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Everything posted by jonclark

  1. I think you need to get up to speed. Once in the past perhaps at the height of TRT popularity, now it's far far fewer as the last election results showed. He is far less popular and influential than he once was.
  2. And where did he get 76 billion from? It wasn't from his telecoms business that's for sure.
  3. But is this about the equal application of the law as per the constitution not popularity? Let's be honest it's just one massive legal con that only cements endemic corruption as the center point of the Thaialnds entire legal framework...and yet Thailand still struggles to understand why so many foreign criminals can be found residing within its borders. It's fairly clear that a corrupt and broken legal process and system is one the soft powers that Thailand excels in.
  4. Listen its a brilliant idea. Put Taksin in an army barracks and he now has a personal army surrounding him, keeping pesky reports away and upstart MFP MPs who want to see how ill he is, while he is able to hang out with Prayut - who also has a place in the army compound residences - and run the country efficiently together without distractions. Job done.
  5. This story has been all over Thai social media and the vast majority of poster (aka netizens) are uttely aghast at this - as its common practice for Thais to be rejected from private hostipals too when i accidents. The law (think its called the sanatorium act?) states that all hospitals private or otherwise (if nearest) must provide 72 hours of treatment in emergency situations before transferring the patient - unless the patient wishes to remain - the cost will be paid / reimbursed by the government (or patient) The hospital which is named after a major (group of) roads in bangkok and has a digit in it title - refused the admission as they could not be sure the patient could pay as he lacked identifying documnets - probably translates as to - he had no credit card. The hospital was totally in the worng and I wish the deceased family every success in suing the arse out of the hospital.
  6. Good luck getting that recently appointed Privy Counselor in court of law. Privy Conselor = untouchable. End of story.
  7. If he is sick - then the easiest and most transparent way to end all of this is to release some form of medical update. That would end the gossip - you could argue it is confidential information, but equally the public does have a justifiable interest in this case. Lets not forget Taksin is an Ex PM, brother of another Ex-PM and father of the leader of the largest party in government. There is a justifiable reason to provide an update on his condition to the public. The ansence of an update clearly shows the public interest (and potentially the law) is being purposely ignored which only leads to the question Why?
  8. So the plan in simple terms is basically to max out the credit card. And then hope you can keep up with repayments...?
  9. He (Veerachai) is just a son-in-law. The father-in-law (Chada) is just the person who received the dowry. He can’t dictate his son-in-law’s actions,” said Anutin, as he commented on the case. Is Anutin suggesting the dowery may have been 'saved' by corrupt practices, before it was given to Chada?
  10. It's not the end of story for the thousands of Thai families whose loved ones were murdered and whose deaths were not investigated? A sixteen month old child shot and killed in the arms of his mother...and no investigation. But the government claims its all drug gangs....how can they make such an outrageous claim if their are no investigations. Not rocket science eh Champ. The government at the highest level was complicit and encouraged these extra judicial killings and didn't want investigations. Read the report...you asked for it (evidence) in previous posts I do not think you are that stupid that cannot connect the dots yourself. It's just your pride preventing you from publicly admitting your understanding of the matter was partial at best.
  11. No. You are incorrect. A conviction requires an investigation first...but no investigations into the killings why? Thousands of Thais murdered or killed on Thai soil and no investigations to find the perpetrators...why? I suggest you read the report in its entirety.
  12. Thousands of Thais dead and not one conviction. Explain. "On February 26, a sixteen-month-old baby, nicknamed "Ice," was in her mother's arms when she and her mother, Raiwan Khwanthongyen, thirty-eight, were shot and killed by an unknown gunman in Sa Dao District, Songkhla. " No investigation no suspects and a dead 16 month old baby. Why? BTW it's not 35..it's 57 if you had bothered to read the report.
  13. https://www.refworld.org/docid/412efec42.html "Thaksin's anti-drug campaign quickly evolved into a violent and murderous "war on drugs." Beginning in February 2003, the Thaksin government instructed police and local officials that persons charged with drug offenses should be considered "security threats" and dealt with in a "ruthless" and "severe" manner. The result of the initial three-month phase of this campaign was some 2,275 extrajudicial killing" Knock yourself out champ....And to this day not one person has been charged with a single murder.... Thousands of Thais killed and murdered in Thailand and there are no suspects or follow up investigations. Why? Because the murders were state sponsored extra judicial killings ordered from the highest levels of government.
  14. From my understanding it cost approximately 6 billion US to build. Given that Laos GDP is just ahead of last place Afghanistan in Asia I would expect any benefit to be spectacular for that type of outlay (10% of GDP). Rather than "Train is great".
  15. Nature vs Nurture as the old adage goes.
  16. No they were not - so we can conclude that the father in this instance has acted far better than previous governments right? I am curious how you if placed in the same situation as this man would react? And what would you say to the parents? Please do not say I have brought my son / daughter up better so it would never happen. What would you do or say if (heaven forbid) your kids killed someone in similar circumstances?
  17. and the girl standing behind him looks like my wife...she told me she worked in a restaurant at night!!
  18. Did the Marijuana smoker cohort only smoke Marijuana or Marijuana and tobacco? The article does not say. The article refers to the cohorts as "marijuana smokers" and "tobacco-only" Did the marijuana smokers use tobacco in joints for example. If they did it could actually mean that tobacco could be the causal factor. Important point that needs clearly expressing in the article but seems to be missing.
  19. If weed become for medicinal use only....can i get my health insurance to pay for it?? And drive up Premiums for everyone... that the next question.
  20. Could the same not be I think the government needs to pay up because many of the 'weed shops' are legally registered with the government agencies as weed shops. If the government has certified your shop as a tax-paying legal business, and then the government and its agencies are partially complict in allowing you to legally and knowingly work as a registered business, they need to pay you compensation as they would to any other tax-paying legal business that was forced to close down due to enhanced legislation. I think the risk is irrelevent to this aruguement.
  21. I think so - If you are a resident, I have claimed lottery prizes before. The last two digit one at the lottery office no problems.
  22. What about the 6 plants everyone is allowed to grow at home???
  23. Oh right..I'm a tax resident....I always thought I was a guest in Thailand. So do I have resident status now lol.
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