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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. Sorry but using article 44 to solve problems shows just how out of touch and isolated this man is from reality.

    The only way problems will be solved in a sustainable fashion is when people participate in and have real ownership of the solution. Problems are not solved in a sustainable fashion when someone demands they are solved.

    Simply silencing people doesn't mean there is no disagreement or problem - utter folly to think along those lines.

  2. Big Muslim problem in the south ... bring in more Muslims ... yeah right - that's a solution...

    You obviously don't understand why there is a problem in the south, or, the causes of it..

    Maybe do a bit of reading.

    Hate swamps thought.

    I have done extensive reading on the problems in the South of Thailand with the Muslim Separatists ... I have read the history of hundreds of years in the area. We just look at the situation via a different lens... Typical liberal / leftist - any opinion other than yours is HATE Speech .. Ridiculous ...

    Your various posts today seem to be suggesting that all Muslims (royhinga) are or eventually will become separatists, should they be granted safe haven? I think you're tarring all Muslims with the same brush with a very inaccurate stereotyping of them. Fear mongering at best.

    The nature of the PMs comments show just how out of his depth this little man is on the international stage.

  3. No overcharging for Thais. I doubt that this will affect foreigners.

    I think you will find that most patients at hospitals are in fact Thai and most private hospitals make a bloody killing (pardon the pun) from them.

    In my experience hospitals have a two tier level - the insured / middle classes and the uninsured. If you are in the former they will get as much as possible from your insurance with needless tests etc. The latter will be left in limbo until all the former have been seen to.

    My daughter was in a government hospital for about 10 days and when she was discharged I went to pay the bill.....B27

  4. Sounds like his little road rage incident landed him in the hospital.

    Maybe his friend should remind him where he is instead of offering a $250 reward for "justice".

    Indeed -If you're gonna get road rage in Thailand make sure you are better armed than the other person. Perhaps his friend could buy him a gun with the $250.

    I'm sure non of us ever swear when people cut us up on the roads

  5. Compensation to tourists?, where else in the world?

    Require all tourists to show proof of Travel Insurance to get a Visa.

    Require proof of Travel Insurance when entering Thailand.

    Provide means to purchase Travel Insurance at point of entry into The Kingdom.

    The amount of money owed by tourists to the Thai Health System is staggering.

    Make Travel Insurance Mandatory and let the Insurance Companies sort out and "Compensation"

    They get paid to do it, make them do their job.

    Traveling is not easy anymore so adapt or stay home.

    They get paid to do it, so make them do their job - What you mean like the police?

    I think you should patent the last line of your speech, before the Thai Tourist Authority steal it for their forthcoming promotional extravaganza

    "Visit Thailand 2015 - adapt or stay at home"

    • Like 1
  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    and hand it out for Japanese tourists in Thailand as well....


    In general the Japanese, both expats and tourists, are behaving better than many other nationalities.

    Beg to differ on that one. Had three Japanese consultant engineers in my office at one stage, they all spoke advanced English, large multi-national oil company.

    The Japanese engineering consultants made no attempt to fit into the existing picture. Demanded the Thai staff behave like Japanese, expected priority treatment for everything never a thank you, and got angry because local Admin Mgr. and maid staff knew nothing about the correct food to buy for them and how to serve it.

    Sounds more like clarkson, may and hammond than three Japanese engineers

  7. So what if anything has been proven here? The hooker alleged he tried to rape her? Let's see her support this allegation before passing judgement on the Russian.

    In a not to distant universe had he taken her back to her hotel suite on the 15th floor it is more than likely he would have committed suicide had he been unwilling or able to pay for her services. Just saying

    • Like 1
  8. I know nothing of this incident just like everyone else. But my gut reaction was not negative to the thai taxi driver it was more a feeling of what trouble or offense have the farangs caused to make the taxi driver so mad that he wants you out of his taxi ASAP on the express way? Or were the farangs so silly that they insisted on being let out on such a dangerous spot? Who knows but the farangs may not be so innocent.

    What is farang? This is not an English word.

  9. Two things I don't understand as an ordinary Joe.

    Firstly, why do you need a massive job creation scheme if unemployment here is virtually nil, as recently announced.

    Secondly, as a Brit I am told by my Chancellor that Britain's economy is growing faster than any major country. Then I read that Thailand's economy is pretty stagnant.

    So, why does the UK pound continue to fall against the mighty baht.?

    I honestly don't understand that. From 55 to 48 in a few weeks. This instability is a real concern to many ex-pats who are on modest fixed incomes, and not only the Brits. unsure.png.pagespeed.ce.E7Vo3qsmeCQhPTdycrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZci8XVf8

    Simple. The UK is over her head with govt debts. Even with a growing economy, tax collection can only pay off interest but not the principle.

    £78,000 per citizen, including young and old.

    There was a documentary about the level of UK debt which stated that if you used 50 GBP notes. You would need to create a stack which reached the moon in order to pay the current level of debt back.

    But that is peanutS when you consider Japanese debt is larger than the combined GDP of the UK, German and French Economies.

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