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Everything posted by jonclark

  1. Vows dedication....I'd be surprised if she could spell it.
  2. This verdict will only serve to reinforce and magnify support for MFP whilst at the same time erode support for insitutions this verdict sought to protect. A fantastic own goal by the CC and its backers.
  3. Not the business of the 14 million Thai voters who voted for MFP either it seems.
  4. Imagine the fury if another country tried to claim nationality over Thailand for Lisa from BlackPink. Thai Netizens would go into meltdown mode.
  5. I think you have an erronous view of all expats here. I have NEVER drank Chang beer.
  6. It can now be done online as well ..to save you the trip to your IO.
  7. Lets not whinge about it. This visa is a good thing. Everyone can now choose the most appropriate visa for them.
  8. I wonder if this increase will result in any additional tax revenue for the government? Funding for the wallet is looking thin on the ground.
  9. This post speaks volumes about your fear of a free and open world. "Keeping Thailand for Thais" a bit like keeping North Korea for North Koreans yes? Thailand has benifited massively from open borders with hundreds or thousands of Thais working overseas and likewise hundreds of thousands of migrant workers working in Thailand.
  10. 100,000 eh..lets hope every single business that employed illegal migrants is named, shamed, fined heavily and barred for any and all future government contracts for the next 10 years....Or are we just going to blame the illegal migrants here for working to feed themselves and their families?
  11. Nah Thai morning TV and TV news is full of thais having petty arguments and disagreements with each other.
  12. I wonder if raising electricty tarrifs will impact car sales.
  13. An election promise that is far, far more damaging to the country and people than BJTs declassification of cannabis.
  14. So all drugs out right? Or are we veing selective? A drug is defined as any substances that alters the bodies natural balance and chemistry?
  15. And Tony needs Anutin more than Anutin needs Tony. If Anutin pulls BJP votes from ay the givernments budget votes, then the government coalition will fail.
  16. Wouldnt be so sure with that number 1 in the world comment. Different websites put istanbul as number 1 most visited city, followed by London and Paris.
  17. Wait...hang on..no deport and blacklist comments yet....
  18. Just using a well used phrase of the anti cannabis lobby in a satirical manner. 😄
  19. Lets hope the kids at the child asmtha clinic (sign below cannabis clinic) dont end up in the cannabis clinic. Exposing sick kids to the evil of cannabis..terrible or maybe they treat child asmtha with cannabis.
  20. As long as they also sells rizlas and bongs fine by me. Be nice to get some weed from a cute nurse.
  21. Mate i am reporting you to the police for posting untrue information online.
  22. Why would the chinese mafia spend a huge sum of money buying an entire condo block? All mafias whilst being criminal organisations are essentially designed to make money. How would buying an entire condo block be a good business move??
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