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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. To be honest the Thai Olympic Committe were complicit in the irregularities - They knew full well what was going on as they were part of the scam.

    " The International Ski Federation (FIS) found that qualifying races had been organised by Mae’s own management company with the assistance of Thailand’s Olympic Committee simply to get her into the tournament"

    (Source - The Independent 11/ 11//2104)

    I think the that's what you called being caught with your pants down!!

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  2. Just a quick question as I'm having trouble tracking down this particular item.

    Does anyone know if it is possible - (if so where) to buy hydraulic cement - I've tried Homepro and Thai Wastsadu and been sent on the merry circus around all the various departments before being told they don't have it.

    It can get it on e-bay, but for obvious reasons would prefer to get it locally if possible

  3. Obviously passenger safety is a high priority but this announcement only serves to create dis-information and the frankly stupid notion that a paper lantern which ways a few hundred grams could bring down a passenger airliner weighing several hundred tons.

    Just remember that passenger engines are tested in the following ways before being certified safe for use;

    1) have over 4.5 tons of water are sprayed into the engine in 1 minute

    2) 3/4 of a ton a hail is sprayed into an engine in 1 minute

    3) the infamous frozen chicken gun - A frozen chicken is fired into a engine

    4) designed to withstand the worst of a lightening strike (if that is at all possible)

    All these test need to be passed repeatedly over a test period which averages at least 2 years (probably more) before the engines are used.

    As a previous poster mentioned birds are more dangerous than paper lanterns to aircraft.

    While I don't disagree with the content of your engine testing information, I think you are missing the point.

    To not regulate the release of floating, or other flying things, into the controlled airspace near airports, really does "fly" in the face of modern day common sense and aviation safety standards. Wouldn't you agree?

    Remember the threats by the residents around Swampy, upset about aircraft noise? Think it was around 2007/08 or so.

    Competently agree that flying things require regulation especially around an airport . I disagree with the idea that they are 'highly dangerous' to aircraft.

  4. Obviously passenger safety is a high priority but this announcement only serves to create dis-information and the frankly stupid notion that a paper lantern which ways a few hundred grams could bring down a passenger airliner weighing several hundred tons.

    Just remember that passenger engines are tested in the following ways before being certified safe for use;

    1) have over 4.5 tons of water are sprayed into the engine in 1 minute

    2) 3/4 of a ton a hail is sprayed into an engine in 1 minute

    3) the infamous frozen chicken gun - A frozen chicken is fired into a engine

    4) designed to withstand the worst of a lightening strike (if that is at all possible)

    All these test need to be passed repeatedly over a test period which averages at least 2 years (probably more) before the engines are used.

    As a previous poster mentioned birds are more dangerous than paper lanterns to aircraft.

    Except that these "paper" floating lanterns are lit with candles, which makes them highly flammable objects to airplanes. Also, we're not talking about a single paper lantern here because hundreds of them are released into the sky as part of the Loy Krathong festival celebrations.

    Better hope Al-qaeda doesn't get their hands on them then.

    Seriously if people actually think that these paper lanterns lit with candles will get anywhere near a plane are dreaming. The air turbulence (the air moving out of the way of the plane as it thunders through the sky at 400kph and / or the backwash caused by a 747 would blow the thing out the sky before it got within 100 feet.

    And even if it did by some miracle get sucked into the engines the suction of the engines would extinguish any candle.And spit it out the back.

  5. The problem is on the whole very simple once you move away from Bangkok and sadly very obvious.

    The majority of the population are employed in very poorly paid jobs, that simply are being outstripped by the rapid pace of inflation.

    For me the classic and most user friendly example of this is the native speaking agency hire EAL teacher salary which has remained at the 30 - 35'000 baht a month range for the past 15 years. During that time basic commodities like petrol (95)and diesel i have gone from from 17 and 15 baht in 2000 to 37 and 30 baht respectively in 2012.

    Now whilst a native speaking teacher salary maybe a lot for some people is does highlight the disparity between prices and salaries and on an even lower income the difficulties faced must be far more significant.

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  6. This puts last nights speech by the PM into some context --when he stated that in order to improve exports of rice (we) need to encourage the world to eat more rice and eat less bread.

    Now we need to make sure that all Thai food tastes the same. - Thai food often tastes different within Thailand due to regional differences in ingredients and preparation - That's what makes all food fun, the range and variety of tastes

    UK Thai food restaurants produce food for UK pallets, not Thai. So perhaps Thailand should stop telling UK chefs how to cook Thai food for UK people, as Thailand clearly knows very little about the customer base the food is aimed for!

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  7. Without wanting to be negative - The simple fact that these antibodies have yet to be tested on either animals or humans means that this announcement has very little substance. Any peer reviewed journal wouldn't touch this with a barge pole in the context of 'a therapy for Ebola' as that has not been proven in the slightest in humans.

    HIV research has identified a number of broadly neutralizing antibodies, produced naturally by humans which are highly effective against the HIV virus in a lab under controlled conditions, but mimicking that response in the human body to kill HIV and purge it from an infected person is still the subject of intensive research with an estimated 5 - 10 years expected before it becomes a viable treatment or enters human trials.

    But this type of announcement raises the profile of science in Thailand and that in itself is a fantastic but I just hope that they haven't jumped the gun. Like that Japanese group did recently with their stem cell cloning technique which was shot down in flames once it was peer reviewed. And led to lot's of apologetic kowtowing on the Japanese side.

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