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Everything posted by jonclark

  1. One of the most ridiculous statements. Increased ownerships by Thais could also lead to more condos being rented on a daily out also???
  2. Laat week it was a classic car hub...now its an aviation hub. Earlier in the year is was a wellness hub, and a medical hub, lasy year it was a connection hub, a coffee hub, a food hub, a logistics hub, a distribution hub ....argh my head hurts. Thailand; a Jack of all trades and master of none.
  3. She saw a foreigner in a frenzied state so she approached him and then he pushed her over when she tried to walk away...now she wants 10k. Hmmmm. So she wasnt punched???
  4. How was he to know the mother uses it to take her child to school? Did the motorbike come with a sign indicating it used for the school run.
  5. Fair enough - You have a different point of view and are intolerant of others who disagree. Interesting that you don't see grabbing a person as assault, but as people being nice.. (I look forward to being nice to your wife) .. but I respect your decision. I am sure with the high level of intolerance you have for those with opposing or different views you feel right at home on the internet in your private echo chamber.
  6. Does he look scared to me???.... I have no idea as I do not know what he looks like when he is scared or displaying any other emotion... and neither do you. You are simply filling in the gaps to suit your PoV. What am I missing??? - Well to be honest the entire circumstances and background to this very poorly shot 40-second video. No scared people do not always walk away - fight or flight syndrome - a biological survival response that most animals have evolved over 100's of thousands of years. Soldiers fight so well because they're petrified. (obscure and not entirely relevant but it makes the point). But you agree he was assaulted first by being grabbed multiple times in the video - or do you not classify that as assault??
  7. Maybe he was scared - late at night in a foreign country, surrounded by a group of strangers, with at least 4 people (in the video) grabbing him (which incidentally is also assault) - he doesn't speak the language and he just wants to get away. The point is no one knows what caused him to respond in this manner - and just because you wouldn't, that doesn't mean he was wrong - even though you would disagree with that sentiment. The problem with the internet and the world, in general, is we all see 40-second video clips and we all make these knee-jerk reactions and character judgments when we know nothing about the background or circumstances that led up to the situation.
  8. So as you have made a very judgemental comment - can you perhaps enlighten all of us to explain what happened in the lead-up to the filming that precipitated the actions of the person being filmed. Its kinda important to know that. So what happened before the lady started filming that caused this response??
  9. Problem is..Thailand haw been flogging itself for so long, to so many that everybody has now experienced a holiday in Thailand and is looking for new deatinations.
  10. I suggest you have a morning coffee..then re read the post you have just replied to. I think without insurance is the most important phrase. Have a good day.
  11. The public also wanted MFP to form the government...and look how that turned out - what the public wants and what it gets are often two vastly different things. And that applies to most countries in the world, not just Thailand.
  12. Triple post --- Yikes
  13. Yes, if I crashed my bike into yours without insurance then yes what you say is true, because we are strangers. However, the OP states this is not the case in his situation. He accidentally crashed his girlfriend's car into her brother's bike. There is a clear relationship. In this instance, the most logical and sane solution is to have the insurance pay for it. Making up hypotheticals that are not part of the OP initial query only muddies the water. If my father-in-law (for example) accidentally reversed my wife's car into my bike. I could be a total arse and demand he pays for the repairs. Or I could be rational and make an insurance claim that minimizes stress and undue financial pressure. Your choice.
  14. No the insurance can pay for it???
  15. Mate - the car is insured no matter who drives it. Insurance is not based on a single named driver - its based on the car. How long have you been dating your GF and how did you meet - no reply needed. If yo have been dating her less than a year and you met her in an 'entertainment venue', my advice is that she is trying to scam you. This relationship will end up going south - I would suggest you leave dodge. I guess her brother must have a well paid job to afford a Ducati - wonder how he got the money - maybe the previous boyfriend.
  16. Even funner if they all defected to prawit, so they were the majority of his MPs and then forced him to review section 112.
  17. Mate, we are all here legally and we pay taxes so we will say what we want. If you don't like it feel free to be offended, but our freedom of speech to 'poke into things' is protected under Thailands constitution (Section 2). "a person shall enjoy the rights and liberties to perform any act which is not prohibited or restricted by the Constitution or other laws." Please do not say the constitutution does not apply to foreigners in Thailand - because if that were true, that means foreigners are not bound by any Thai law as all Thai laws are underpinned and guided by your constitution.
  18. No - dear god - no roundabouts. In the west of Thailand (Kanchanaburi, Uthaithani, Tak) you find many more roundabouts - probably due to British influence in the Burmese road system tbh. And using them is a total nightmare as no-one seems to have a clue as to how to use indicators or how to go around them or get off them - people stop randomly to let other onto the roundabout. and once I have seen motorcycles go the wrong way around the dam things - no. Thailand and roundabouts do not mix.
  19. The joke wouldnt have worked if stoner had said. 'Gets round more than a soi dog...or gets round more than an idyllic beach' . Just not as snappy.
  20. Just treat him like any section 112 suspect. Jail with no right to bail. No double standards....lol. One rule for the rich...and one for the poor...please say it aint so Thailand.
  21. Life is only as difficult as you make it. No point getting your knickers in a twist.
  22. Obviously i can only comment on the current situation and not speculate what may or may not happen in the future, as i have no crystal ball unfortunatly.
  23. What has luck got to do with it Bottom line - if you currently work in Thailand and pay taxes on that income - keep your mouth shut about overseas income and maintain a plausible story that your income in Thailand is your only income and they will leave you alone.
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