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Posts posted by billythehat

  1. Update: :)

    Prior to the raid on the hotel, General Somchai Whattacockup had briefed the troops. They would approach the hotel in cars with small wheels that would only steer in circles. Using the shock-troop tactic of cheap sounding bubble horns, wearing big frizzy ginger wigs and black bowler hats, they would then storm the building shouting their battle cry of “BEHIND YOU!” before breaking out the ordnance. Armed with buckets containing feathers the troops are to approach the targets from behind, blow into a kazoo and then kick the target up the bottom with the supplied outsize shiny boots until he either submits or dies laughing. Should this wheeze fail, the troops are instructed to deploy the trick plastic squirty flowers attached to their battle fatigues. These will propel copious amounts of Jonnie Walker Black Label at the confused Somchai’s, thus subduing them. The General had given his explicit orders to his subordinates who, in turn, were confused as to how it was possible to be subordinate to someone who’d just had a brain transplant from a Halibut. Further covert operations are planned using the abandoned GT200 gizmo’s which will be used to trip the fiendish Somchai’s up.

  2. Sorry mate, that's not quite how it works. As you clicked on the 'Book Now' button to go where you're going (where is that) 1000 people clicked the 'Book Now' button to come to Phuket. Out of those 1000 people 999 of them will have a great holiday and 500 of them will probably come back again. If they don't it doesn't matter because another 1000 have just clicked the 'Book Now' button anyway.

    Global recession, changing trends and numerous other things may affect the tourism in Phuket. Tuk Tuks will not.

    "Lies, d*mned lies, and statistics" Mark Twain.

    A modern phrase describing the persuasive power of numbers, particularly the use of statistics to bolster weak arguments, and the tendency of people to disparage statistics that do not support their positions. I'm just saying.....

  3. Being "well situated" has nothing to do with land prices. It's a subjective term. I only use one beach south of Bang tao, and even then only rarely, so being in the south wouldn't benefit me much.

    You didn't answer my question. If I have a boat in the Phuket Marina, a kid at the BIS, play golf at Laguna, and my favourite beach is Nai Thon, where would be a more "well situated " place to live than Thalang??

    "Being "well situated" has nothing to do with land prices."..... :):D:D:D:D

    Oh, that English sense of humour never fails to crack me up.

  4. I'm going to throw caution to the wind and pessimistically say that things will undoubtedly stay the same.

    You sound like Melanie or Bob Dylan at Woodstock. I hate to tell you this, but they got it seriously wrong as well. This Tuk Tuk thing will eat you alive if you don't let it go.

    "You sound like Melanie or Bob Dylan at Woodstock. I hate to tell you this, but they got it seriously wrong as well. This Tuk Tuk thing will eat you alive if you don't let it go."

    For the younger readers here, would you be so kind to explain this analogy? Tuk-Tuks as ethereal flesh eaters :D ....Please Mr Head, tell me it ain't so, 'cos I'm just gonna stay in my guesthouse and Woo-Hoo...I mean Boo Hoo, until them pesky TT's are sorted... :)

  5. Cheers, any idea of the cost..??

    no idea but believe me medical work here is cheap and the hospital itself superb ......they will quote you upfront any costs and will usually be ready to do the procedure almost immediately .....

    Sounds like a ‘snip’ to me... :)

  6. BTW how does this thread had 2 'more' dead ??

    :) ...mmmm...yes, I see what you hab mean. 1 man dead confirmed, bereft of life and pushing up the daises, although the Somchai's aren't saying. 1 man still feeling a little under the weather. 2 'more' persons 'died' but these absent raga-muffin corpses have yet to be related to that particular incident. Reports suggest that they probably expired from exhaustion whilst waiting to be served.

    Mind you, the Somchai's do seem to have done a reasonable job of hushing the local press on this one. Even the 'can't be named' website has not updated its' reporting from March. :D

  7. they are employed to deny access to private property for unwanted individuals or groups, and to protect the rest of their guests from these individuals or groups. attacking them while doing their job is unwise. having a group of 30-50% larger men attacking them is suicidal.

    all farang have to do is to respect being denyed access to private property, and leave quietly when asked to do so. coming back with strong friends as a group to attack the bouncers guarding entrance doesnt work. This kind of farang revenge is illegal and suicidal. The bouncers action was legal.

    Violent thais can be real bad, but in this incident they where protecting private property from a group attack

    A sort of justified homicide then? :)

    Kinda surprising that the French guy's buddies haven't started bleating the tale to the French press...the Somchai's would have no chance of covering that story up on the world stage.

  8. LivinginKata:

    Your home DL was denied because it had no picture. This is covered in the UN Conventions. And DL's have had pictures for 30-40 years. Are you really using an account from 30-40 years ago as somehow relevent today? When did you first come to Thailand?

    Yeah I was going with my gut on that one. I am thinking LIK is American for some reason. If he is then I am right.

    My UK license was issued in 1978 and is valid until 2019. 30 years back the UK still did not issue DLs with photo. So your 30 - 40 years statement is not correct. I don't know when the UK started the new photo style DLs. The incident I referred to happened about 12 years ago. As far as I know, and from information I have read on the internet, recently, a home DL is not valid in Thailand without a supporting IDP.

    You have all been discussing a 90 day 'rule' for tourists as if that rule really exists. I have yet to see any supporting evidence for such a rule. So let's not confuse any folks reading this topic with just 'hearsay' information.

    I will research this issue more with the Phuket DVLC office and if I find any Thai law or regulation then I will publish it here.

    A few notes on the UK photocard driver's license for all you 'young at heart' boys.

    Photo licences were first issued in July 1998. Unlike the old paper items, the new photocard license is only valid for 10 years, after which it must renewed - for a fee, naturally...(17.50 squid the last time I changed mine.)

    Also, causing some confusion, is the small print on the tiny credit-card-size photo licence, which is used in conjunction with the paper version. Just below the driver name on the front of the photo card licence is a series of dates and details - each one numbered. Number 4b features a date in tiny writing, but no explicit explanation as to what it means. The date's significance is only explained if the driver turns over the card and reads the key on the back, which states that '4b', means 'licence valid to'. Even more confusingly, an adjacent table on the rear of the card sets out how long the driver is registered to hold a licence - that is until his or her 70th birthday...mmmmm....

    Note that insurance companies stipulate that you must possess a current license to be covered – even though you registered to hold one until you are a 70 year old duffer. For IDP you will need to send (amongst others) details of your valid UK driver's license to obtain such.

    Taking the above dates into account, as an example, he has either recently renewed his UK DL or he is 70 years young in 2019.

  9. The crime scene, eh? :) Shouldn't it be taped off to avoid contamination? Stabbed to death...mmm...as opposed to being stabbed to life?...sheesh...and if the Somchai was stabbed 5 times by one or both of the other Somchai's, where's all the claret?...it should've be all over the place during the scrap.... :D

  10. Reports mention that the new Colonel Somchai stated that nobody has died (yet) but there was at least one ‘broken-head.’ By this I’m assuming ‘broken-brains’ and therefore at least 99% of the inhabitants on the island will require interview. :)

  11. A sad & tragic event for the family of the deceased. Constructive & sympathetic comments would be in order, really not the place to try & make jokes using racial, derogatory comments.

    Nothing discriminating there, just the plain cold facts as reported - Somchai on Somchai... :)

  12. It's interesting the difference between western journalism and Thai. An article like this back home would have included a vehicle description, direction of travel, and a way for witnesses to report if the have information. Not sure if its the bad journalism or bad police work, likely both. If I see "two men in a car" I will be sure to call. :D

    And it's very unlikely the found a "9mm bullet close to the body" More likely they meant 9mm cartridge casings.

    They have with an update... :)

    Doctor Somchai’s buddy, Somchai, told police that two Somchai’s pulled up in a bronze Toyota sedan without a license plate and stopped in front of the clinic, one Somchai gets out and pumps two slugs into Doctor Somchai. Doctor Somchai killed and the two Somchai hitmen leg-it. Case solved...

  13. The Bog-Paper-Scam. :D

    You all know what I mean. At any Somchai establishment there exists the enigma of why Somchai, who, after grudgingly providing a cracked toilet with no seat, (with bodged plumbing so that the water level is only just below the rim) decides that seeing as he doesn't wipe his own backside, doesn't see why you should, and steadfastly refuses to provide that symbol of all that is proper and decent to modern civilisation, Bog Paper. Happy is our Somchai to spend his mornings unblocking the u-bend, choked full of crumpled soiled pages from the Bangkok Post, rather than supply a few sheets of the white stuff....I really can't work it out... :)

    Somchai: "Hah! Farang no hab get one on me!" (glug glug...rummage...gag..) :D

    Perhaps 'Somchai' is a major shareholder of Jung Ceylon?

    ..mmm...you could have a good point there. The only time I can remember said facilities at JC’s was in one of the many eateries oop from the shipwreck model. I’d forgotten the cardinal rule of not having a good pony at the guesthouse that morning and the colon alarm bells were a’ringing. A quick Linford Christie sprint to the restaurant hong nam found me squatting on cold china seat with me foot firmly pressed against a door with no lock. Looking around...yep, no bog paper but there was a towel by the sink...mmm...

  14. And from what I've seen, they come down way harder on farangs for minor drug violations than Thais.
    Look at the post above yours. Plenty of people, Thais, in jail for possession of drugs. Hardly any foreigners, only for smuggling.

    So there's plenty of Thai's in Thai prisons...mmm..who would've thought that?... :)

    Anyway, isn't this the same guy as described as an Aussie on this running thread below? :D



    Well BILLYTHEHAT it seems you enjoy insulting Thai people and Thailand.

    You certainly have no idea what a third world country is and it seems you do talk through your hat.

    All the posts you do which i have seen on this forum you knock every thing and everybody.

    You really need to find something better to do with your life.

    Whoa, steady there, Pop's, you and so many of the inmates are just so wrong. :D

    I call it merely a balancing set of opinions. :)


    FYI Thailand is not a 3rd world country. Most of it isn't 2nd world either. Have you ever been there or do you just not understand the term?



    What a load of cobblers. Not 3rd or 2nd so I assume you mean LLL is a 1st world country? Million laughs there, Einstein. Thailand is one of the 3rd world countries. Its government and politics are not aligned to either the western world or the communist world. I will accept 4th world, though. :)


    I have just returned from a holiday in Australia and believe me the prices of things there are much higher than they

    are in Phuket, i consider the prices here VERY SEASONABLE.

    Where we live the people are friendly and good neighbors and its a great place to live, nothing is expensive.

    Everyone who i know living here loves the place and knows the things you should do and what you should

    not do and don't get ripped off.

    If you don't like Phuket don't come here go elsewhere and stop flogging a dead horse.

    Sheesh :D Expensive?..Oh really?...Now let me guess....erm..er..could it be that Australia is a first world country and Lalaland is a 3rd world country? :D

    I hope he does go and then he can make his own opinion. :)

  15. ...mmmm...various states of delusion here, although I would agree that dodging the dogs mess on the path to the Kata viewpoint on a sunny afternoon, listened to the sounds of nearby gunfire being exchanged and the lilting cries of another tourist being robbed, most certainly lends an ambience of ‘je ne sais quoi’...

  16. Some confusion here as to the form and function of a building structure. :)

    The best advice I would give to a non-professional wishing to spend some serious wonger on a dwelling, would be to engage the services of a good architect. He will know the law, design, specification of building fabric, etc. You will be surprised what you don't know... :D

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