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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. 1 hour ago, robblok said:

    I doubt that it works that way, if your wanted by Interpol they will get you anyway no matter what passport your on. Problem is this is seen as a political case and they just won't burn their hands on this. But if your a normal criminal it does not matter on what passport you enter its the person that is flagged not its nationallity. 

    Rob. On reflection you may well be right. Otherwise all a criminal woud need to do is get a new nationality and they are home free. Which is a massive loophole. Cheers

  2. 19 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    Yingluck's life is not in danger should she be returned and there is an extradition treaty between the UK and Thailand, http://www.oecd.org/site/adboecdanti-corruptioninitiative/39371698.pdf 


    See article five of that treaty:

    Article 5.
    A fugitive criminal shall not be surrendered if the offence in respect of which his surrender is demanded is deemed by the Party on whom the demand is made to be one of a political character, or if he prove that the requisition for his surrender has in fact been made with a view to try or punish him for an offence of a political character.



    I would humbly point out that given the use of pronouns in Article 5 it only applies to males. YL has nothing to fear.

    • Haha 2
  3. Not surprised they are angry. Khao San Rd retail space is very very expensive and these retailers would have had to pay a very high premium to be allowed to sell there


    I think it ia a safe assumption that some these vendors would have taken out some large (informal) loans to pay to be allowed to sell there and those who they pay to do not give refunds. But the loan will still need servicing.


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  4. For a country of approx 70 million to come 5th globally in terms of amount of plastic rubbish produced is really quite an achievement; but not an achievement to be proud of. 


    The only way that this is going to change is by changing public behavior and that means taxing the manufactures of plastic bags and also charging for the plastic bags at the point of sale. In addition there needs to be a much more joined up waste disposal service across the entire country. Most trash is fly tipped as small towns, villages have no waste services at all. This needs addressing at its simplest this would be a village collection point for villagers to take rubbish for sorting and collection - something the village fund should be used for and supported by governments at a local and national level.


    And of all else fails - just remove the plastic packaging at BIG C etc before you leave the store as these good folks did!






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  5. 1 hour ago, DavidJow said:

    I can have problem if the mother is going to make a case for kidnapping agains't me.


    But she will don't do that.


    But how a thai IO will make problem for a kid using a foreign passport and leaving Thailand ? They never asked if the kid is dual citizen.. 

    Hi if the child is traveling on a foreign passport and has a valid entry stamp in that passport which will then be given the corresponding exit stamp when they leave - no problem. But the immigration office need to see evidence of entry before they allow exit. 


    If the child entered on their Thai passport no problem. But then presents a foreign passport at the airport immigration line with the intention leaving on a foreign passport with no entry stamp, that would make immigration curious - put simply they would be interested to know how this child presenting a foreign passport got into Thailand without an entry stamp in their passport.  That curiosity would no doubt lead to you as the adult as I am guessing you would be the party responsible for answering those questions on the child's behalf. So they would need to see the Thai passport to verify legal entry. 


    Immigration Officers, like all personal related in security services are trained to be nosey and investigative. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, johng said:

    Why should only foreign workers from those 3 countries be allowed to work legally in the 39 occupations forbidden to foreigners. ?

    surely if they allow non Thai then all non Thai from any country should be allowed...anyway I don't see them relaxing the 39 occupations  restrictions...look what happened recently with the

    "hair dresser revolt" ?

    Seems odd that if they are needing workers, why not open this up to all ASEAN countries 

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  7. 53 minutes ago, 1337markus said:

    I wonder if we will be told the outcomes? Bee a small fine and Kumar cooling off  in jail?

    Yes would be the answer to the latter half.


    The onus of responsibility falls on the adult.  A person under the age of consent, even if they verbally agree to sex, cannot legally do so, because they are too young to be able to - It's know as statutory rape. 


    So intentionally or not Kumar is the guilty party.  That maybe unfair, but the big picture is the legal protection of minors. In Thailand the age of consent is 18 years old. 

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