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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. 1 hour ago, Matzzon said:

    Oh my god! Really? You know exactly what I mean. You smoke or use a forbidden and unlawful ingredient, then you will be fines or jailed. That´s whta controls adults. And you know that I meant so, as well as we both know there are always people breaking the laws.


     Now using marijuana for medicinal purposes is now edging closer to being a legally acceptable remedy and I am glad you accept that. 


    Laws do not control adults. If you think that then you must buy into the idea that without laws we would all descend into utter chaos with the streets filled with people thinking they were cows mooing wildly in the streets? 

    • Sad 1
  2. 29 minutes ago, HeyHeyHey said:



    Tourist want to feel the unique atmosphere and environment, they want to have fun without police and army flexing muscle, they want to party all night - like they can everywhere in Europe.


    not sterile pavements


    Bui Vien in HCMC, Walking Street in Siem Reap and others send you warm regards and thank you for the thousands of extra daily partygoers

    Totally agree. HCMC has overtaken Khao San as the best place to go in SE Asia. Like KS many years ago. KS is a dreary, sad washed up place now living on its fading legacy. 


  3. 57 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    It just sounds like that? Please, tell me where your interest lays then. My interest lays in that I do not consider the world to have any need of yet another legalized drug. For me it´s enough like it is.


    By the way, my comment can not be seen as fake news, due to that it can not be considered as a piece of news. It might be seen, in your point of view, as an accusation. That is if you want to draw a hard line, that will say

     If an adult wants to self medicate on alcohol, paracetamol, weed, cough medicine, codeine, I think as an adult you are responsible for the choices you make and consequences of those choices. If I were to inject a high dose of heroin by mistake and overdose and die. Well that was a consequence of my choice no one else's. I own a gun legally in Thailand. I can choose to use it or not. Both have consquences for me. I also own a car, how I drive that car has consequences for me.( And let's be honest here the side effects of motorized vehicles in Thailand are way more significant Tha the side effects of weed. But those are overlooked for the sake of need and convienece.) 


    So it is simple. Legalize weed and let the users deal with the consequences of their use and actions. I would rather the money goes to the government via taxes that to criminals and drug dealers as it currently does. 

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  4. On 7/2/2019 at 1:56 PM, Don Chance said:



    I am sure if you you changed the header to '11 negative side effects of getting married". 90% of the married male population would nod  in agreement. 


    And I think for balance you should have included 11 positive effects as well. Although the link to to journal of neuroscience which is embedded in the wiki leaf link was very positive in its appraisal of the value of medical Marijuana. 

  5. 1 minute ago, toenail said:

    (my observation after living & working in Thailand for more than 14 years) Rules... government regulations or laws in Thailand are only “words” on paper unless enforced by the police. And since the police (some) are too lazy to patrol their area and enforce government rules or they do not find it financially beneficial ( tea money) nothing will happen.  

    I am just waiting to see the police enforce this on one of their own..Lol 

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  6. 3 hours ago, SammyT said:

    I'm pretty sure a hotel owner could just roll down to Homepro and have it done by the end of today. Not sure why they should be given til 2021...

    It's because in 2021 they will all be able to complain that they haven't had enough time to do it, and doing so would cause them financial hardship, the givernment then rolls over and they will be given a further 5 years to comply.


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