheels right up to the point of prosecution then it is used to slow down the judiciary process until all assets are safely secured.
  6. It is with great pride that I receive this award; the first in 75 years since I was made a milk monitor at Primary school for my ability to lug metal crates of frozen milk into classrooms.
  7. I raised three UK kids + 3 Issarn step daughters + 1 niece here. I taught them a proper work ethic; safety first when they were learning to drive; gave them an education. All have survived this experience.
  8. How much do bill checkers get in Makro for their ability to read 182 articles & ensure it tallies with the trolley? Or the hordes of Thaiwatsadu assistants who hide in the basement six hours a day?
  9. In the UK there has been much investment in energy saving: loft insulation; double glazing; new boilers for old. In Thailand consumers are routinely scammed by family cartels that collaborate to fix prices and wrangle to divvy out market shares with no interference. As an example look at the price of underarm deodorants which are often 500% higher than the Aldi price (though these don't have the armpit whitening facility so prized by two-toned Thais.)
  10. I accept that I am guilty of Thai bashing on topics to do with police & dogs but I have nothing but praise for BKK. My trip to UK & back was marred only by the service I received on Finnair and the sh1thole that is Manchester airport. I reckon it took under ten minutes to be browsing King Power's monopoly on the outward journey. As a senior I merely mentioned my age to an official to be escorted to a priority lane on the inward journey.
  11. There's not one gold chain left in Pattaya on an Indian's neck. They've even shut down the office dealing with Insurance claims at the Cop Shop.
  12. Is there any area of Thai society that is NOT riddled with corruption in the name of baht?
  13. Bridge is illegal according to Pattaya police to anyone over 70.
  14. Sukhumvit road (Pattaya's main artery) is still semi-impassable since before Covid. Roll-on deodorants are now 500% more expensive than in UK. New packs of wild dogs have proliferated. It is rumoured the town is soon to get a police force.
  15. Doesn't this smack of re-arranging the deckchairs on the Titanic?
  16. Some women don't need certificates to get their jobs.
  17. Thai justice grinds exceedingly slowly. When will the Statute of Limitations kick in? Asking for a Red Bull friend.
  18. So 57,000 new workers hiding in Thaiwatsadu basements and/or blowing whistles on Makro carparks?
  19. My ex used to work in a fake shirt shop in Pattaya. At the end of the 'season' local bobbies came round & cleared the shelves ready for the latest fashions.
  20. Does this guy count in the huge influx of Malaysian tourists just noted?
  21. I'm in the last lot; do I count as a tourist having lived here permanently for 18 years and just managed my FIRST 90 Day report online?
  22. What does he do? Defence Ministry against whom? Laos? Students? Is this his first visit? Why was Thailand not invaded during his previous years of absence?
  23. Does this mean Americans can buy land using the company route?
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