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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. 1 hour ago, Matzzon said:

    That Sir, I assume would be a definite result. If I will not get a female IO, that can understand my deep fantasies and the great opportunities to live them out to the full extent that this country offer. 

    Ok, over to you. Whats your problem? Why would you be refused entry? Sharing is caring. ????:cheesy:

    It was me being arrested in the video! ????

    • Haha 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    A PhD does not mean your intelligent. Everybody can study to one, but all remember different. Yes, If this behaviour from tourists and expats and all other foreigner are to be continues, then I will welcome a behaviour analysis on arrival.

    I look forward to seeing your proposals for behavior analysis on arrival for all 30 million visitors. 


    You never know you and I may both be refused entry as a result. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Matzzon said:

    It´s not a small problem, as many tried to make you understand. This person is not worth getting away with a fine. And no there is not the end because you want it.

    In my opinion there is not any known amount of embarrassment or punishment that is enough for this sorry arse of a man.


    You bet!


    Hopefully until brain hemorrhage emerges.


    No, the story does not end, just because you want that, but you are free to stop posting in the thread. ????

    However, it doesn´t matter what is the standard fine for Thai people. He is to stupid to have a granted permission to stay. Cancel it!


    Yes, totally avoidable. The drunk stupid excuse for a man should have known his limits. That´s the only way to avoid it. The police did their duty.


    That seems like a good way of thinking when you visit another country.


    This person is too thick to get something he don´t deserve. Deportation and Blacklist is the best choice. At least he will take his sorry arse to another country.


    What has this to do with Thais?

    Maybe Thailand should only offer visas based on intelligence then. As the assumed level of intelligence or the lack of it seems to be your defining argument and this man weakness.


    PhDs need only aply perhaps? 

    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, ExpatPH said:


    Topic is crazed foreigner, not about thais.



    Laws has changed dramatically last years, we who visited in the 90's and lived in Thailand over a decade have seen that.


    Last 3 years restrictions of many visa categories also demonstrate that even further. Numerous crackdown on back to back visa, ed-visa, long stayers, much because foreigners didn't follow the rules, involved in crime, involved in morders of Thai women.


    Now it's well behaving expats on retirement extension of stay, who feel the latest restrictions.

    'No consequences' is utter nonsense.


    Those who also understand and listen into natives conversation, know how often foreigners bad behavior, are Thai peoples topic.


    2 incidents last days where a foreigner demonstrate superior attitude toward a native, don't help the image of us foreigners.

    Thais would never dare to spit & kick a police officer!

    Ever seen arrest of Thai men? They lay on the street, humble as humble can possibly be.  Then a visitor, a tourist, a foreigner dare to spit & kick a police officer. Unbelivable.


    ''crazed foreigner'  stories in the news, makes the situation worse for the rest.



    1) He is not crazed...he is drunk - two very different things - the headline it is not the truth. 

    2) You are the one who made it about Thais, by bring their PoV into it. 

    3) Murders of Thai women - Even Donald Trump would be proud of the that statement mate! I think you'll find far more Thai men have murdered Thai women / Thai wives (and vice verse).

    4) Superior attitude - Again your opinion which is clearly jaded. There is nothing in either video to show a 'superior attitude'Just two drunk idiots who should and were treated as such.

    5) Thais would never spit and kick an officer - Of course not !! 



    Thais chuck hand grenades at em. I think I know which the police prefer!


    As for your visa gibberish - well as 99.5% of the people who come here and get smashed and have problems, well most of them are single entry, two weeks of a year tourist - There are after 30 million of them a year - who then go back home and get on with their normal 9-5 and forget about Thailand.


    And BTW there were probably far far more incidents in Pattaya involving foreigners and the police over the weekend than the 2 which we have seen here. I bet the police would love to have 2 incidents only!




    • Like 2
  5. 24 minutes ago, ExpatPH said:

    Lived almost 20 years now in south east Asia, and asked my native friends: do you notice foreigners behavior out and around? 


    Reply: we notice EVERYTHING you do in public, and we talk about it online and in private.

    We appreciate foreigners who behave polite, and we look down on those foreigners who behave badly, and rude to us who are born here.


    Imagine you are in your country of birth. Then you observe a tourist of other skin color first hit another local, then spit and kick one police officers. Imagine your reaction.


    A small case? Absolutely not.


    This is obvious disrespect to the country one visit, and disrespect to people who are born there.


    Even worse to attack a public servant in uniform.


    We wouldnt accept it in our country of birth. Why shall we accept it when it happen in Thailand.


    Nothing to do about paranoid.

    Many of us know the difference between right and wrong. 


    Many of us do actually care about fellow foreigners behavior, and reputation when we're abroad.


    And yes, if enough negative incidents reach the public, news,  police, and lawmakers, even more restrictions are absolutely likely.


    My reaction.. 


    Let the police and law deal with it in the same way that a local would be dealt with if they had done the same thing. That is the purpose of the law.  


    The rest is just people presenting opinion as fact. 



    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Henrik Andersen said:

    ban this lowlife of a scumbag we don't need tourists as him 

    it just make it harder to be normal farang in Thailand because of to meny morrons as him 

    Sorry Henrik but it does not. Thailand and the Thai police know that tourists, whatever their nationality will come her and do daft things. In fact they know there fellow countrymen do far worse when drunk and on holiday in Thailand then shout and scream and act like a little girl. What we do not see on the news is the millions of tourists who come here and have a wonderful relaxing holiday and enjoy Thailand. 



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    • Thanks 1
  7. 32 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    let others do the starting, The UK is too fond of being first and being the White Knight of the world. Its about time that we acted like the small insignificant country that we are. 

    But I bet you are glad to have a UK passport given the freedoms it provides you, as it gives you access to 186 countries world wide...Small and insignificant indeed. 


    • Sad 1
  8. 41 minutes ago, Razek said:

    I don t meen the poor need to defense themselves. I mean this is the reality peoples are thinking they are defending themselves because there is no state same it is in democratic country.

    The law defend you and when you call police they come in 5 minutes

    Do you think it is the same in thailand or 3rd world???


    But weren't the police already there? In the previous footage, the police are clearly visible on the street. 


    But I do take your point, so the question you need to ask yourself, as an individual and as a country is - do we continue to tolerate this situation or do we change it? It is after all your country. I have been living here for over two decades, so I understand the not so subtle differences between the level of service and professionalism of my own police and Thailands.  


    So you don't like it? Well, what are you going to do? 

    • Like 1
  9. If you plan to make Thailand you home and are putting down roots, it pays to have as many documents that prove and link you to your house. If you wish to apply for citizenship for example then you need to have a yellow book for 5 years prior to the application. Likewise for PR having a yellow book, while not a requirement, it will show that you have put down roots, especially if you have a family who are on the blue book at the same address it will help your application.


    I have used my pink ID card for getting on domestic flights, hotels check ins (that one surprised me too!), Hospitals, and basically anywhere when ID has been required including National Parks, Zoos etc. 



    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Tropicalevo said:

    Your post is accurate and very valid.


    Just one problem.


    Airbnb does not care about owners or neighbours. Their customer is the renter. They are the only ones giving Airbnb an income. They will glibly ignore complaints, requests for compensation etc etc just to protect the renter.


    Only in extreme circumstances do Airbnb support the owner. (About 1 in 10 cases in my experience.)

    So if that is the case AirBnB must do more to ensure that it is a more socially responsible service provider. Individual who benefit from their service (like myself and the person whom I have rented from several times) should not do so at the expense of others (condo owners) if they have a valid complaint.  I would have hoped that AirBnB would be more proactive in policing the facilitation service it provides. 

  11. 16 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

    Won't be 'high end' for long with all the increased traffic resulting in a robust increase in wear and tear and thus condo fees won't be going for improvements as they should but rather just the greater maintenance costs. No problem for those who just bought the units to profit on the backs of others, expats screwing other expats.

    Whilst I do sympathise with you a great deal as from the tone of you posts, it sounds like you have been negatively affected by airBnB. I use it whenever family come over - renting a villa in Hua Hin, with a pool etc that can sleep the entire family for 4000 a night cost wise beats taking three or four rooms in a hotel which would come in at 10k+ a night (big family). I have the money to spend and am not a "cheap skate", but like all of us I spend hard earned money wisely to get the best value. 


    I do think that airBnB must and needs to do something about the impact that disruptive guest using their service have on their surroundings is very important - maybe a complaints section of airBnB which results in listings being suspended if a certain number of complaints are received from neighbours. AirBnB and its users must work in harmony with the people who live in the same condos etc that are rented out. 

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