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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. No. She has a high fever & fuming mad because she will have to miss her 1st half-Marathon race this weekend.
  2. Pre-Covid, I went to Vietnam & Laos where I reckon 100% of bikers wore helmets. Why is it so difficult for RTP? It is not like it's hard to spot.
  3. Yet easily checked with CCTV and a police force; one is conspicuously absent in Pattaya.
  4. Of course IF there was a police force that worked at night, the numbers might fall. China cannot afford any more offensive headlines after decimating the World's economy and killing millions.
  5. More stupid is lighting one in the first place. Thailand has enough carcinogenic air to go round without needing a cig.
  6. but not too closely lest the police owners get mildly embarrassed.
  7. I suspect it was Thais who came up with this. I bought one with a '100% Cotton' label; it melted under a hot iron.
  8. My daughter in UK, double jabbed with AZ, has come down with Covid; she is a teacher.
  9. But he's already granted himself immunity against ANY prosecution so this suit will only serve to make the lawyers richer; these latter feed off the archaic Thai laws that stifle free speech.
  10. 'Endorse' means 'we will gratefully accept any free hand-outs going while we continue to buy Chinese rubbish at exorbitant prices.'
  11. Except no-one in the trade is laughing. Why do the Thai authorities not look what other countries are doing & imitate; Thailand is the hub of copies after all.
  12. Totally agree. If there was any sense of cooperation on the roads the daily death toll would halve. This lack is apparent on every soi littered with rubbish; every fire spreading carcinogenic fumes; every dog allowed to roam any road.
  13. It's a form of birth control in my house; her indoors sleeps in the spare room if she uses it.
  14. Now imagine these figures without the mobile ex-pats who have been trapped here & can soon take their 800K to a country where they are valued; with no bent cops; no wild dogs; no litter; no carcinogenic air yet with safe roads where you can own your own house.
  15. Thais fear Sinovac more than Covid. Until they start dispensing proper vaccines, these numbers will not materialise.
  16. Anything less than five years is 'hasty'. Look how long the futsal saga has dragged on. At the end it will just be called a misunderstanding with no punishment.
  17. “This hotel or individuals associated with this hotel filed criminal charges against a Tripadvisor user in relation to the traveler writing and posting online reviews,” the message from Tripadvisor says. “The reviewer spent time in jail as a result. Tripadvisor serves its users best when travelers are free to share their opinions and experiences on our platform — both positive and negative. The hotel may have been exercising its legal rights under local law, however, it is our role to inform you so you may take this into consideration when researching your travel plans.” I think his profuse apology was forced out of him under threat of jail/deportation?
  18. Where did he get the alcohol in Pattaya? Last week I tried to patronise a local restaurant but was not allowed a G & T with my meal.
  19. Well there are vaccines and there's the Chinese stuff so beloved by Anutin (for some reason!) They would get close to the magic 70% figure if they offered Thais Pfizer or AZ. My TGF was turned away in Pattaya as there were only 500 doses & already oversubscribed before opening time. Many Thais fear Sinovac MORE than Covid!
  20. You could enjoy a night in jail - the customer on Koh Chang did. Most Thais can't take criticism (particularly from a 'dirty farang) because they are taught this country is Best At Everything; education; cooking; driving. My wife was gob-smacked by the politeness showed by road-users in UK. Because they don't read or travel this myth is preserved by Institutions like the Government or TAT.
  21. I am visiting Bangkok this weekend & also staying near Terminal 21 Asoke. Does anyone know if I can expect floods? Approaching down Suk from Bang Na.
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