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Posts posted by billythehat

  1. The argument is that Thai people and foreign residents pay for the up keeping of the nature parks with there tax payments.

    Tourist are not paying tax for the parks and should pay extra.

    Don't know if it is a valid argument but it sounds logical.

    Possibly but Id like to see a published source first, wouldnt you? Furthermore, it could just be as simple as Thai Economics 101 kicking in No Hab Biznit, poot pwicess up.

  2. The original quote is intact. And augmented.

    Too confusing for you?

    "BTW, if living here one pays the Thai price."


    So I pay 100B?

    Thanks for clarifying that!

    Wait a minute, the Thai price for everything?

    Jeez, that's not what they tell me...

    Original quote:

    "The new fee will be B500 for [foreign] adults and B300 for [foreign] children."

    Your quote:

    "The new fee will be B500 for(Falang) foreign adults and B300 for (Falang) foreign children."

    Not the same, and especially not the same in meaning. Plus, with the Chinese being by far the biggest tour group there, incorrect as well.

    Are you really that naive?


    If you are not Thai, you are Falang.

    Living here?

    Still equals: foreign=falang=tourist.

    I've lived here 12 years and still get treated like I just came off the boat. wai2.gifwai.gif

    How would they know the difference? (rhetorical)

    They don't care.

    BTW, "augmented" was a key term...

    "Are you really that naive?"


  3. Yup, xenophobia.

    “The new fee will be B500 for(Falang) foreign adults and B300 for (Falang) foreign children. For Thais the new fees will be B100 for adults and B50 for children,” park chief Nut Kongkasorn said." wai2.gif wai.gif

    "The new prices for foreigners represent a 25 per cent rise for adults and 50 per cent for children, and for Thais 25 per cent."

    Say's it all.

    Outrageous that it's so blatant. facepalm.gif

    Uhh, sanctioned...

    At least leave the original text intact if you quote.

    BTW, if living here one pays the Thai price.

    “BTW, if living here one pays the Thai price.”

    coffee1.gif BTW, what is the relevance of that statement? The news item clearly refers to the hike on visitors and not the high life enjoyed by the incumbent inmates.

  4. ...better than goggle sky and less system hungry, type Stellarium into your search engine and download their free open source planetarium software. Once downloaded just set your coordinates in the settings tab and go. Very easy to use and if you have a laptop you can set it to night-mode (red display) and use it outside as a guide when using a telescope/binoculars. Dunno how good the seeing is these days on planet Phuket, light pollution, hot air from forum members, etc, but if you’ve got a big enough telly, plug in ya lap top for your very own indoor show.

    One problem with that. I can't find duct tape strong enough to hold my laptop to the ceiling.

    A million laughs Joe...perhaps a different supplier for ya tape then or just plug yerself into ya telly! tongue.png

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  5. I think just might use Stellarium for planning my Milky way shots as I don't take my laptop with me when I wish to take the pictures, thus the real time function of the program is not for me. Google sky is for seeing things in realtime. It also uses gps, compass and the accelerometers to show the augmented real time sky view.

    The humidity here in tropics is always an issue when trying to get a clear picture of very distant objects. I was quite surprised how differently the sky looked when I visited my northern home. The sky was much clearer than it ever is here. Great for moon and sky photography. Finally, after almost two years, I managed to get a picture of the sun spots when the sun was setting at 11pm.

    Bookmark this excellent site – updated monthly.


  6. Google sky is a nice and simple android app (free) to identify the objects in the sky, simply by pointing the phone to the objects. Stellarium for planning when to go to see the sky.

    There are sill remote areas in Phuket where it's possible to see the stars quite well. The biggest problem is the air moisture when looking up to the sky.

    No software beast the feeling when seeing the moons of the Jupiter (just as dots) or the craters on the moon. I have not yet managed to capture a good image of the Milky way, but hoping to be able to do that when the rain season ends and the air is clearer.

    “Stellarium for planning when to go to see the sky.”

    Hab sheesh...either you cannot use the software properly, or...oh, never mind...coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

    Stellerium, once and once only, the cords have been set, the view is in real time...you don’t hab to plan nowt! It also has good search and zoom (real time again) for the object you type in the search function. Air moisture is indeed a problem but some improvement to the seeing can be sought by positioning at the highest elevation possible. I’m located at 85m AOD and the winter views are quite spectacular although light pollution still intrudes. Plan your milky way photos carefully as long exposures on good quality kit will be required. Concerning Jupiter, looking East before dawn on September 20th, Jupiter, at magnitude -1.9, will be seen just under 6 degrees up and to the left of a thin crescent Moon. Even through a good pair of say, 10x50 binoculars, you should be able to see at least 4 of the Jovian moons. shock1.gif

  7. ...better than goggle sky and less system hungry, type Stellarium into your search engine and download their free open source planetarium software. Once downloaded just set your coordinates in the settings tab and go. Very easy to use and if you have a laptop you can set it to night-mode (red display) and use it outside as a guide when using a telescope/binoculars. Dunno how good the seeing is these days on planet Phuket, light pollution, hot air from forum members, etc, but if you’ve got a big enough telly, plug in ya lap top for your very own indoor show.

  8. Yes, but, you could be posting something that is unknowingly false.

    We know there are known knowns: there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns: that is to say we know there are things we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns the ones we don't know we don't know. As long as Somchai isn't parking over my spud patch I don't care, which presently is uknown. neus.gif

    Err, uhm. Close, but not yours.

    "There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know."

    Donald Rumsfeld


  9. Yes, but, you could be posting something that is unknowingly false.

    We know there are known knowns: there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns: that is to say we know there are things we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns — the ones we don't know we don't know. As long as Somchai isn't parking over my spud patch I don't care, which presently is uknown. neus.gif

  10. What a shame.

    Good memories of Soi Gonzo from my fast receding youth.


    Aye, you’re not wrong there, lad.  crying.gif


    Many a Christmas bonus spent down there in the early 2000’s. Actually the first bar soi I ventured into on me first visit to Patong in 2001 and how ironic that the last ale supped (attached piccy – new year’s eve 2013/14) was at the first bar I supped at all those years ago. The original bar was called ‘Lips Bar’ and was run by an amiable Aussie called Justin who has since passed away. 65 Baht for bottle of Chang, friendly lasses and great party vibe. Located as the last bar down on the right before you turned into the connecting passage to the next beer soi. I can’t remember the name of the bar in its final guise as I’d long stopped taking any notice, but I do remember the last owner was an Aussie who told me he was returning back home in 2014 with his missus...had enough of the crap and very little trade. Some folk say we often remember things better than they actually were but in this case, no, they were better than what it was to become for sure.

  11. yes, just watched it live on the BBC/Shocking finish to qualifing. Hamilton has a lot of explaining to do to the fans and the team.

    Hab hmmmmm....you want some salt and pepper to go with that hat, pops? tongue.png

    The boy came good coming from 6th to win; sorted, no explanation required. Only 4 points behind the Hun in the championship standings so that’s great news for our man in the chase for the championship. Jensen’s a great driver but doesn’t have the speed in his car to challenge the top engines...shame really. However, the next race in Germany should be an interesting battle with the Hun on home turf and Lewis back on form. thumbsup.gif

  12. Stevenl you must be living on the moon.

    Next you will be telling us that there is no corruption here.

    I will go as far as to say that check points are even set up at certain times of the month(paydays)to get tea money,and it is aimed 90% of the time at motorcye riders.

    Are you a volunteer btw?

    hee, hee, nice one guv....cheesy.gif

  13. Great idea. I have worked for a water treatment company in the past and these ozone machines are brilliant...! Will clear anything.

    Any waste or fall out???

    Not questionning, am actually interested

    No, Ozone naturally dissipates back into pure oxygen. Other benefits include the reduction of corrosive chemicals such as chlorine. However the UV treatment process requires energy in the form of electricity and cannot work when the power is lost. Most modern treatment works here in the EU have back-up power supplies for such an occurrence and to keep the site plant functional. A good system when installed professionally and maintained by qualified engineers/technicians who will be aware that Ozone treatment can sometimes produce by-products such as bromate that can harm human health if they are not controlled. Youre more likely to get a bad case of the tom tits through the poor hygiene relating to poor handling and storage of food stuffs, etc, before the coloforms in the water get ya...hit-the-fan.gif

  14. Have I missed something? I can't see anything in the article stating that the original lease is a 30+30, it just states that the lease is due to expire next year. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    More importantly, if Club Med have to renegotiate and pay anything like the going rate for that tract of land, then it would not be viable to run the resort there.

    I hate to think what will replace it but I doubt it would be the Kamnan's idea of a public park. The rent collectible from hotels, restaurants, stores etc, in that location would be astronomical, as would the amounts payable in brown envelopes.

    IMHO, Club Med remaining would be the best option if Kata Beach is to avoid becoming a total eyesore. But I really don't think that'll happen.

    A big company like Club Med would know the "+30" clause is unenforceable under Thai law, so probably never bothered with it.

    The article says their 30 year lease is up soon and the "hands" are already out for more money to allow them another lease, or to force them to walk away.

    Either way, Club Med will be assessing the viability of remaining at that location, and given the current economic climate on Phuket, the margins are going to be tight.

    Sir, you are normally quite quick to pick out the meat from these tales but I’m most surprised to note that you didn’t see the glaring flaw in this report; they had gone straight to stage ‘Threaten’ before announcing stage ‘Mull’, unless of course this stage will be covered by (after consideration) “raise your concerns in the meeting.” Furthermore, “For 30 years we have been waiting for the contract to expire,” said Kamnan...hab hmmmm...I would venture to suggest that the esteemed Khun Kamnan and most of his valued colleagues were about (from the photo) 10 years old at the inception of the original contract...fantastic comedy all the same. facepalm.gif

  15. Why do you think he "sullies the good name of the rest of us"?

    He doesn't. It's all in your mind.

    Speak for yourself.

    I did.

    So, let me get this clear. Because another farang commits a crime, you're afraid that other Thais will think you're a criminal, too and just as bad?

    If that is true, then that particular Thai must be very unintelligent and not worthy of worrying about.

    I think you under-estimate most Thais, which could be construed as rather insulting.

    Sir, I partially concur with you here but even more mysterious is the statement alluding to the fact that the evil farang has a good name to besmirch. They come over here with their money, international aid, technology, etc, and then demand a good name...I dunno. As to either over/under estimating the locals – don’t, it will make your brain ache too mutt.

  16. Opening of Phuket Airpark, Opening of Central festival, Fast reliable internet, Opening of various beach clubs, West Sands water park, Opening of the bypass road, Various International schools, Introduction of various new shows such as Niramit etc...lots of positives in 10 years.

    All private enterprises, except for the bypass road, which was probably funded by Bangkok, with a lot of the funds raided by Phuket officials.

    Who cares who funded them....the topic was about improvements or un-improvements to Phuket IYHO over the last 10 years. No mention of government at all.

    So, with the new demographic of tourists coming here, due to the poor admistration of the tourism industry, and these tourists not spending any money, how long do you think the places you mention will last????

    How long? Hab hmmmm... the Island’s ability to cope with the rapid rate of change and no real plan as to how manage infrastructure; roads, drainage, waste water treatment, etc, not long I fear. Maybe 5-10 years would seem a reasonable guess given the strain put on the existing systems, but hopefully that will be long enough for the incumbent wheezing old duffer’s who’ve invested squillions into property and other sundry businesses to clean up and move on to another paradise. You can only wring a clothe so mutt... (words of wisdom from the old duck who sells som tam at the entrance to Soi Andaman Sq.)

  17. What if the guy refused to do the pushes up? The police officer then leaves himself with very few options, possiblY zero options, and the guy is just told to ride away.

    Then, who loses more "face?"

    Public humiliation does not create repect, in fact, it breeds anger, and contempt, which ultimately leads to revenge.

    What do you mean, 'no options'. He can take the guy's motorbike key, to be returned upon payment of the fine.

    I find this a much better solution, which will IMO have a better effect that a fine.

    I disagree.

    Nothing good can ever come out of embarrassing someone in public, especially in Thai culture.

    Very unprofessional by the police officer, and as another member states, an abuse of power.

    Nowhere in Thai law does this police office have the right to enforce this punishment upon a member of the public.

    He is not the judge, jury and executioner, so to speak.

    I can see how it would have been funny to those who saw it, but really, what did it achieve?

    After his push ups, the guy probably got back on his bike, with no helmet, and the loud exhaust, and rode off, and all that was left, was the power trip the police officer was on.

    “Nowhere in Thai law..”...and there’s the rub, the rule of law does not apply there. However, should this start a trend and a porky farang is pulled over and ordered by Sgt Somchai to do 25 pushes, I fear we may be looking at a few more, if not unusual, reported suicides.

  18. Go to woman beauty salon, they know what they are doing, clean and hygienic and most of them will do an head massage, foot massage and both fingers and toes nails.. Fist stop for me when arriving in Thailand, mine is in Khrungthep.

    Unfortunately my experience with the woman beauty salons tells me that many of them don't know what they're doing, either.

    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    And they charge much much more than a regular barber. About 100 baht for a hair cut is the correct price. With a tip on top for good service. The guy on Patak Rd in Kata is my recommendation.

    ....hmmmmm...a recommendation is one thing but I think that if one is to splash out a couple of quid on a quick trim around the barnet, a few accompanying photos (with finger pointing) to back up the claims would be just the ticket and avoid the disappointment of being given the ubiquitous somchai ‘pudding bowl style’ haircut.

    Back to an earlier comment relating to dettol; as a wee bairn in Dublin I remember seeing the array of lotions and potions on the local barbers’ shelves, Brylcreem, soap sticks and bristle hair brushes, Old Spice after shave lotion and the combs residing in a glass tumbler containing a liquid called Barbisol.

  19. Probably Phuket, I'm guessing.

    News in says that the GN will clash with the Phuket Grand National if anybody fancies a flutter with the listed form prices available:

    Don’t call me Somchai 5/1

    Sick Buffaro (Evens)

    Luv u Too Mutt 9/2

    English isn’t my First Language 20/1

    Wife Beater Tee Shirt 10/1 (Top weight - 300kg handicap)

    Rose Tinted Glasses 33/1

    Forum Bully Boy 200/1 (Outsider)

    Thai Defender 16/1

    She’s Different 40/1

    Farang No Good 5/2

    Special Promotion Ha Ha Ha 100/1

    Hansum Man 66/1

    Hong Nam yoo tii nai? 12/1

    Those Dowry Blues 7/2

    Welcome Sucker! 2/1 (Fav)

    250/1 Bar

    Can I have HA baht EW @250/1 Hello Sexy Man.

    Sorry to report that Hello Sexy Man has been withdrawn due to being hospitalised after a Viagra overdose. Doctors at Patong Hospital have advised that his Gentleman sausage may be able to be reattached within a month and we hope to see him back on the course soon after.

    Some late Betting:

    Mia Noi 33/1

    No Hab 7/2

    Tea Money 2/1 (Joint Fav)

    Bar Bill Runner 100/1

    Antibiotics For Everything 25/1

    Jet Ski Boy 9/2

    I Boo Hoo Yoo 4/1

    Navy Seal (Hooded) 33/1

    Thai Food? I’d Rather Eat Buffaro Dung Washed Down With Old Diesel Oil 250/1 (Outsider)

    300/1 Bar

    Good luck folks…

  20. Probably Phuket, I'm guessing.

    News in says that the GN will clash with the Phuket Grand National if anybody fancies a flutter with the listed form prices available:

    Don’t call me Somchai 5/1

    Sick Buffaro (Evens)

    Luv u Too Mutt 9/2

    English isn’t my First Language 20/1

    Wife Beater Tee Shirt 10/1 (Top weight - 300kg handicap)

    Rose Tinted Glasses 33/1

    Forum Bully Boy 200/1 (Outsider)

    Thai Defender 16/1

    She’s Different 40/1

    Farang No Good 5/2

    Special Promotion Ha Ha Ha 100/1

    Hansum Man 66/1

    Hong Nam yoo tii nai? 12/1

    Those Dowry Blues 7/2

    Welcome Sucker! 2/1 (Fav)

    250/1 Bar

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