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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. Really texting his supporters- it's like some lover sick teenager seeking reassurance that he's still loved

    he didn't send me a message, but Abhisit did. how would you that interpret?

    Dunno - Depends what he said. But, I'd probably ask how he got my number? and if he has the number for Burger King and a good plumber as I'm hunger and the toilets broken.

  2. Are you sure the taksins texted rally cry didn't read - "Give me my money back you bast**ds."

    If Taksin texted all the reds in the rally, does that mean:

    1) he has all their phone numbers

    2) how much does it cost to text 600'000 people from Dubao?

    3) If i get a text can text him back with "<deleted> off"?


  3. Many condolences to the family and the yopung girl who will probably be scarred and disfigured for many years. A sad way to end their holiday.

    I agree that there should be some information about the possibilities of injury from jellyfish, however remote as people need to make an informed decision as to whether they want to swim. If they don't there are many other activities to do. I remember at whitesands beach in koh Chang there are signs about dangerous under currents - Beach is always packed.

    I'm sure many of the posters who say we don't need warnings, would be the first to complain if something unfortunate and preventable were to befall them or their children.

    Tourism is a business and as far as i'm aware one of the key laws, which underpins business is that the customer is always right (even when you think they aren't). The customers here are farangs.

    But TiT - a land where educationis seen as dangerous and an informed public is unwanted as they are harder to control.

  4. It's right to the Thai people to demonstrate what they want, could be yellow or red; it's their country and their business not ours and even we have opinions, keep it for us. I would never accept in my country foreigners speaking about what is OK and what is wrong, that's all. :)

    Open your eyes, please. This is an EXPAT forum where foreigners express opinions and share information. You don't like what I said, but you are being disingenuous by saying foreigners shouldn't express their opinions. BTW, I never minded when foreigners discussed US politics with me when I was in the US. I would even try to change their opinion if I could. Most horrifying was talking to foreigners who admired George W. Bush, but I wouldn't think they were doing anything wrong by having an opinion.

    Thank you someone who states the bleedin obvious. This is an expat forum. I personally get sick and tired of people who tell me what i can and can't do and then continue to state how much they value democracy. Or perhaps expats are not worthy of the democacy both the reds and yellows claim to fight to protect.

    BTW - Wonder how many expats would switch sides, if they were 'offered' something by the reds (in return for the support of the large expat community) - such as land ownership. Interesting to see if the vociferious pro yellow supporters would continue to be so and if they would be so damming of the poor who take part in the ralllies for allegedly accepting money in return for their support.

  5. The only possible reasons the UDD can want the monks to join in is

    a) symbolic amongst the local population

    :) more importantly (imho) if the rally turns ugly and soldiers turn on monks / demonstrators, the UDD will use it to draw a parallel with the response of Burmese soldiers in the demos there year or so ago to the international media. Remember the international condemnation that followed that short uprising? Hence the UDD would portray itself is similar in some way to the pro democracy movement in Burma. Which enjoys widespread international support for its peaceful and just struggle against a military government.

    Taksin has just has his butt spanked in terms of his international standing and wants to do likewise to the current government.

    The best thing that the UDD could hope for is for soldiers to fire on monks.

  6. Does anyone know the what the rules are for customs/import tax if you buy a computer through the internet from a company outside of Thailand and then have the computer sent to your home address. This is for a one off single purchase and is not a business. Any idea on the taxes / import duty etc. that is / might be applicable to such a purchase?

    Thanks in advance for any comments

  7. As far as I know most Thais smile as its very passive and unconfrontational - Obviously Thais like all peopel can get angry, that's just human nature.

    I speak fairly good Thai and unlike Oneman my Thai people don't change their 'performance' because of that. I guess if people like you they'll smile at you. Thais like 'sanook' so if you can break the ice and have a joke, they are very smiley people and if you smile they'll reciprocate.

    The title Land of Smiles, is just a promotional slogan nothing more. l

  8. Sad to see.

    I had heard, as mentioned in the post, that China has been/is damming parts of the upper Mekong if that is the case then immediate negotiations need to be made with China by ALL the effected countries governments.

    China could not really care less about anything outside it's borders attempting negotiations would be pointless.

    Sad....but true.

  9. " Thai banks also suffer from a much higher cost of investing in information technology than their larger counterparts in other countries."

    Is that because of the 'tea money' which must be added into the costing. Love the way the banks allocate blame for this presumable increase in fees on their customers love of money, rather than plastic. Upcountry most local shops (restaurants, street vendors, petrol, grocery) don't take visa - Some rich banker, living in a bubble assuming all of Thaialnd shops at the Emporium or like.

  10. Can someone please explain why 1 million is being touted as some sort of magic number that will force the government into submission. At one million will the reds reach critical mass and become greater than the sum of their parts.

    What ever happens the one thing i promise will happen is it will absolutly pi** with rain. It has done for the last few red gatherings. Don't forget your brolly Mr. Jatuporn.

  11. Dear Mr. Japtuporn

    Can you please then make it clear that if after 7 days you fail in your bid to topple the government, in this your 'final showdown', you will admit defeat and clear the streets? After all you are far better than those pestky 'yellows' who wrought havoc on our fair country by closing the airport, and who you have accused in murderous tones of being criminals. If you fail, can you promise the rest of your people - all Thais, that you will cease in your folly and bide your time until and election is called so that the average person can have some peace and stability and can try to prosper and grow. And when the time is right, we as a unified people can decide through the process of vote and election who will run our fair country once again.

    Yes Mr. Jatuporn crimes have been commited, both henious and minor on both sides of the political divide, but we live in the present, not in the past.

    So Mr. Jatiporn I ask once again. Can you promise, if you fail, to pack up and go home and never been seen again?

    Or am I asking too much???

  12. @landofthefree

    jdinasia always says that his questions were/are not answered. He only accepts answers as such that suit his/group version of how things should go; probably a paid poster.

    Thanks for your advice I will put this one down as 'jdinasia and I will agree to dissagree on this one' cheers again :)

    Yes, that is FAR more intellectually honest than answering a simple question such as -- "Should the Nation print reports of the Red leader's press conferences and public statements?"

    jindasia - to answer your question - Yes, the nation should print Red leaders presss reoprts etc. But they should be carefully screened and edited. Why - to avoid publication of hateful statements, which serve no purpose other than to create real conflict and divison in society. This is after all what self censorship and having a free press is about. Report the facts and leave the propaganda bulls**t at home. The same editing and screening should be applied to all political factions. The internet and community TV stations provide outlet enough where supporters etc. can go to get their daily slice of propaganda should they so want it.

    But, the great conundrum is who decides what is and is not propaganda and hateful. That's another topic.

  13. Typical. Mostly a bunch of moronic answers on an issue people know nothing about. Alien is simply a translation of the thai term Dang Dao, which is fairly common in usage and doesn't seem to offend people as much as the thin skinned PC types. Boo hoo, you are an alien. Get use to it.

    You're right, This is the way it has been, is and always will be. Aliens (moronic or not) have no right to discuss anything - Topic Closed

  14. I have to say that i find the use of words like 'alien" and 'farang' to be very dehumanizing. (Not only in Thailand but the world over.)As if these groups are less than people.

    Guess this is not more then expectable in a culture who generally think they are better than the rest of the world ? (not to mention the truth which is slightly different)

    Shhh... The government needs the people to think that so that they can maintain control over the populace. The Elite who rule are THE elite and by blaming outsiders for everything, they continue to be the elite and untouchable.

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