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Posts posted by billythehat

  1. @NKM

    I know this has been done before, and deserves it's own thread, but where exactly in SE Asia, can I live where I have the facilities of Phuket? The international schools, marinas, shopping centres, world class food, long stretches of deserted beaches, etc etc.

    People are so quick to critisise Phuket, but never have I heard one person, come up with a like for like alternative. So NKM, this wasn't a rhetorical question, I genuinely would like to know. Where do I need to take my untraveled arse to, that ticks all the boxes I need ticked?

    "Where do I need to take my untraveled arse to (edited to remove redundant comma) that ticks all the boxes I need ticked? "

    Eastbourne in England should suffice your requirements and then some.

    The added bonuses will be: The general population there are over 75 and therefore deaf. :unsure:

    You can still feel like you're in LLL because when you order a meal the tasty Pole immigrant won't have a clue what you say. :ermm:

    Spike Milligan once described Hastings as 'A graveyard above ground' but I'm sure he'd never visited Eastbourne. When you enter the town from the north you will see a large road sign 'Welcome to the Sunshine Coast' but don't let such glib sarcasm put your untraveled arse off going there.

  2. Of course I am watchful now not to be scammed, but, watching every transaction like a hawk so you are not ripped off isn't a relaxing way to live from day to day.

    Move out of Patong then. saying that, is like living in New York or London, and complaining that everybody is rude and unfriendly. patong is a product of what it is. A very busy crowded tourest town, It's no mystery to anyone but you, wht it is like it is.

    Once again, you just keep talking about how it effecs, or doesn't effect, YOU.

    That's exactly the point. I'm saying what Phuket is like for ME, and the OP was saying what Phuket was like for HIM. That is a completely different thing to saying what Phuket is like. That's the not so subtle difference, that people like you can never see. As you will see, far more people in this thread love Phuket and DONT have the problems the OP high lighted, than do. So it is just the OP's OPINION, of phuket and not what Phuket is actually LIKE, or what it is actually like to live here.

    Unless of course, you are really prepared to say that all the people in this thread, who say they don't have a problem with the things in the OP, are blatently lying? Because if that's the case, I think people will take your posts even less seriously than they do now.

    Ah, the master of the redundant comma strikes again. Considerably less word salad and conjecture as to how others really think may lend some credibility to the constant uninformed waffle. :jerk:

  3. I think it happened too soon, the underclass is not happy but has no idea how much wider the gap between them and the rich will become in a year or so's time. If they think its bad now, its going to get a lot worse!

    And not only the UK, expect in many other so called first world countries.

    Apart from the expected bluster about what is currently occurring in the UK at present, LiK, says “And not only the UK, expect in many other so called first world countries.” – this the reality check I agree with.

  4. Hee, hee, no problem GOM, it's just cuddly old Woo Hoo trying, but failing miserably, to improve his grammar and spelling skills.:boring:

    I believe WOOHOO was one word and in capital letters. ;)

    I don't have an agenda. I have my personal opinion based on my own experiences. Most of the things in the OP, I don't and have never had problems with. Until someonebody else feels the need to share their misserable existance with the world, and paint it as the norm, I have no burning desire to share my experiences. Calling that an agenda, is like calling someone violent, who beats up someone that was mugging them.

    People like yourself Billy take a lack of logic to a different level. You have had a couple of holidays to Patong in the past, yet you've never been able to let Phuket go have you. You still go on a forum to be negative about a place you've been on holiday to a couple of times. Reeks of inadequacy and jelousy to me. :(

    Still failing to make a valid or coherent statement in any post....business as usual . :guitar:

  5. Everything has a season and you're doing the right thing foryourself.

    Who cares what a few blinkered old codgers think?

    Good luck Sir, the game is afoot...enjoy.:thumbsup:

    I find it highly amusing when people critisise bias and agenda, when they quite cleary have their own.

    Way to call the kettle black BTB !

    Six posts in a row on the same thread(?).........................yeeeeeesh

    Hee, hee, no problem GOM, it's just cuddly old Woo Hoo trying, but failing miserably, to improve his grammar and spelling skills.:boring:

  6. Have a good life.

    Hope you won't find your dark tinted glasses elsewhere, but I'm afraid for you you will. But I hope for you you'll find your luck elsewhere.

    Thanks Stevenl, I guess Asia just isn't for me!


    Everything has a season and you're doing the right thing foryourself.

    Who cares what a few blinkered old codgers think?

    Good luck Sir, the game is afoot...enjoy.:thumbsup:

  7. The pictures could have been taken in any town in Thailand.

    ....mmmmm...generally I hab agree but after 11 years of visits to LLL, all points north, south, east and west, I found that the bigger the city/town the less <deleted> I saw scattered around. Other turkeys here have mentioned education and here is the rub – take a culture that has been bought kicking and screaming into the 21 century when its true heart and soul are only ant's spit away from the stone age, then one can see that any 'education' will take several generations to bear fruits.

  8. Anyroad, my tip is to always remember to take some bogroll with you when you go out as the Somchais would appear to have no idea why we need to use it. This may also explain the origin of the Thai wai and itspreference to a good firm handshake.:ermm:

    billythehat, are you a welshman? Is "bogroll" English as when I looked it up at dictionary.com, I received no results. Why would you need to use it as I have no idea either...?? "Thai wai and preference to a handshake"? Can understand you are going after some laughs, but this post has me baffled.

    Welsh? That’s rather insulting...heh, heh..:lol: ...I’m from Ireland. I note the mystery of the bogroll has been elucidated by our kindly bearded village headman, so no further explanation required.:whistling:

  9. Avoid anything that sounds like Timeshare,Free Tour,Vouchers etc

    And scratch cards that always win a prize .... you need to sit through a timeshare presentation to get the 'prize'

    Oh do please pay attention....posts #13 and #34...:rolleyes:

    Anyroad, my tip is to always remember to take some bogroll with you when you go out as the Somchais would appear to have no idea why we need to use it. This may also explain the origin of the Thai wai and itspreference to a good firm handshake.:ermm:

  10. If you had used the meter taxis, you wouldn't have had to pay until you got to the other end. The driver would soon take you to where you wanted to go if he wasn't going to get paid until he did!

    Although this kind of thing is annoying, please stop referring to Thais in their entirety. People would soon have the hump if I came on here calling all Americans fat and loud, all Scots tight as a gnats chuff, all French people smelly and all Irish folk, drunks. (well except the last one, even Paddies are happy to admit that their all drunks)

    Being angry is understandable, being racist (all be it only slightly) is not.

    "even Paddies are happy to admit that their all drunks"

    "being racist (all be it only slightly) is not"

    Quite ironic really...:jerk:

  11. Did someone call me cynical?

    Nothing cynical about it, old chap, you're just being stiffed in the traditional Somchai manner :ph34r: ...business as usual. Living with the constant lying, deceit and greed just goes with the manor.B)

  12. it usually works like this, blablablablablablabla for 3 hours, and then the wife says, you must pay 20k you no bring passport, cause she is unable or unwilling to translate what is really going on, following her husbands bar trip

    Edit hehehe, on occasions I have even heard it when policeofficer and wife both come from Isarn, they change to speak Isarn (Laos) to makes sure people with bkk or south thai dont understand

    just read the policereport and the fine. says it all

    Yes, I also think something like that happened.

    Here we go again!!

    Pity that his wife's from Nakhon Sri Thammarrat, then.

    ....mmmm...can only be the 'Fawang Passport Mafia' operating here; joining the ever growing list of scams perpetrated against the evil fawang...:ph34r:

    Fawang: "ere, Somchai, lend us yer clapped out and poorly maintained moto sai for a few days, will ya?"

    Somchai: "Yeh, shoowa, no poplem but yoo hab leave passport wid me udderwise me no rent yoo."

    Fawang: "But I have to carry my passport with me all the time otherwise Somchai the bent copper will fine me 2 million Baht for not carrying my passport with me all the time...":unsure:

    Somchai: :D "Ha, ha, yoo funni guy, but yoo hab read Thai Wheezer too mutt!...but I like yoo....lissen, Somchai the bent copper brudder me him an' if yoo hab twubble too mutt yoo hab tell him passport wid me, okay?...then no poplem."

    Fawang: "....mmmm...okay...do you have a safety helmet? I don't wanna get pulled over.."

    Somchai: "...errrr...no hab, but I hab this.."(pulls out a an old rice colander and bungee strap)

    Fawang: "Okay, see ya later.."

    (2 miles down the road..)

    Somchai: "Hey, fawang, yoo stop, where yoo passport, yoo show me udderwise yoo hab go monkey house cos nobody hab bigger chip on shoulder than me."

    Fawang: "...but, but, but....Somchai made me give him my passport and said it would be okay if...."

    Somchai: "Yoo tink me hab born yesterday, Fawang?"

    Fawang: "....last Friday at the latest...heh, heh..."

    Fawang last seen being 'escorted' to the cells at the Patong Hilton...:violin:

  13. Well there seems to be a competition going on here to be seen as the biggest victim. Victimhood is practically a career for some people who post here. If you leave home everyday expecting to find a con artist or evil Tuk Tuk driver on every corner, I assure you that you will, because every victim must have a victimizer, even if he as to create one himself.

    That way you can happily return home and inform the Thai Visa readers about how persecuted you are.

    I'm certain if I posted asking about where to find a nice burger someone would come online to warn me to be aware of the 'Burger Mafia'

    So far we have the

    Jet ski mafia

    Tuk Tuk Mafia

    Taxi mafia

    Traffic police mafia

    Beach chair mafia

    Photocopy mafia

    Beggar mafia

    Pharmacy mafia

    Tout mafia

    Suit seller mafia

    Child flower seller mafia

    Real estate mafia

    Motorbike repair shop mafia

    Beauty shop mafia

    Time share mafia

    Forgive me if I've missed a mafia and don't despair, some 'victim' will have created another one by the end of the week.....

    Beer Bar Mamasan Mafia – makes the Tuk Tuk Mafia look like an old ladies knitting club. Armed with face’s like welders’ benches and homicidal tendencies, one is advised not argue with this odious mob. If cornered and it looks like you’re gonna kop it big time, offer to bar fine her.

    Chicken Kebab Mafia (Bangla Road) – scary bunch who wheel out their trolleys’ of death to coincide with that time of the evening when the Farangs are well charlied and think they need something to eat. With no real Indian Tandoori nearby, the lashed farang will lurch towards said kebab stand and buy something which under a normal situation, he wouldn’t eat even if he was starving to death. One hour later he’s gripping his stomach and will spend the next 3 days on the hong nam whilst gulping down charcoal tablets, convinced his days are numbered in single figures. I fell for this once and can only describe the symptoms as similar to what a bad case of cholera must be like.

    Massage Girl Mafia – these sirens of the day and night, calling to their hapless prey as they pass by....yep, they got me too on this one. T’was my first visit to Phuket 10 years ago and I was innocently ambling along the 100 Rhat Ass Pee Road in Patong, when the call came “Harro, fawang, I gib yoo werry good massah wid happi happi!”....happy happy?...I studied the plastic menu card...oil massage 400 Baht..yep, one of those will be the ticket and in I went. Imagine my shock when I left one hour later 1400 Baht lighter...cheeky wench wanted a tip as well. Made me wish I’d bought my Butler, crivvens, he’d have seen that one coming.

  14. Dunno about that Islander was OK but too much success and it rested on its laurels..

    Got served slop in there a few times and stopped going. Not sure if it improved after tho.

    First tried the Islander almost 14 years back. Thought the service terrible and the food so-so. Tried again many times over the years as so many people rate it highly. My initial opinion still stands to this day.

    As much as it pains me, I too have to concur. Driven by an almost psychotic need for spuds after 3 days of Somchai fayre, I tried this joint as the menu promised a good feed of fawang nosh. Boy, was I disappointed. The staff? I’ve seen more smiling faces from the immigration staff at Swampy. When the grub turned up I’d thought I’d been given a child’s portion and the amount of salt used was probably near a fatal dose. Soggy veg and equally soggy stuffing bought back bad memories of school dinners, and the worst thing is that I left the place still hungry and several baht lighter....mmmm...now, where’s that pizza place?...:unsure:

  15. Somchai: "Air Force Commander-in-Chief Air Chief Marshal Itthaporn Subhawong countered Matichon newspaper's claim that the Royal Thai Air Force is spending much more on Gripen aircraft than its Romanian counterparts." :wacko:

    The Romanian Air Force announced they would replace their MiG-21 LanceR aircraft beginning in 2008, possibly with JAS 39 Gripen, F-16 Fighting Falcon or Eurofighter Typhoon. On 23 March 2010, the Romanian Ministry of Defence decided to purchase 24 second hand F-16s... :ermm:

  16. please tell me why, myself or anyone else should not be able to post an informed and honest opinion about the place we live with out the tiresome;

    of you dont like it , go somewhere else?

    if people dont agree with an opinion they can simply say fine , thats your opinion...i may not agree with it , but its your opinion

    then you can post what your opimion is and why...quite easy

    Exactly. :rolleyes:

    However, Lalaland Syndrome is incurable and one must just bimble along and humour the 'get outta my Lalaland' old duffer society. Opinions on the current state of Phuket are what are what are, and not an attempt to re-write the Magna Carta. Many of these opinions don't go down too well with the odious Thai Defender Gang, but that's too bad for them and will not change my or anybody else's free opinion. Look at any TV forum across the various boards and a common theme will be "what this country needs/wants/is.."...which are of course valid opinions, but at the same time quite vacuous as none of these opinions will change one single thing regarding the workings of planet Lalaland. A recent mail from a highly respected gentleman of some advanced years, here on this forum, advised me that a local Phuket radio show had mentioned my name (re: a post I made on TV). Possibly, the DJ was not overly complimentary towards me, but hey, it's just an opinion and no skin off my big fawang nose. Wish I'd been there...a quick call to that DJ would have been in order...I'll sue, I tell ya! :lol:

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