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Posts posted by thaipete

  1. I cannot think of anything essential that Bangkok has that Chiang Mai lacks. Other than two very dusty months of the year our air is probably cleaner, our streets less congested. Mountains where you can live at the foot. I got better medical care here than in Bangkok; it's generally as good as BKK if you know where to go. You can be ten minutes from the city center and ten from the countryside.

    Why are they the only options, I have been visiting this country for 35 years and "up country" somewhere beats the cities, without the temptation of bars etc. of the Farang variety, I can by a kilo of king prawns for B120 not much more for filet steak. I have a place here in Rayong and one in Pratchinburi both within a couple of hours drive of big cities and both give me so much satisfaction with life

  2. Online chats often lead to sex, seminar is told

    Nearly one-sixth of students aged between 15 and 24 have had sex with strangers at least once after having online chats, a seminar on child protection against online harassment was told yesterday.

    Of all 1,114 respondents based in Bangkok surveyed on October 15-17, 27 per cent of males had sex with strangers they got to know through online chats, compared to 8 per cent of females, according to an Abac poll result released in the seminar.

    Sixty-five per cent placed their real pictures and phone numbers on community websites and 34 per cent were contacted by strangers who found their profiles. Twenty per cent of the males had "sought friends" using online services compared to 12 per cent of females.

    Fifty-three per cent of respondents have viewed pornographic through online media. Of them, 63 per cent downloaded the material, while another 16 per cent played obscene games offered on adult websites.

    Of all types of games available, respondents said they regularly or occasionally played some violent games including shooting police, striptease and rape, said the Abac poll.

    A research by the National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre found that more than one million Thais under 15 years of age had their own online profiles on which their real pictures were posted.

    Nectec official Chadamas Thurasetthakul said children would be better protected when a 2003 law preventing distribution of personal information of young children came into effect in the near future.

    She said the five online services most visited by juveniles were YouTube, Hi 5, MSN, MySpace and Facebook.

    - The Nation

    yes I am an old male and have had many sexual connections via the internet all over the age of consent, why have you advertised the websites the youngsters use?

  3. One thing a pal of mine told me to do some years ago, was always carry a cheap disposable camera in your car when driving. Small expense, very useful to get a snap of reality before the lies and threats take over. Now with el-cheapo digitals available even better.

    Not sure in your exact circumstances it would have helped. But would have been useful if more damage suddenly appeared after your meal. The camera has certaily helped me in showing which side of the road some idiot was on after he hit me head on pissed and claimed to the MIB that it was me on the wrong side of the road.

    That is an excellent idea I heard that years ago I must jog my memory and get one

  4. My brakes were poor and I literally bumped a car in the back, no discernable marks on the injured vehicle but when the driver asked for B5,000 I refused and took it to the local police station, The driver then arrived in another vehicle badly damaged at the back but luckily the chief of police looked and saw that with my Roo bar on the front I could not have caused the same damage and told her to go away in short jerky movements. Mind you it did take a few baht for the boys in Brown at a local place later

  5. i think everyone should be part of the country they live in, as a Farang here I am a foreigner even the locals think that, this is a kingdom and as UK indoctrinates it's locals to think likewise. However I love this country and it's people. If you have married a couple of Thai men good luck to you but I bet you are the dominant partner. I had 300 Thai girls working fo me and 99% wanted Farang husbands

  6. As for the months, they are named after the signs of the zodiac. Etymologically speaking, each month name consists of a zodiac sign + either อาคม and อายน. The words อาคม and อายน both mean 'coming' or 'arrival,' so when you combine the zodiac name plus อาคม and it translates to "the coming of zodiac sign __." February is slightly different because it is กุมภ์ + อาพันธ์, where อาพันธ์ means "bind" or "tie."

    The pronunciation of each month's name is according to the rules of Thai word sandhi (สนธิ), a process of word compounding which melds more than one root word into a single phonological word.

    มกราคม = มกร [มะ-กอน] + อาคม "The arrival of Capricorn"

    The word มกร is a variant of มังกร, which also means 'dragon' but in this case refers to the symbol of capricorn, the sea-goat.

    กุมภาพันธ์ = กุมภ์ + อาพันธ์ "The binding of Aquarius"

    The word กุมภ์ means 'pot' or 'container,' the vessel of the water carrier.

    มีนาคม = มีน + อาคม"The arrival of Pisces"

    The word มีน means 'fish,' the symbol of Pisces. You might recognize this word from the district มีนบุรี in Bangkok, which would mean "village of fish."

    เมษายน = เมษ [เมด] + อายน "The arrival of Aries"

    The word เมษ means 'sheep,' and usually a ram is the symbol of Aries. A random example of where else one finds the word เมษ is in some Thai translations of the bible, when it refers to Christ as "the Lamb of God" it is translated พระเมษโปดก [พระ-เมด-สะ-โป-ดก] = holy + sheep + offspring.

    พฤษภาคม = พฤษภ [พรึ-สบ or พรึด-สบ] + อาคม "The arrival of Taurus"

    As one might guess, พฤษภ means 'cow' or 'bull.'

    มิถุนายน = เมถุน/มิถุน + อายน "The arrival of Gemini"

    The word เมถุน means 'couple' or 'twins' or also 'copulate.'

    กรกฎาคม = กรกฎ [กอ-ระ-กด] + อาคม "The arrival of Cancer"

    The word กรกฎ means 'crab.'

    สิงหาคม = สิงห์ + อาคม "The arrival of Leo."

    The word สิงห์ means 'lion.'

    กันยายน = กันย์ + อายน "The arrival of Virgo."

    The word กันย์ means 'virgin,' or 'young woman.'

    ตุลาคม = ตุล/ตุลย์ + อาคม "The arrival of Libra"

    The word ตุล means 'scales,' and appears with the meaning 'judge' (i.e. one who weighs a situation) in the word ตุลาการ, or in ฝ่ายตุลาการ 'judicial branch (of the government).'

    พฤศจิกายน = พฤศจิก [พรึด-สะ-จิก] + อายน "The arrival of Scorpio"

    The word พฤศจิก means 'scorpion.'

    ธันวาคม = ธนู + อาคม "The arrival of Sagittarius"

    The word ธนู means 'bow.'

    great post I had not realised that but love to learn and I did

  7. 400 Baht is about 8 pounds (for foreigners). As a native of UK I have to pay 25 pounds Woburn Wildlife Park, 17-95 pounds Tower of London and 20 pounds Madame Tussauds.....that's as a native! I agree that foeigners should pay the same and they do. However, if the UK brought in a law saying I can go to places that involve my heritage for say five pounds a time, but all foreigners have to pay full price I wouldn't complain. I reckon a one off 8 quid to a decent national park isn't so bad.....just be selective where you go.

    What a load of drivel. I suspect this was written just to bait me which it did. :o This type of comment is niave and counter productive. Next you'll be telling us that we should pay 65 baht a litre for petrol and 476 baht for a bus ticket from Bangkok to Pattaya because it costs 14 pounds on the Oxford Tube to London. Hey why not make the Skytrain far 102 Baht. Don't compare anything in a country you visit to anything you spend "at home". Pick another indicator like the minimum daily wage or the price of daily necessities and then do some math, you'll get closer to the real price. Accordingly my calculation says entrance to The Tower of London is 17.95 (the other two you quoted are businesses and not government owned) so 17.95/5.52 is 3.25 hours at minimum wage. So take 3.25 hours at 22.85 baht which is Bangkok's minimum and we get a sample entrance fee of 75 baht to a Natl. Park. Incidentally I couldn't find the admission charge for UK Natl' Parks. maybe they are FREE!

    I believe in Aus. this person would have been called a "WHENWE"

    I thought it was Wnging Poms LOL, I was in Australia a lot in the 70's and regularly called a Pommie B*stard I went back recently and when I said I was a pommie it was regularly blimey mate that is dam near an Ozzie, all white policy went sometime in between

  8. there seems to be a lot of viruses about lately it has taken weeks for me to clean my hdds I now keep a 100 gig portable hard drive where I keep my important info so I can reformat my others and without windows installed on it it does not seem to get infected. I am currently using several anti spyware and virus guards and daily get messages about viruses trying to get in.

  9. I think they should start taxing fresh air ! That wouldn't affect people living in Bangkok though :o

    Seriously though, I don't give a flying one, I'll be long gone by the time the planet starts to rot, and I don't intend on having any kids :D

    Selfish, but honest !

    So true Roo, all the complainers here will still get in their cars and drive to the local store

  10. We have near 100 newly in-lay Khaki Campbell ducks, approx 7 months old, purchased as day olds for the wifes mother, who has decided to return to her own home after living with us for a long time.

    The ducks are currently producing 60-70 eggs per day & rising (some haven't layed yet) When all in lay, expect 90 per day.

    These ducks are well reared & will provide a small profit / income of around 1,000 baht per week after feed-ideal for keeping the in laws occupied. 12,000 baht takes them away. We are in Amphur Muang-Buriram.

    We also have several fat ducks (Aylesburys & Muscoveys)-males for eating -make me an offer.

    If interested PM me.

    i am very interested I have 30 Rai here and love ducks eggs I had 100 before but did not lay well Cambells are great

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