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Posts posted by Boater

  1. between 6,000-8,000/month would be more accurate.

    agree, base salary is 5K, the rest is overtime

    I have a Thai girlfriend who has been told by HER friend to tell me she makes 30,000 baht a month, working 6 days a week. I know this is pure B.S.,

    But why did she tell you this anyway???... when 99% of Thais know this is bs...

  2. Mine are booked already, sorry too late.


    Hi Gerd

    I meet you and your Rottwieler before... good temper on it

    Please keep your ears open if there are any on the market.. prefer male as a better temper on them


  3. You Brits have have been brainwashed by some having some of the worst print media in the world. Sleazy and sensationalist.

    News of the World. The Sun etc..

    Leave it there. Don't bring it here. :D

    I still read the Sun every day here :D .... good source of the crap happening back home

    Dont forget the Daily Sport - quality journalisim :o:D

    on par with The Nation maybe.... lol

  4. was with a few of the DJ's last night from the full moon party, and major topic of discussion was the entrance fee now being taken....

    it is a local mafia money making scam, and has nothing to do with a ' Beach Clean '

    alot of the locals and long time DJ's are really pissed off with this, as the full moon party is supposed to be a ' free ' beach party..... as it has for the last 20 years!!!

    I think this will have a serious negative effect... even those it is 100 THB only, it is the principle ! ......

  5. This morning, for example, she claimed that seven people were shot and killed in Pattaya, but I've seen no such news from any other source.

    not to sure about the news source, but if you check www.pattayaone.net .... the above is a daily occurance in Pattaya

  6. ok here is a little list

    Shopping - Cental World ect

    Eating and Dining


    Golfing ( you can get a couple of hours in after 5 )


    Bike rides ect

    Drinking - Pubs and clubs

    Events - IE Phuket Comedy Club, ( Check the groups on Facebook, always loads of events in Phuket every week )

    Hmm thats about it

  7. Many people clean the beach of Haad rin and the surrounding streets the morning after full moon so, around 10 am people can use again Haad rin Beach like a real beach.

    so this little excerise costs 500 K ???

    i said welcome to koh phangan because that's what it is, isn't it? straight off the boat you're hit up for cash!

    TIT , so true, but so upsetting

    KPG is loseing its unquie identity !!! ... Scams and rip offs should be left to Koh Samui and Phuket..... at least the tourist can expect it there!!

  8. I am always amazed here in Thailand at the continual bad English that is used in advertising, printed on instruction guides and goods.

    Like the apartment buildings in Chiang Mai, big sign outside saying: Apratments for rent.

    Give us your examples, can do with a laugh.

    Please no personal phone numbers, emails or addresses of private individuals, keep the thread going.

    Below is a classic example from an ad I discovered on line 3 years ago:


    Maybe you forget that Chiang Mai is in Thailand ?

    Can you speak and write Thai ?

    Thai and English are very different languages : letters, conjugation, expression of thought. Many phonemes can't be pronounced by thai people.

    It's not easy to write what you can't hear.

    When you hear "khao" in Thai, do you understand white, or nine, or mountain, or rice... And kai is chicken or an egg ?

    Lighten up why don't you?

    Agree.... chill out :o

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