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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. Sorry but are they saying a vote recount (and remember voting is done electronically using an electronic tag which identifies the MP, and their voting choice) needs to be recounted. How do you recount an electronic vote? The counting process is automatic and I would hope that Thailand 4.0 has enough computing power to be able to accurately tally the votes of 500 MPs first time. If not then I am happy to give the parliament my old Nokia which although 10 years old has plenty of processing power to tally 500 votes. 


    If not then clearly all previous votes must also be recounted as they may have been inaccurate as well.  

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  2. Just now, jonclark said:

    Hmmm. I spent 40 years teaching in the UK and I can safely say that in that 40 years in met and observed many, many secondary school teachers (who had degrees, PGCE and QTS) and many still didn't have the skills to teach. Their teaching assistants were often much more adept at teaching and had lower qualification levels - In fact some of the best 'teaching i ever observed was a 50+ year old women who worked part time as a TA in an inner city school, she had 5 kids and she said she the skills she uses to teach are just the skills she used to raise her kids - patience, love, hard work  and fun. Unsurprisingly the students loved, and listened to her every word. 


  3. 30 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

    If you do not have a degree and a valid TEFL diploma you are an amateur who does not have the skills to teach. That's fine if you are volunteering in the local Wat for FREE it is not fine if you get paid to be a professional, qualified teacher (and are hear illegally).

    Hmmm. I spent 40 years teaching in the UK and I can safely say that in that 40 years in met and observed many, many secondary school teachers (who had degrees, PGCE and QTS) many still didn't have the skills to teach. Their teaching assistant were often much more adept at teaching and had lower qualification levels - In fact some of the best 'teaching i ever observed was a 50+ year old women who worked part time as a TA in an inner city school, she had 5 kids and she said she the skills she uses to teach are just the skills she used to raise her kids - patience, love and fun. Unsurprisingly the students loved, and listened to her every word. 

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  4. 51 minutes ago, Beggar said:

    But there are laws and regulations how to handle such things. Sitting in the middle of the road and blocking the traffic is for sure not one of them. 

    Correct in theory. But in practice not so much. So perhaps blocking traffic and making a noise will help the theory be put into practice. If he had not made such a public spectecal of the issue, it would not be getting so much attention would it. And attention will spur the authorities to take action. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, DLock said:


    Most posters are happy she made a success of herself.


    But you miss the point, or as a Thai apologist, choose to.


    Thailand can never provide the same opportunities granted by most western countries. They are xenophobic, scared and protectionist of foreigners gaining any foothold or taking any jobs or money from Thais.


    Nothing wrong with pointing out the obvious, unless you prefer to just ignore it like a proper Thai.


    Your call.



    Sorry, but I think you missed the point.


    I was focusing on the content of the OP. A young lady who has overcome some probably very difficult obstacles to make a success of her life in the USA - Well done!


    I was not letting the rights / wrongs of Thailand as seen through a western lens interfere with her success as clearly that has nothing to do with her. 


    I am sure however that by keeping up the barrage of anti-Thai sentiment which is doled out daily on TVF will really motive Thailand to reconsider its xenophobic, scared and protectionist approach to foreigners.....either that or it will just serve to reinforce it. You decide. 


    So after two decades here you do not need to lecture me on the opportunities (or lack of) Thailand provides, been there, done that, wrote the book. And I am still here and successful, and I have a very wide circle of mainly Thai friends none of whom display the characteristics you describe. And maybe that is it. People rant on about how racist / unfair Thailand and Thais are, attract like minded Thais who rant on about how despicable etc foreigners are. As the old saying goes ' Birds of a feather, flock together'. 



    • Thanks 1
  6. I think the biggest white elephant in the room through is this highly dubious link that spending is counted as tourism. When i (and the millions of others in Thailand) do a weekly shop in one of the big supermarket chains, that is not tourism. 


    This is just a cash handout to boost consumption. It is straight out of the PTP / TRT / Shinawatra playbook, remember the tax rebate scheme for cars a few years ago. Exactly the same principle - buy something big and get cash back. A short term fix to give the appearance that the economy is fine. 

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