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Posts posted by billythehat

  1. Back on topic, I did see a black Bentley yesterday on Vichit and see a nice Panamera almost daily when picking up kids at school.

    I see a white Panamera almost daily. Not the prettiest/sporty car in the world. Far from it .... bah.gif

    Ghastly Chav Mobile for sad old men, that Bentley.

    Everybody knows that no other car has ever been built that is more beautiful than the Jaguar E-Type - the Aston Martin DB4 a very close second. Here’s my ’66 E-Type...point proven...

    So Billy, that's your E-Type then?

    Wouldn't just happen to be a picture you cut and paste from http://emmaandeckfordetc.blogspot.com/ now would it?

    ..point proven.

    Ha, ha, wot took you turkeys so long?..whistling.gif ..I,

    erm....errr...meant to say my ‘favourite 66’...just a typo...heh, heh...laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

  2. Ghastly Chav Mobile for sad old men, that Bentley.

    Everybody knows that no other car has ever been built that is more beautiful than the Jaguar E-Type - the Aston Martin DB4 a very close second. Here’s my ’66 E-Type...point proven...

    That’s got to be hell to Parallel Park.

    Not as bad as you may think and a far bit lighter than modern stuff. Better ground clearance too than many of those Spick-Mobiles with the almost non-existent clearance on their front lower bumper skirts. Yep, big dosh can buy you the Lambo’s, etc, but it can’t buy real class, aye. I wouldn’t fancy driving the Jag through Bangers or Patong, nae lad, I’ll leave that to the Mercs and Bentley brigade. Sad end to the family silver now as Jaguar is now owned by Tata Motors of India…ho hab hum…

  3. Back on topic, I did see a black Bentley yesterday on Vichit and see a nice Panamera almost daily when picking up kids at school.

    I see a white Panamera almost daily. Not the prettiest/sporty car in the world. Far from it .... bah.gif

    Ghastly Chav Mobile for sad old men, that Bentley.

    Everybody knows that no other car has ever been built that is more beautiful than the Jaguar E-Type - the Aston Martin DB4 a very close second. Here’s my ’66 E-Type...point proven...


    • Like 1
  4. Osaka, himiji , senboku , chiba kesai , futtsu, kashima, wkayama, kashima, tokyo, kawasaki, nagoya.....you want more places where they dont speak english? And i was working as there as well as going out.

    Back to the OP I dont automatically tip in Phuket. If im pissed off with the service i will leave nothing....or even better is to find a couple of 25 satang coins behind.

    I have seen on the dive boats after the boat boys have passed the tip bucket around, collect all the notes and then tip the coins out into the sea in direct view of the customers

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect App


    Yes, that sort of thing does rather indicate weakness of character and bad manners, but then again you can’t put a silk hat on a pig. Not really worth too much deliberation except to recover the notes and proffer Somchai a pair of goggles

    and a snorkel.

    My own guidelines;

    Ø Service charge=enforced tipping = no tip sad.png

    Ø Crap service/crap food = no tip sad.png

    Ø Should you find yourself (by accident) in the company of a bar lass and she tells you to tip = no tip ermm.gif

    Ø Waitress has a great azz and lips that could slurp the chrome of a car bumper = huge tip regardless of any service faults smile.png

    Ø Never feel bad about not tipping for what is essentially begging – its my hard earned, not theirs, and my name is not Father Kitamath. You want it – you earn it, aye. thumbsup.gif

  5. by the way silsburyhill (great pete gabriel song by the way), i like the name 'old neverbeens', can we use it?

    Silsbury Hill? Great song, but it's called Solsbury Hill which is in Somerset and where he claimed to have a "spiritual experience". It's also supposedly about his split from Genesis.

    Seems like one member has misspelled his TV name. Doh!

    The Genesis split? Crivvens, lad, that’s some memory you’ve got there! giggle.gif ....In 1975 I was 11 and can (sort of) remember that older sister me had a scratchy vinyl copy of ‘Selling England by the Pound’...not my cup of tea, mind, although I did like PG’s work as a solo artist and saw him play live a number of times in my capacity as an older child.

    I think the idea of a TV band would be a great idea to compliment the OP’s opening gambit. The TV band could comprise of TV members (I note you’ve already offered your services as lead Bass Triangle thumbsup.gif ) whose material could be based around matters that effect them and their familiars; a sort of latent adolescent angst pertaining to whatever is was if only they could remember what is was they were angry about in the first place. Names are being sort for this new band and suggestions are welcome. I would offer my services as I still have Pa’s Irish Bagpipes, but this would mean having to leave my own band ‘Skating on Thin Ice’ and so, with great regret I will have to abstain from the fun.tongue.png


  6. Disgusting story. Hardly less disgusting that some on this forum dare to condone murder for the reasons given.

    No-one here is condoning murder that i have read, only that we shouldn't be surprised when this happens.

    It seems that a whole culture of tearing out Farang's hearts for the money is becoming normal, and with that a whole lot of emotion that can, for some, be overwhelming when they realized that they have been conned.

    Nobody wants to see murder happen, but just the same, i do not feel any pitty for the woman when this happens.

    Play the game and suffer the consequences, it is their own greed that really destroyed them, not the knife, gun, whatever.

    Perhaps if they actually had a brain they could learn from these terrible murders that are becoming more and more regular.

    I wholeheartedly concur with your views in this matter. They were both responsible for their own actions that led to this happening, and no amount of kraut bashing or odious whining from the condolence mafia will change anything. From what has been produced so far as ‘evidence’ would appear to show that it was not premeditated and the lad just snapped – it happens. I pity him, not her.

    • Like 2
  7. Totally disgusting.Just carry on exploiting these poor people and heaven forbid letting them have few days off to enjoy themselves.

    He says in another local news source that quote"We just can't take the risk"Governor Tri told a meetingat Provisional Hall in Phuket City "A Burmese concert has never been held anywhere in Thailand.If something went wrong, it would seriously damage Phuket's image.

    Phuket.s image what a joke.Phuket's image is already damaged by all the reports of tuk tuk ,jet ski scams and rip offs that are never nor ever will be addressed.Pity he can not ban theses so easily.

    Funny I have found quite a few articles related to Burmese concerts in Thailand,this being the last one http://www.mizzima.c...ng-concert.html

    Maybe if it had been allowed it may have helped Phuket's image.

    Oh and this is the sixth year he has not allowed it.

    You can blame people for their actions or inactions, but you can't blame him for the actions of his predecessors.

    jerk.gif Predecessors? Where does he do that? He’s clearly quoting the current Guv and his inaction for the last 6 years.

  8. @ HKP

    "I don't think the island has changed any where near as much as people say, not in the last 12 years anyway."

    You lost me, are your credibility, after that sentence. Seriously. smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

    When you consider it's a small island with very little available land and you consider what is happening all over the world as far as over development and the increase in crime, I stand by comment.

    In the UK, councils can now knock down listed buildings that were protected because they want to build more houses so we have somewhere to put all the immigrants.

    Green belt land that was supposed to be protected is being used for the same.

    Do you think me or you could build on that land or knock down a protected listed building? People say I bury my head in the sand but when people talk about corruption they are showing how naive and gullible they are about what happens everywhere in the world. What is a local council paying to be able to knock down a listed building if not corruption?

    Do I really need to point out how corrupt politicians are the world over? It would seem I do. So yes, I stand by my opinion that Phuket and Thailand isn't that different to the rest of the world. If anything the corruption and deceit are for more honest as they are there for all to see and not done in such a way that the are trying and succeeding to pull the wool over everybody's eyes. I know which I prefer.

    Why didn't you answer my simple question about where you live and have lived?

    “In the UK, councils can now knock down listed buildings that were protected because they want to build more houses so we have somewhere to put all the immigrants.

    Green belt land that was supposed to be protected is being used for the same.”

    Another woefully inaccurate statement with some ironic racism thrown in. Local UK Government cannot just knock down listed structures to house immigrants and neither can it ‘pay’ to have such. There is considerable due process involved, which can take a number of years to resolve and any comparative with the machinations of a third world country are really quite risible.

  9. Thai – ‘Toilet paper? What do you need that for?’

    Thai Pharmacist - ‘....hmmmmm.....you hab chest pain, your speech is slurred and you hab paralysed down the right side?...okay, just take these antibiotics and charcoal tablets.’

    Normal Thai lass – ‘I’d really love to go out with you for dinner but have to refuse because other Thais will think I’m a hooker if they see me with a farang.’

    Bar lass – ‘Me hab come from Udon Thani!’ (I come from a small village only recently discovered by civilisation and possibly within a 100 mile radius of Udon Thani.)

    Sister of bar lass her – ‘Money No.2’

    Issan village Senior Monk after raking in yet another crate of goodies from a fellow villager who wanted some ‘advice’ on his poor rice crop – ‘By Buddha, I really earn my wages..next..’

    Thai – ‘Me happy if people call Thailand a 3rd world country as it takes the pressure off a bit to really hab to perform on the world stage.’

  10. Perhaps all you fellows that think Beetlejuice's infinite wisdom is the answer, and that all those who end up falling victim to violence must have broken one of his golden rules, should write this down and put it on a postcard, mail it out to the families of all the deceased? I am sure they would appreciate it. For that matter, there is no sense in questioning these mystery deaths, as it is already so simple .. the victims must not have followed these unwritten rules, therefore they don't deserve any better fate? Is that what you guys are saying?

    The above post is a perfect example of how to build a complete house using only three bricks.

    While the advice is solid advice, the idea that the solution to the problem of corruption, murder cover-ups, unexplained deaths .. is just for tourists to behave better .. is completely ridiculous. Sure you can avoid a lot of hassle by playing by the rules, as Beetlejuice suggests, but does that mean we should completely ignore that a problem exists? You all seem to be living in your own little fantasy land, and you don't want anyone to burst your bubble?

    Yep, hab agree with you there; furthermore midder KB’S counter waffle of proof by contradiction falls flat on its face as the dear young man forgot to state how big his bricks were. huh.png

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  11. Never mind Billy - I'm used to your waffle ;)


    Oh, I see, all gang up on the little guy because he can't flash the free bus-pass and buy one-get one free catheter bag voucher :angry: ....huh, I can take it, but if you persist with this abuse I'll come round and stick a fruit bat up ya night dress. :shock1: Talking of coming round, I'll be on the island for a few days this Kitamah in my capacity as an International Restaurant Reviewer for the Bogtrotter Bugle, to follow up rumours that you may be able to get something decent to eat there. Should be an interesting few days and I'm hoping to trump the sea food platter I was served in Patong whereupon the lobster wasn't actually dead.:licklips:

  12. ^Not only Asia - I was looking through a bric-a-brac shop in Port Vila (Vanuatu) one time when suddenly, all the price tags were changed (although they assured me I could purchase at the 'old' prices). Reason? A cruise ship was arriving.

    I was just about to chip in with more anecdotal waffle when I realised the OP was taking about Lalaland and not anywhere else in the world. Funny that.

  13. 11. Scatterlogical

    Hi tech contact lenses are now available on the Island. Expensive, but you will only have to buy the one pair as they are supplied green, eventually changing rose coloured with time.

    If you enjoy decent quality wine bring your own. The cost of a bottle of plonk that you wouldn't put on ya chips really is criminal.

    You know it's time to retire back to your hotel when the beer goggles are informing your brain that the mamasan at the 'Jelly Clam Bar' is the most sexy woman you've ever seen and you want to marry her.

    Make sure your jabs are all up to date before you travel. Mosquito's will want to get to know you better than any bar-lass, so remember to apply the many remedies to keep them at bay. Rabies is not unknown in Lalaland and if you get bitten you must get immediate assistance – Rabies will kill. Bottled water only – even for brushing your teeth. Never bare-back and always wear rubber bought from your own country – apart from quality control issues, the Thai sizes are not matched for the farang hampton.

  14. yelling "Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi" at the top of your lungs,with a Singha singlet on and clutching a long neck of beer in your hand, whilst staggering down Bangla road, is not funny or patriotic, it is downright embbarrasing

    But what else can the bogan lad do? Whistling 'Waltzing Matilda' with no teeth must be very tricky. ;)

    Embarrassed Australian? :unsure: ....mmmm...not possible...

  15. On my first visit to Thailand 10 years ago I had a tuk tuk driver outside the hotel in Bangkok tell me he would give me a free tour. He was upfront that he got paid in gas vouchers and made commission on anything I bought, but that I didn't have to buy anything. I had read or heard enough about gem scams and such that I knew somewhat to expect. It was quite elaborate scam. He took me to the "Lucky temple", a small half built temple looking structure in the middle of commercial and residential buildings with a monk or Buddha sculpture inside, but no monks He beeped the horn as we arrived and made a point to tell me "Whatever happens in the temple is considered very lucky." As I walked in, a tall sharply dressed olive complected man, possibly Indian or Nepalese, appeared and put on the friendly chap routine showing me how to properly visit a temple, asking me where I was from, how long I was here etc. He then said that he was involved in a gem business and was looking for couriers to take gems back to the states. No thanks and I had enough of the "temple". I was then taken to a couple of markets and silk shops where the driver collected his petrol tickets. All mildly amusing but didn't cost me anything. Lastly he took me to a go-go where the door fee was 600B for me and 600B for him. :unsure:

    10. Miscellaneous:

    Always count your change. The Somchai abacus has known software errors.

    Your TGF for the day would rather be with her friends than you during the day so don't waste time and money taking her on day trips. Coral Island (off the south coast) is not far and makes for a nice relaxing day out. Similan Islands okay but too far to do much in one day, although 3 nights can be arranged staying on a boat if you're into the diving thing.

    Contrary to what the incumbent inmates say, getting a decent quality roast dinner is nigh on impossible, in the same way you don't get good authentic Thai slop in your own berg. Quality steaks are available but you will need to ask around and be prepared to pay out a bit.

    Should you comment to one of the incumbent inmates about some awful thing that has happened to you whilst there, and the cloth-eared ignoramus asks,"why do you come here then", simply say, "Same reason as you chuckles, same reason as you.'

    Never, ever, tip for bad service.

    T-Bone steaks from a Thai restaurant are indeed T-Bone steaks, but not necessarily from a Cow.

    Yes, charcoal tablets (for food poisoning) really are that big.

    The som tam cart that sets up near the Lamai Hotel does 'real' som tam – caution advised.

    Excellent proper massages are available (without the pop shot). Again, just ask around (but don't ask Somchai.)

    'Light Beers' will still give you a pom pui. Thai Whisky is dreadful stuff.

    Yes, Somchai really has managed to fill that 6" gap in the bathroom using several tubes of sealant. Ask him for tips on how to do this.

    If coming via Bangkok, stock up on t-shirts, consumables, etc, there rather than be ripped off here for exactly the same item(s).

    If you take a trip out on one of the old timber boats, be aware that the hong nam is usually located under a removable board over the drive propeller – quite a unique experience in a rough sea.

  16. Burping out loud after a meal shows you really enjoyed it.

    Be sure to belch into a megaphone if you have one.

    8. Phuket is the perfect location to meet nationalities from all over the globe. If you've never met, for example, an Australian, the island provides ample choice to meet these enchanting folk and be regaled by tales of their own beautiful country, at least 100 years of recorded history (really), their prized flannelette shirt collection, cult of the Bogan, etc. Compliment your treasured holiday experiences to Phuket with such; holiday + education, gotta be a bargain int hese tough times.

  17. "6. Understanding Thai phrases:

    "I no work bar – I only hab work cashier" - I work bar."

    LOL very true

    7. Discerning what may or may not be entirely factual:

    "Professional driver with limousine for hire" – Yaba fuelled sociopath with clapped out Datsun for hire. Caution advised.

    "Room with Balcony " – The term 'Balcony' is acceptable should you be 6 inches high and 4 foot wide, otherwise select a ground floor room.

  18. 6. Understanding Thai phrases: (cont.)

    “No Hab” - oft quoted and usage varies; essentially ‘not available’, even if the required object/task is plainly visible in front of you both. Pushing the point home will only result in a most fearsome bout of sulking from the respondent and the possibility of a good kicking for your troubles. Forget about it, buy a mirror and gibber quietly to yourself.

    “Phet nit noi” (spicy a litta bit) Thai humour here and the dish on offer is to be treated with grave caution. Partake only if you’ve an asbestos coated tongue and have medical insurance that covers colon transplants.

  19. If she may be a ladyboy then she is.

    I thought that was covered in rule #3

    1. Beware the huffing and puffing of farang Thai defenders – humour them and trust your own judgement.

    2. Thai television soaps are mind numbingly dreadful, but they will inform/educate you as what it will be like should you choose to have a TGF and associate with her family.

    3. Patong to the airport is possible in 18 minutes.

    4. Never steal another man's rhubarb.

    5. Cover up on the beach – flabby sunburnt tits, ones that look like old witches leather purses or rotten apples will offend the locals and make the soi dogs howl for hours on end.

    6. Understanding Thai phrases:

    "I no work bar – I only hab work cashier" - I work bar.

    (insert your own here...)

  20. Sheesh, what a place. I’m glad that you’re still around to post the info up...could have been a very different outcome.

    I suppose that I would have been a little less apprehensive had they been in uniform. Their demeanour and actions were a problem. The missus tells me to notify the local BiB, so I will do so (they can always bin it).


  21. Never said I didn't like the thread, I said I didn't read all the B.S. from certain blowhards that have to post a convaluted book,

    It's much easier to write very short posts, when you have naff all to say. ;)

    As you have quite marvellously exemplified in the above sentence. :rolleyes:

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