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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. 1 hour ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

    If the stated reasoning to strengthen National security is sincere, they could simply make TM 30 filing mandatory for anyone living in Thailand with any criminal conviction, be they foreign or Thai.


    This would leave law abiding citizens and foreign nationals, free from this bizarre, malfunctioning, and quite frankly, pointless reporting system; a directive to file could simply be automatically added at any court conviction, and applied retrospectively to anyone already convicted.

    Well said. 

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  2. 44 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I've always done TM 30 when I had to. I fail to see why it is so offensive, unless people choose to be offended by minor <deleted> in their life.

    No one forced any of us to live in Thailand and it's always been the case long as I visited/lived there. No one can claim ignorance of the law as an excuse.

    Seems to me that this is the proverbial storm in the proverbial teacup, and much ado about nothing ( serious ).

    Fine, if you fail to see it as offensive, I respect you PoV.


    But I find it offensive as a tax paying resident of this country to be expected to report myself whenever I leave the province under the excuse of 'national security'. If there was a genuine reason for it I might be less offended. If residents are viewed as a 'national security' issue, why the hell are they being given visa extensions and in my case being allowed to adopt a Thai child after passing numerous RTP & home country police checks? 


    In a nutshell if foreign residents are granted the right to work and / or a long term visa in Thailand and have passed police checks then they clearly are not a 'national security' issue. 


    The fact of reporting is not the issue, it is the reasoning behind the issue that is deeply offensive - or do you like being labelled national security issue due to the simple fact your passport is different? 

    • Like 2
  3. 8 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:


    This tax on Sin Sot has got the missus and her friends in stitches.
    They've never heard of a more stupid govt idea.

    Clutching at straws.

    The end is nigh - we can only hope...

    I have to admit i found this hilarious as well. I have been to a number of weddings where the Sin sot was borrowed for the day - The money (and gold) was laid out for all to see during the wedding,as the grooms were poor (and no harm in that) , but once the formalities were over the money and gold were whisked away to its rightful owner.


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  4. In this instance I would urge the PM to look at the "supply and confidence' model employed by the UK Tories and the DUP. Tories supply the money and the DUP supplies the confidence that allows legislation to pass. The PM must note however that the supply must be constant otherwise the confidence can become fickle. 



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  5. 1 hour ago, SpanishExpat said:

    Well the result would be a first come, first serve strategy. You pick a number above xxxx and you‘ll get a harsh „you late“, „go home „, „you pay fine“ in their annoying English and you can’t do yeah....exactly zero! 

    I am sure a news crew would be happy to tag along..media attention of the shambles would make Thailand look bad...and that would raise a few eyebrows. 

  6. 57 minutes ago, Yinn said:

    In the Christian USA the mandog has the eggs cut off. I ask my Buddhist dog about that one. He say don’t like to be be Ladyboy.


    thai Buddhist don’t throw the dog on the road like you say that. If can not take care anymore we take them to the temple. The monk and other people feed them everyday to make merit. Deliscios food. And they can play with the other dogs there. Happy dog.

    My dog say this much better way than the compassionate Christians way.


    My God your dogs speaks as well!!  Can he say Mioew too? 


    I am astounded beyond the fact both your cat and dog are fluent in Thai, that you have a dog (and I assume a cat) that both understand the complex concepts of religion, nationalism, and the socio economic arguments that surround the issues of pet ownership. 


    If I was being cynical, which I am not, I would think that you are super imposing your own Donald Trumpesqe views using your dog and cat as unwitting accomplices. But that would be cynical and cruel of me to think you would do such a thing to your pets. You being a good buddist and all that. 


    I look forward to seeing you pets on Thailands got Talent. Please do not disappoint. 

  7. Hi Yimm just for some balance and perspective please see below. Buddist soi dog vs Buddist Thai man with a sword. Such Compassion. 


    As the truth is all humans do bad things to animals.. You eat meat right? Spend a day watching the slaughter of the animals which feed us and the question your own values when you pick up your favorite dish later in the day.


    And in some cases animals unwittingly do harm to humans. And with rabies found in over 40 provinces earlier in the year and some deaths.. Managing the soi dog and cat populations has merit. 


    • Sad 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Yinn said:


    If you ask my cat “what you want, let you free or kill you?” My cat will say freedom better. 

    My cat the Buddhist.



    Wow...your cat can understand d and  communicate with humans. Impressive, might I suggest entering it on 'Thailands got talent' so we can all listen to it. 

    • Haha 1
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