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Everything posted by jonclark

  1. The PM of Thailand is wining and dining with a criminal. What a wonderful example he sets for the rest of the population.
  2. One would think questioning the governments handling of this case is perfectly acceptable given that the government overseas the department of corrections and after 120 days of hospital treatment the director General of the department of corrections notified the Justice minsister of Taksins continued hospitalization. I assume the justice minister can defend himself in parliament? Not about taksin, it's about the government handling of the case.
  3. Much as I am not a fan of Taskin I do think he did do something meaningful for his home. The implementation of the 30 baht health scheme was an incredible achievement. Before this health care was out of reach for many poor families and people had fewer options, especially poor folk with chronic or long term health conditions. Now for the price of less than a dollar you can be treated. So he did do something very positive for Thailand in this instance, when compared to what was in place beforehand.
  4. And this sounds like a good weekend for me and my mates.
  5. That sounds more like a good night out.
  6. He's the only one wearing a mask ...possibly to hide his humungous grin as he laughs at us all for being so nieve and thinking he is sick. Praise the Lord, he has risen from death's door and walks again. A modern day miracle. Definitely, going to his shire when he dies to get some lottery numbers.
  7. The third hashtag is #Prachuap Khiri Khan...am I now to assume there is now a wave of anti-Pracchuap Khiri Khan sentiment sweeping through Thailand now?
  8. The only people I see hating farang are other farang. Forums are full of farangs creating horrible anti farang echo chambers to vilify others in. Most Thais really couldn't careless. This thread a great example of some of the (now removed) trolling and bickering between farangs. This death was one of the many (30+ average) road deaths that happen every day in Thailand. It was most likley an accident, unless of course you think he intentionally killed the person.
  9. Climate change is not measured by how green the plant is. Poor deflection attempt.
  10. And what about the other millions of species on the planet...you gonna let them use your aircon as well? Fact is we have screwed the planet. Aircon won't save us.
  11. Stop using your air con and fans for the next 3 months and you'll probably be able to answer that question for yourself.
  12. I think we know it is not new. It's just the rate of change that is new..usually climate changes slowly over hundreds of thousands or even millions of years not in a couple of decades. Also humans have never experienced a large scale climate change event before. Last major climate shift (excluding the younger dryas event) humans were still apes.
  13. So no national shame or disgrace about military coups, corruption, shocking road traffic accidents numbers etc etc....no we are shocked by people looking at other people having sex.. lol.
  14. Oh no....does that mean I am Thai too...as I pay tax in Thailand also...
  15. "Multi-sector sustainable hubs"....Sounds a bit like Srettha is marketing Thailand as; 'Jack of all trades, master of none'.
  16. Because had they given details of his condition, it would have been apparent to everyone, that these conditions could have been treated well and properly within the hospital at the prison but.....
  17. And the people of Thailand are the proverbial stuffed turkey while Taksin and the Shins are the pigs in blankets right?
  18. Don't you follow the news??? He was too sick for prison and his prison lacked suitable medical care facilities to care for him (facilities that are fine for every other convicted criminal) but taksin is well enough for parole and straight off home at the earliest opportunity. People of Thailand you've been conned. Enjoy it, while he enjoys his champagne at home.
  19. So rather than whinging and blaming the Chinese for being highly competitive...what exactly is being done to make Thailand's producers more competitive by the government - protectionism? That doesn't make Thai producers more competitive, if anything it achieves the opposite. So what is the government doing to improve Thailand's competitiveness?? I have bought plenty of Thai stuff here that fell apart....including my house!!
  20. Indeed...however the thought of possibly losing their place at the trough could have a very sobering effect for some parliamentarians...added to which is the specter of MFP potentially gaining an even bigger slice of the popular vote. A very shrewd move by the PM to get the backing he needs tbh. Do any of us think for one minute that MPs put the best interests of the country above their own self-interest ...come on honestly?
  21. I think Taksin was too busy using them to silence his opponents when he was in power. I remember he used the defamation law against PAD in 2006 and there may well have been other cases..it was a long time ago.
  22. And Taksin and Yingkucks grandmother was Chinese....
  23. How can he go home? He is dangerously ill and needs specialist medical care....doesn't he. I love the Shins. They <deleted> down the throat of Thailands legal system and are loved for it.
  24. Drug use reflects poverty and poor family structure. Unless those two conditions are improved, going after the dealers will be generally ineffective as the conditions that support drug use and demand remain.
  25. In the short term yes - which is why they have to keep having coups - It just perpetuates the cycle, and puts the good old boys back in power for a few years, but the ideology remains and grows right under their trough entrenched noses - Do you think FFP / MFP would have done as well and grown without a coup to ferment such an opposite popular response. I think UTN and PPP thought they would waltz the election - all the political commentators at the time were saying MFP would do well to equal the 80 seats from the previous election (most commentators expected significantly less) and 141 was a huge shock and public rebuke to UTN and PPP. The ideology remained, despite MFP dissolution in 2020 and grew and it will do so again, even with a possible dissolution, as recent history has shown.
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