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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. ummm now lets see......

    you have my info , you have my sim ID , now mix with Immigration computer info

    Shake box well and what comes out ?????

    GPS addresses of all overstayers thumbsup.gif

    or anyone else they feel like grabbing !

    Okay - but a large number of foreigners here have a monthly bill - so they already have this information already for a number of foreigners . And I have yet to see immigration having either the imagination or compunction to go after overstayers in this fashion.

  2. I guess this is yet another push to Thailand into China's arms. The USA is acting like a child with their self serving interests.


    just pointing out the elephant in the room to the Thai 'government' in the nicest of ways and then not reacting to the current right-wing nationalist fascists and their summons is 'acting like a child'...

    ok, if you say so... coffee1.gif

    You can pin labels all you want but it doesn't change the fact that this is the current gov and controls Thailand. The US should address them even if they don't like who or how this happened if they want to keep Thailand as a friend. Either way with China offering their kindness (hehee) and the USA ignoring them it is easy to see who will be Thailand's newest closest friend. The USA should be considering this.

    And your point is what exactly? Thailand is so strategically important. Losing Thailand is going to be a loss for the USA.

  3. What laws are being broken here...and more importantly what products does this apply to? One would assume that if a vendor is by law prevented from setting their prices to reflect their cost, then the rent or lease costs that can be charged to those vendors is also capped as well?

    The idea that cost of food is linked solely to the price of oil and fresh products is myopic - over that last 18 months electricity prices have risen from 3.5 baht per unit to 5 baht per unit for example - or by 35%. And don't get me started on Taxis and BTS price rises.

    • Like 2
  4. My wife doesn't work, nor owns any business....BUT she has property and a couple of years ago we financed one of her properties with Siam Bank with me as the co-signer.

    Caveat....they only gave us a 50% loan and only for 5 years (until I reached the age of 65) also requiring me to have life/medical insurance thru them.

    It is possible ...hope it helps.

    The loan will be under 40%, but.....I am 70. Anyway, we will talk with Siam. Who knows?

    Thank you.

    I hate to say it but your age may sadly count against you in this instance. Good luck anyway

  5. "When an elected leader is deposed, impeached by the authorities that implemented the coup, and then targeted with criminal charges while basic democratic processes and institutions are interrupted.."

    So this statement is untrue then?? This has not happened??

    storm in a tea-cup?

    how did George W get elected?

    how do all of them get elected?

    democracy ... what a crock

    who believes anything that comes out of America? I certainly don't

    are all Aussies rabid, hateful sociopaths like the elected political party and its whacko leader?

    both sides are funded by corporations, so policy always favours the corporations (the 1%) ...

    duopoly not democracy ...

    So is the statement untrue?

  6. By their very nature Thai people always opt for the path of least resistance - it avoids conflict. If someone cooks food and its tastes like old socks. The person eating it will still smile and say delicious, even if they are about to chuck. Speaking their mind would create conflict so they lie.

    Same with polls (and asking for directions)

    Tell em what they want to hear and smile.

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