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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. When do they ever expect anything less? Their pronouncements are usually so far off the mark as to be labelled propaganda or false news. And they have a job for LIFE with no accountability!
  2. I thought all Thai politicians in power were soldiers as a prerequisite of entering the Gov?
  3. Agreed. Bonanza time with no resultant decrease in the daily death toll.
  4. Nice little windfall for RTP for doing not very much.
  5. How is he managing this? What sort of visa does he have? Will it be renewed?
  6. So that's his secret to clinging on to power. Why haven't other politicians thought of this?
  7. The decision's been made; bought and paid for. Forming a committee is just the Thai way of passing time.
  8. 'Safety checks by the local authority and DOPA officials in Pattaya on fire exits at some Walking Street clubs have found them in an unusable state.' Stand by for the next tragedy.
  9. It explains why we never see RTP patrolling Pattaya sois; they're keeping their heads down.
  10. Thais & electricity don't mix well.
  11. Blaming the roads saves lazy police doing paperwork. There's never a prosecution for driving too fast and without due care and attention. As an alert earlier poster pointed out, all our Insurance premiums go towards subsidising twonks like these.
  12. Check Anutin's bank deposits to see where the future lies.
  13. It might for these Chinese respondents but not for the Thai poor.
  14. Check out the families of any recently bought land. In civilised countries this is known as insider dealing.
  15. Figures identical to above post. Why can't the Thai Gov realise where their future lies? Are they too intent on feathering their own nests? Allow retirees to own their own home and see what Malaysia are doing.
  16. Legal team? I thought the one with the most guns wins all arguments here?
  17. They are supposed to deter bad driving habits not prey on road users.
  18. Lots of sunshine; all the wild dogs you can eat; cheap smuggled pork; endless eye-candy.
  19. When police shed their Invisibility cloaks.
  20. The victim is dumb; he thinks he's talking to a senior police officer but it's a motorbike taxi driver.
  21. I see lots of menus advertising 'pulled pork'. Is this the same?
  22. A former Army captain & cabinet member was seen giggling in the crowd as tons of self-raising flour went up in smoke.
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