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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. I would assume that most of this is based at people from neigbouring countries who lack official documentation such as passports etc. A passport I have always assumed is proof of nationality.

    I have to say that i find the use of words like 'alien" and 'farang' to be very dehumanizing. (Not only in Thailand but the world over.)As if these groups are less than people.

    Alien-Foreign born resident who is not naturalised. It is an official international immigration term.

    Source: Oxford English Dictionary 6th Edition. It is used in the USA. in immigration literature.

    Thats' true, but you'd think in these more politically correct times we'd be able to find a slightly more human term. I mean if they find life on Mars, will us aliens be lumped in the same categeory as them aliens? :)

  2. I would assume that most of this is based at people from neigbouring countries who lack official documentation such as passports etc. A passport I have always assumed is proof of nationality.

    I have to say that i find the use of words like 'alien" and 'farang' to be very dehumanizing. (Not only in Thailand but the world over.)As if these groups are less than people.

  3. Speaking as an English teacher I can say his question is perfect and, yes, I understood what he meant the first time as well. Maybe some of you posters could use some English lesons?

    I think you'll find you spell it lessons.. sorry couldn't resist :)

  4. I asked about education :)

    Is it possible for you to restate your question?

    Are you a student thinking of entering the Thai education system. for example a university.

    Are you thinking of a job as a teacher?

    Are you looking for a means to stay in Thailand for a year? For example by doing a Thai course and getting an education visa.

    A few more details may help you to get the answer you are looking for. :D

  5. Duh - All of them if they offer you a job. I'd imagine you're looking at an English teaching position. But judging by the vagueness of your question, you may need to re-evaluate your career.

  6. HOW, HOW HOW is Thailand going to become the digital hub. To become the center of something implies, creativity, focus, knowledge, research and experience, all things which are sadly lacking digitally wise in Thailand.

    I think digital manufacturing hub would be a better description. Thailand will cheaply produce the component parts for export markets, can't see any digital revolutions sweeping over SE Asia as a result of this HUB.

  7. Strange how there was no press release highlighting another recent survey that placed Thailand outside the top 100 in a Quality of Life index published by International Living magazine.


    Well obviously the swedes like Thailand and why not, it's a great place to live and visit, good to hear some good news for the tourist industry.

    Regarding the link - can anyone explain how Yeman got 0 for climate - haven't they got any? No wonder the Yemeni are so pissed off

  8. You'd imagine that a database of domestic criminals, convicts and sex offenders would be more pressing in terms of crime reduction and prevention

    I'm glad to see that us expats are worthy of a new online, sparkly, all whistles and bells database to help our governments track down felons and protect the interests of our public, whilst the Thai public are worthy of no such help or protection.

    For every international arrest warrant, I'm sure there are 1000's of outstanding domestic warrants / court summons that sit collecting dust. A

  9. "...Veera said the red-shirt movement would not organize a mass rally that day because the assets case was just one of several cases which proved the double standard law enforcement."

    So if Taksin is found innocent, this must prove the double standard, which veera mentions, so the reds are in favour of double standards???? Or does the double standard only apply if a guilty verdict is the conclusion

  10. jonclark: That's a good question and one I seldom see asked and certainly haven't seen answered. One thing is for sure, they will be a group that will be hard to 'buy-off.'

    Let me take a stab at answering that question, with my biased POV.

    To start with, the PAD is not a spontaneous citizens movement such as the Democracy Movement - a minority at that.

    It was fabricated by some key movers and shakers in the aristocracy and elite to be their proxies.

    The PAD has sponsors who can advance or retreat as they see fit.

    Someone in authority must preface any future election with guarantees from all sides that the loser will stay the loser, especially if it can be shown that the election had some transparent legitimacy.

    The sponsors of the PAD, who most likely are few in number, will need to agree. And if they decide to accept electoral results pre-emptively, the PAD will not be allowed to do their thing.

    The PAD is not an uncontrollable rabble group. They are tightly disciplined and controlled by a very few.


    This would only work on the basis of all parties adhereing to this 'gentlemans agreement', personally i think, if an agreement was reached before the election, one of the following could be the possible scenarios we would see.

    a) all sides agree and the election is held peacefully, transparently and with minimal vote buying, cohercion etc. A stable government is formed.

    :) the dems agree to the agreement, the reds buy votes and form a governemnt, the dems cry foul play and the yellows come out on masse

    c) the reds agree to the agreement, the dems stage the results and form a government, the reds cry foul play, return to the streets and we carry on, with the EC muttering in the background

    d) both sides agree to the agreement, neither keeps its word, both cry foul play, a government is formed which spends most of its time defending how it got into office and not much changes for the general publics hopes and aspirations.

    e) As with d, except at some point another coup happens.

    A gentlemans agreement would be good, but both sides i feel would exploit it to their own advantage

    And lets be honest, all the parties affilliated to either the red or yellow movement are s**t. But this is politics, in the UK both the Conservatives and Labour are s**t

    There are very few ideology driven political parties left which put the publics best interest before their own.

  11. What I want to know is once the reds get into government, how are they going to pacify the yellows, who are bound to come out on mass and paralyze the country. Obviously the red won't use ISOC as they have stated many times that it only encourages violence whan the dems use it against them??

  12. Hi.

    While i am VERY strongly against immigration restrictions and forceful repatriation of refugees, what is it the U.S.' business to say "they are being forced to return against their will"..???

    Hey U.S.A., i've got news for you - look at your very own southern border and check if some Mexicans are maybe "forced to return against their will" before you start messing in other countries' affairs.

    Oh forgot, you always prefer to mess in other countries because that is more convenient than at home.

    Tsk tsk tsk.


    There is a difference - Mexicans are mainly economic migrants - Karens are forced to flee for fear of persecution. As far as i know not many Mexicans are forced in becoming child soldiers, are subject to systematic torture, and have their women folk raped by the vindictive Mexican government when the US repatriates them. If you have evidence to the contrary Thanh please share it.

    Whilst you may think the U.S is meddling, it's merely voicing it's concerns, as Thailand does with some frequency to Cambodia.

  13. Why can't the government just give him his money (did he not make most of it legally)?

    Why do they have to make so much problems... Invite Thaksin back, have a new election (1 person 1 vote)... Get the UN or someone inn to control the voting... The losers would bend down and agree to work for the best of the country, improve the lives of all Thais.

    I think that the current government is worried that Thaksin would win again, even if he has been out of the country for several years... Last time there was an election, who won? (yes, everyone buys votes, that is how they do it here).

    PS. Do you guys think that Thaksin got a fair trial?

    Is this whole thing just a power play from him in hope that he will get his money?

    Why are they still holding his money? If he evaded Taxes, deduct that, send him the rest and tell him to never come back.

    I think most of the problems now are fulled by the newspapers so they can sell more, stop writing about this, don't let people read about everything (NO MORE FREE PRESS) and it might go away, or will it?

    I feel sorry for Thailand, BUT, what comes around, goes around...

    The reds want Thaksin back as they get a share of his/Thailands money passed down through the heads of villages! Simple as that.Its all about greed.

    I'd say it's more about poverty, than greed. If i didn't have enough money to cloth or feed my kids, i'd do whatever i takes to put shoes on their feet and food on the table. The comments about greedy thais when direct to 'reds' are always interesting to read as they are normally posted by people with enough disposable income to buy a computer, rent an ADSL line and who have enough free time to be able to join these discussion. Namely middle class 'yellow' supporters.

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