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Posts posted by Boater

  1. In Chawang???? blink.png anywhere but, I would say! rolleyes.gif

    open to suggestions

    Sorry being a bit sarcastic, boater!tongue.png

    But one sees many families on Maenam beach areas, also Ban Tai, which maybe a little too quiet for some...

    Having a price range may help! Several resorts around Soi Maenam resort road. Maenam Resort, New Sunrise, always seem popular.

    All beaches right now, are very low tides...

    Budget would be around 5,000 THB a night for 2 rooms or large family room. Fishermans vilage would be a good location, but not up to speed with the new resorts on samui

  2. British men who use prostitutes while abroad on stag parties should be prosecuted in the UK under new laws that make paying for sex illegal, according to a report backed by a senior MP.

    Sex tourists and businessmen who pay for prostitutes on expense accounts would also be criminalised under the proposals in the Sex Buyer Law report published today.

    The report, commissioned for the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Prostitution by the campaigning group End Demand, says payment for sex in the UK should be made illegal and recommends Parliament “strongly considers” extending the offence to payments abroad.

    Full Story here - http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/love-sex/sex-industry/sex-tourists-who-pay-for-prostitutes-abroad-should-face-prosecution-in-uk-a6888351.html

  3. Hate to be nasty but all the developers on Koh Samui should probably be shot. It would help clean the place up a bit. Sp many out to make a quick buck at the expense of a culture bringing all the crap that they brought to the island over the past 20 years or so. I understand that a German developer named Norbert was shot and killed some years ago. Cou;dn't have happened to a better man who absolutuley deserved his fate.

    I believe Norbert is alive and well , but need contract out a shooting at his office

    • Auchareeya Pruankaewmanee, 43, is accused of laundering stolen money
    • She is accused of transferring £1million through her bank account
    • Claimed she received the cash from John Skermer, of Widnes, Cheshire
    • Skermer has already confessed to being responsible for a £2.1m fraud
    • He set up 'ghost bank accounts' to steal from his employer, Barclays Bank
    • Ms Pruankaewmanee said they met through escort agency Oriental Angels
    • Denies acquiring or transferring criminal property and money laundering

    A Thai call girl laundered £1million stolen from a worker at Barclays Bank after they met through an escort agency, a court heard.

    Auchareeya Pruankaewmanee, 43, is accused of accepting £996,999 from convicted fraudster John Skermer, of Widnes, Cheshire, who set up ‘ghost bank accounts’ to steal from his employer.

    Skermer has previously confessed to being responsible for a £2.1m fraud after writing computer programmes to exploit inadequacies in Barclays’ system, the Old Bailey heard.

    Pruankaewmanee is accused of meeting Skermer through Oriental Angels, an escort agency she worked for in London, and transferring the stolen cash to different accounts.

    It is claimed she received almost £1million from Skermer and transferred £951,728 to her TSB bank account. She then allegedly returned £565,988 to Skermer, who was responsible for 30 million retail bank accounts.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2981442/Thai-call-girl-laundered-1million-stolen-Barclays-Bank-worker-Oriental-Angels-escort-agency.html#ixzz3TXDYmRn5

  4. It's worth preparing for the worst of you are travelling to Bangkok as the Thai capital has the highest number of cases where the British Consulate has stepped in to help out Britons in trouble.

    In research released by the Foreign Office for 2014, Bangkok emerged as the destination where most Britons found themselves in trouble on holiday, with the need for medical advice and attention the biggest reason.

    Paris and Malaga followed Bangkok in the list, but both had almost a quarter of cases compared to that of the the Far Eastern city, where there were around 8,000 cases of Britons requiring overseas help.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-2928073/Most-dangerous-holiday-destinations-revealed-Britons-likely-hospitalised-Bangkok-arrested-Mexico-City.html#ixzz3Q7VFun1q

  5. Sligo native John Fintan Brett (68) was found dead at his apartment in the provincial capital of Buriram, about 220 miles north east of Bangkok yesterday.

    Mr Brett is understood to have suffered extensive head injuries.

    While Thai police are claiming the death came as a result of a fall, a friend has questioned their version of events.

    John Porteus, and IT manager based in Thailand, has called for Mr Brett’s body to be returned to Ireland to allow a full post mortem to take place here.

    “Police are trying to say he just fell over. None of his friends believes the police story”, Mr Porteus told The Star.

    “He had very serious head injuries.”

    Mr Porteus claimed Mr Brett had been involved in disagreements with locals.

    However Mr Brett’s son told the paper the family have been told their father died as a result of a fall.

    His family said he had been injured in two previous falls.

    The Department of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that it is providing consular assistance to the family.

    Online Editors


  6. I also heard the same as Pink Panther in that local journalists reported that the lady was discovered dead in none other than In touch resort, owned by the infamous Mon.. Obviously some sources TV forum approve of to confirm are thin on the ground. In time I think, although incredibly odd with the delay in the reporting considering the ongoing KT case with the Burmese lads

    this is true, but my previous post regarding this has been removed.. she was also found naked..

  7. In the UK press now

    BREAKING NEWS: British woman, 24, dies during operation on her tailbone at Bangkok beauty clinic performed by 'uncertified' doctor
    • 24-year-old stopped breathing after being given anaesthetic, say police
    • Doctor Sompob Saensiri 'not qualified for operation' and has been arrested
    • Police are investigating whether clinic had proper life-saving equipment
    • Officers say victim had visited the clinic in Thai capital Bangkok before

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2806146/British-woman-24-dies-undergoing-treatment-tailbone-beauty-clinic-Bangkok.html#ixzz3H3RMEIkT

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