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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. Maybe - pure speculation and no disrespect intended to the departed - he took his life as the TB diagnosis now made the mandatory insurance impossible for his next visa extension; that type of condition in a 75 year old would have not been of any interest to any insurance company. And he simply had no where else to go and no choices left. 


    Pure speculation I know. 


    I hope this gentleman has found peace.  

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  2. Wow - That is six pages of some of the most bitter comments I have ever read. 


    How people can rejoice at the economic hardship that this will cost the people here is staggering. The most effected by this are not the owners of boats, but the small independent traders that rely on low level passing trade to make enough to live on, pay school fees, and rent. 


    People should feel ashamed of themselves. Taking pleasure in another's hardship. 

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  3. 22 hours ago, SMEinBangkok said:

    They rolled the dice and crapped out.  Hard to understand the sympathy shown by many here, and failure to enforce one set of laws doesn't mean that all laws have been revoked.  I pay what I consider to be a pretty decent sum of money to remain in Thailand legally with a work permit.  These people decided to go the cheap way (much cheaper!) and got caught.  I hope they're in jail awaiting deportation and blacklisting.  The entire reason the rest of us endure these increasingly difficult immigration regulations and problems stems from foreigners working/living illegally here.

    I am in exactly the same boat (no pun intended) as you regarding my work and life situation. However I hope that they are given a fine for working illegally and then immigration works with the dive company to ensure that they are provided with the correct documents to get work permits so that they can pay tax, like you and I.  Seems a more constructive and progressive solution, than jailing them at the expense of the tax payer until they can be deported. 


    BTW in the OP. I love the term 'illegal foreigner' .. It is illegal to be a foreigner in Thailand. Well done immigration. 


  4. You know for all the comments on here about how violent 'pit bull' type breeds are (and I agree) . Their violent nature pales in comparison to the violence that the species know as homo-sapiens is able to inflict on itself and every other species on the planet. If an aggressive and violent pit bull attack results in people calling for the whole genetic family of pit bulls and associated lineages to be eradicated. What I wonder do they think a fit punishment should be for our species? Extermination too? Or do those arguments not apply because we are too educated and important. 

    • Confused 1
  5. For all the comments that we hear about the police not policing - and i agree. It is not the police which is the deterrent (or lack of) but the law which is an absolute disgrace. When you look at the law and the prescribed punishments (in brackets), the police have had their proverbial hands tied as they cannot prescribe a fine or punishment greater than what the law allows. BTW i would recommend all people to bookmark this link as it is quite useful when a policeman tries to shake you down for extra money. 




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  6. Every year millions enter Thailand and sail past immigration with no hassles. However they do not post about these experiences, so sadly we end up with only those negative experiences being posted about which creates a false narrative that immigration is has it in for foreigners. If that were the case one would expect tens of or hundreds of thousands of negative posts, rather than a few thousand a year. 

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  7. Any Thai people reading this thread must be laughing. Foreigners attacking foreigners. This is better than Sunday Muay Thai.


    If ever the old adage 'united we stand, divided we fall' could be shown to be true, then it is this thread. Chinese, Indian communities are all incredibly successful here in Thailand as they are united in their support of each other. Even when they may personally disagree with the situation. Westerners though however take great joy in twisting the knife when one of their community falls on hard times or finds themselves in trouble. No wonder we are becoming an extinct species here, we are  helping to pull the trigger. 

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  8. On 12/20/2019 at 5:07 PM, Tops said:

    A guy I know bought a two-bedroom condo in Ekkamai in 2015 and it was finished late 2017 before he could move in.


    On each floor there are 2 similar / opposite two-bedroom condos at the end of the floor. 

    Next to them, on each side, there are 6 one-bedroom condos and 2 studios near the elevators on one side and 4 on the other side. 


    The other two-bedroom condo is bought by another farang. 
    The 12 one-bedroom and the 6 studios were bought by a Chinese. Every day there are 2 busloads of Chinese arriving because it is used as AirBnB. Every evening the Chinese party downstairs in the swimmingpool. About 100 Chinese peeing and $#!tting in pool daily !!!


    Rules and laws aren't enforced. 

    Quick call to immigration police stating tm 30 violations would fix in an instant. 100 x 2k fines... Can you hear the cash register sing??? 

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  9. On 12/4/2019 at 9:49 AM, ezzra said:

    Facts: cheap is a relative compression, cheap as in what? cost of living, and salaries earned, most medicines sold in Thailand are of an inferior qualities either manufactured here or imported from neighbouring countries with more filler material than the medicine compounds needed, others sold in leading hospitals ARE NOT cheap by any stretch of imaginations, others are mostly fakes or heavily diluted...


    Absolute nonsense. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, Okis said:

    The purpose of the recount is to make sure that this time the coalition have enough MP's there and also get some time to try and convince some of the democrat MP's to vote "right".  This way they may win. 

    That's not a recount that is submitting the same piece of legislation a second time. Surely that cannot be allowed. Otherwise any sitting government can continuously submit and resubmit the same legislation time and time again until it gets a favorable result? 

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